While looking at gamepolitics.com, I came across this article. It seems that another idiot trying to blame violent games for sandy hook. It never ends does it? The "person" in question is none other than Debra lee Hovey, some senator or representitive from Conneticut, who after sandy hook, brought legislation to the House in Connecticut to Tax the Sale of violent games, saying they caused sandy hook, which they do not. She, recently has seen this legislation fail (rightfully so) and then said recently that she would bring it back into the senate there.
I quote:
"Countless studies, including a recent 2014 piece out of Iowa State
University, have attributed the playing of violent video games with
noticeable increases – in both frequency and severity – of aggressive
behavior. This is true particularly among children and teens. According
to that same study, more than 90% of video games rated E10+ or higher
contain violent content, which is often justified and portrayed as
‘fun’. Moreover, it is now common knowledge that Adam Lanza was known to
play these violent video games for hours a day. If we can educate
consumers about mature video games as violent behavior triggers, and put
more resources into researching contributing factors of violent
behavior, why wouldn’t we?:"
What she doesn't say is that many of these studies are flawed, and try to find a link between video games and aggression or violence and use things like eletrocshock therapy to increase the likelyhood "factors" that are found in the kids who play violent games. These factors can be brainwave scans, loud noise, etc. None of these prove the kids are acting aggressive, the kids act aggressive normally anyway, do they check for that? No. Many studies are biased and are funded by groups like the center for sucessful parenting, who clearly want to get rid of video game violence, totally by causing crap like this.
"I am disheartened this bill did not pass. Assuming Connecticut
lawmakers are truly serious about changing the culture of violence in
our state, taxing violent video games is a common sense start to
achieving this goal. If mature-rated video games carried an extra
warning label, and were charged an extra tax due to their violent
content -similar to the sin tax on cigarettes-, a parent might think
twice before purchasing that game for their young child. At minimum, a
parent would be more conscious of the content in the games their
children are playing. In reality, educating parents about the potential
mental health implications to their eight year old from playing violent
video games is as common sense as warning pregnant women about the
dangers of drinking alcohol. If the children, teens, and adults who play
these games (alike) were aware of the risks of violent video game play,
they could moderate their exposure to such play and seek help if
Parents are already buying games, with heavy labels on them. No way a label or tax will change that. How far does Hovey want this to go? 50% tax on the sale, 100%?, taxing the buyer 10% of all property they own in the state every time they play the game, in an attempt to kill the industry. Make no mistake, a tax like this has only one goal, to do just that. She claims 8 year olds regularly play violent games. Regular studies by the ESRB prove the average age of gamers is 34+ years old! 8 year olds play games that MAY contain some violence but most gamers are NOT 8 year olds like she is claiming!
"The science is clear and overwhelming; the playing of violent video
games by children and teens does lead to observable behavior changes.
That same study from Iowa State University showed that “habitual violent
video game play increases long term aggressive behavior” and this
increase occurs “regardless of sex, age, initial aggressiveness, and
parental involvement.” That means even children with no previous signs
of violent tendencies were shown to have an increased incidence of such
behavior after prolonged violent video game play. An additional 2004
study concluded that adolescents who play violent video games for
extended periods of time are often more aggressive, more confrontational
with teachers and adults, and more likely to engage in fights with
peers. Violent video game play does not only impact the behavior of
children with preexisting behavioral issues, but the behavior of all
This is another citation by her of a Biased study that proves nothing. Aggression is normal in kids. My friends kid never plays violent games, and he throws crap around constantly. Aggression =/= Violence! Kids are like this anyway, does this fact even register in the mind of such idiots spouting nonsense like this?
"It should be the duty of the State of Connecticut to ensure parents and
players are aware of this information. Labeling and taxing mature rated
video games is an obvious way to achieve this. It is clear that violent
video game play alters the psyche of our youth and induces violent
behavior. Spreading the word about the affects of violent video games
brings the issue of aggressive behavior to the general forefront of
parent and player minds. Most importantly, recognizing and getting help
for individuals who display patterns of violent behavior is a key step
in preventing mass acts of violence before they occur. Therefore, I ask
you as a Legislator and fellow citizen, let us work together to
eradicate our culture of violence, and let us start with spreading the
word about the harmful impact of violent video game play across
She is spewing more nonsense here. It is NOT the duty of conneticut to ensure parents that this nonsense is supposedly real. She thinks us gamers don't know about the BS she and other anti-gaming morons keep spreading? We've been aware of it since the dawn of the violent gaming causes school shootings moral panic because the media constantly blames violent games for crap they did not do. I highly suggest any gamer in Conneticut contact their Representive and tell them to not vote for this Bill she is bringing into the House to Tax violent games..... It's really important your Connecticut Gamers do this. I will update you with more info on the bill when it comes in...