Monday, May 30, 2016

Religious Zealot Ass-Chipmunks Whine About Pentagrams in Doom 4 Soundtrack

Doom 2016 is not even 1 month old yet, and already religious zealot turdburglars are attacking it. For what? Embedding "Pentagram" imagery in the spectrogram of it's soundtracks.

Behold an idiot on youtube named FacetheSun or something stupid like that. He posts a video showing off spectrogram software loading the doom soundtrack. One song "Cyberdemon" apparently embedded pentagrams and 666's into the spectrogram. He tries to imply this is "brainwashing" that is turning people into satanists.  Which is BS. Clearly from his channel he is a complete religious zealot. Just look at it. It's easy to see Here is his video. Read some of the comments:

http://www DOT
(I Did this link this way to prevent the youtube video poster from finding out I liked to him -
just change the "DOT" to a . before loading the url)

Here are the worst comments/facebook posts based on people linking to his video there:

See a pattern? A bunch of religious/pro brainwashing idiots are now trying to say that this reprogramming or brainwashing that is turning people into satanists. That is complete BS. These people are complete losers. One person tries to say that the developers have an agenda. That is also BS. The Developers are just trying to make a fun game. Just because they embedded Pentagrams and 666's into the spectogram doesn't mean that actually is turning people into satanists.

Number 1 : It can't. The actual affect of the spectogram change is tiny in the sound and the ability to brainwash can't be done with audio. It's impossible. More on that later. But these people are complete idiots to think that this actually brainwashes. It can't. It barely affects the sound whatsoever.  Just because the spectogram has images of pentagrams, doesn't mean those sound changes to make those images actually affect people's mind in a brainwashing way. It can't happen. Which brings me to point 2.

Number 2 : It takes a LOT more to brainwash than altering images. Despite what the zealots and wackjobs constantly puke out, real brainwashing (real reprogramming, like in boot camp) requires at least:

1) Harassment or Intimidation on a constant basis
2) Sleep Depravation
3) Constant Exaustion
4) Being locked into an environment where you are forced to do activities that do
the above constantly, with no freedom whatsoever.

Video games can't do this. An Audio track can't do this, no matter how many pentagrams people see in the "audio". Which brings me to another point.

Just because someone claims they see a pentagram in the spectogram doesn't mean it's real.

People have faked evidence to bash violent games before.
There is no proof in ANY of these videos or blog posts or whatever, that the songs come from the game doom or haven't been altered.

Not saying this is definitely fake, but don't trust it. If people are spewing nonsense about brainwashing in it, it's NOT a trustworthy source.

It's BS. The game is fine. It's a game where you fight demons who are invading mars. This stuff is expected in it. The original Doom had Shittons of pentagrams in it. Fake ones. What is in the spectogram isn't really a pentagram. This is what a fake one looks like. Everyone thinks devil worship when they see this:

But in fact a REAL pentagram looks like this:

What the idiots "found" in the spectogram was a fake one. It doesn't count. These people are complete nutjobs. They can't even distinguish a real pentagram from a fake one and then cry "brainwashing" to bash a fucking awesome game. Fuck them.