Looking over twitter the last few days has made me realize that we are in yet another violent games moral panic, after the UCC Shooting. Even though the shooter has PROVEN connections to terrorism, and hatred, it doesn't matter to people like "Steve Asshole".
Steve asshole is an idiot who thinks all violent games involve murder, and train murder for real. He has no clue what problems his theory has. Number one, 90% of violent games have you attack and kill hostile enemies. That's NOT murder. Murder is a premeditated killing of an innocent person. Does killing mutant bugs count as murder? Apparently to Steve Asshole it does.
So Steve Asshole (real Name Steve Thomas - his slogan on twitter is "Steve Thomas Now"), decides to tweet messages to every major Democratic Presidential Candidate in 2016, AND the supreme court, saying... Well look at the tweets below..
You're an idiot steve. But idiots in power make Other Idiots like Bernie Shithole (real name Bernie Sanders) believe this nonsense, (if they didn't beleive it already, maybe they did). Now Sanders is directly attacking media violence after the UCC Shooting, a Shooting that has NO LINKS TO GAMING!
Here's a lesson of fact checking and integrity to Candidates/watchdog group members like Asshole and Shithole. Search for "Chris Harper Mercer" + "gamer" on google. What do you get? One untrusted site that is clearly a parody site saying he was a gamer. In fact the main article that deals with more info on Mercer FAILS TO MENTION GAMING! This is proof that Shithole and Asshole are trying to strip our freedoms away, our freedoms to play violent games. HEY SHITHOLE AND ASSHOLE, I AM A FULL GROWN ADULT, I CAN PLAY WHAT I WANT, STOP TRYING TO TAKE MY FREEDOM AWAY!
EDIT : Look at this crap from a so-called "parody" anti-gaming group that has repeatedly tried to get politicans to ban violent games... It could be this stupid group that got the idea into the head of bernie sanders that violent games should be "dealt with" after the UCC shooting. This group is clearly NOT a parody if they actually communicate their ideas with politicians to try to make them a reality.