Well thanks to all those complete morons whining about video game violence after Las Vegas on twitter, we have Politicians and complete morons like Wayne Lapoopiere bashing video game violence. I thought the moral panic was over, but we now have idiots making up Bullshit claims about video game violence...
In a debate about gun control, Rick Santorum (A complete moron - why the hell did they invite morons like him to a debate is beyond me!) tried to say that "Multiple studies showed that video game violence influenced real-life violence"... Again another fucking moron saying complete BS after a shooting to try to pin it on violent games.... Let me Repeat. NO Study has linked video game violence to real life violence, only Aggression, which is not the same thing as violence. Let me repeat that: Aggression =/= Violence! Two different things you fucktard! What he said is a complete lie. The studies proved aggression, but stupid idiots like the Hack psychologist and Now Rick Santorum are now trying to say they prove that kids get violent after playing violent games. They don't prove that at all you fucking moron!
But that is only the tip of the iceberg people.. Wayne lapoopiere is back to try to mask his organization's (The NRA) responsibility in this shooting... They probably sold the guns to the Las Vegas Shooter, so they now whine about how the Who Entertainment industry and the Obama Admin are responcible for the shooting.
Here is some ACTUAL FACT based EVIDENCE I will use to debunk Turds Like Lapoopiere and Santorpuke... Do a search for "Stephen paddock" + "video games", and you get NO SITES linking him to violent games, only politicians whining against something that had nothing to do with the shooting (Violent games) in this case. Lapoopiere and Santorpuke ignore this fact that video games do not have anything to do with the shooting.. The shooter, Steven Paddock was in his 60's for fuck sake! WAY TOO OLD TO BE A GAMER! No one in their 60's plays violent games, they are far too old.... That's nonsense to say they do...
It's stupid. Now the politicans are whining about violent games after a shooting... AGAIN! A shooting that had nothing to do with Games....