Friday, October 16, 2015

Blogs and Newspapers Spread Viral Article Bashing Violent Games for Mass Shootings

Lo and behold, some stupid idiot ran an article bashing violent games after the ucc shooting. The article spreads tons of lies surrounding video games and video game violence. It's nonsense and I can't stand nonsense like this. I will debunk it's claims 1 by 1 to show how stupid it is...

Link to Initial Article:

Here is the bs, and I will debunk it below:

"Through research, reports often indicate many mass killers were addicted to violent video games. Chris Harper Mercer was no exception to this trend."

Not one trustworthy source tries to say Chris Harper Mercer played violent games or was addicted to them. The one person claiming he was was a person sending a letter to the editor of an Oregon Newspaper, and claimed Mercer played violent games all day, but the link she used to prove this didn't even say that at all. The idea he played all day was her invention. No other articles are saying he was a gamer. This one is clearly making it up too!

"Mercer was known as a recluse who obsessed with violent gaming and the digital world, even finding supporters on those sites. On an anonymous chat room website called 4chan, there are messages that talk about what he was planning to do. A comment stated, “Some of you guys are alright. Don’t go to school tomorrow if you are in the northwest. So long space robots.” The responses he got back to this were terrifying to say the least:
“DO IT” 
“You might want to target a girl’s school which is safer because there are no beta males throwing themselves for their rescue.”
“I am so excited for this. If this comes true then thank you for my late birthday gift anon.”
“I suggest you enter a classroom and tell people that you will take them as hostages. Make everyone get in one corner and then open fire. Make sure that there is no way that someone can disarm you as it possible. I suggest you carry a knife on your belt as last resort if someone is holding your gun,”
“Do not use a shotgun. I would suggest a powerful assault rifle and a pistol or 2x pistols. Possibly the type of pistols who have 15+ ammo”
Here are the responses after the shooting:
“That score, ouch. Not even double digits on current reports.”
These were the responses by other people SUPPORTING his decision to kill innocent people! People responded by calling the death toll a “score,” and how they were disappointed he had not killed more. One cannot turn a blind eye to the obvious link between violent video games and mass murders. For the 40th time this year, the 141st time since the Sandy Hook Massacre, a gunman has opened fire in a school. Hollywood, especially the gaming industry, should be taking some of the responsibility for these shootings."

What this idiot writer fails to tell you is that the board she is talking about is not a gaming board at all. It's a board for celebate men called /r9k/. It has nothing to do with gaming at all. So much for this chearing to be the work of the gaming community! What an idiot. This idiot is bashing gaming for the work of 4channers that aren't gamers?

"With video games becoming more and more realistic, we need to be extremely cautious as to what our youth and young people are being exposed to on a daily basis. Fantasy violence can leave a troubled mind craving more and more until they act out in reality.  There is a violent cultural script that too many children are influenced to live out. To dig further, here is a list of some of the most violent horrible killings in the past few years; all of these killers had an obsession with violent video games."

Hello. Games aren't getting more realistic, that's bullshit, debunked here... And "Fantasy violence" doesn't make people do real life violence at all, despite her bullshit claim that it does. The claim that violent games can make people addicted to them then commit the real life act's in them is a bullshit claim made up by the hack psychologists in the 90's on talk shows. It's complete bullshit. Her list of violent killers, has a lot who weren't obsessed with violent games either...

"Here’s a list of the mass murders linked with video Games:
1. Adam Lanza, Sandy Hook Elementary, was a frequent player of violent first-person shooter video games. It was said his existence largely involved playing violent computer video games in a bedroom."

What this idiot doesn't say is Lanza played more non-violent games than violent ones. 

"2. James Holmes, went on a rampage in a movie theater showing THE DARK KNIGHT RISES in Aurora, Colorado in July 2012, He was a frequent player of violent video games including “World of Warcraft,” an infamously addictive role-playing game."

HELLO! World of warcraft is a sword fighting game! How does that lead to GUN VIOLENCE? Also James Holmes played a lot of "Violent Games" Like Guitar Hero. Right. Like that's a violent game now...

 "4. Eric Harris, based on his journal, a panel of psychologists, psychiatrists, and FBI agents point to Harris’ contempt for others and his total lack of empathy and conscience as evidence of his psychopathic tendencies. He also enjoyed violent video games."

Another fucking idiot trying to blame Columbine on Doom. Fuck you!
Oh BTW, Columbine was a revenge crime designed to kill cops for raping Harris during a 1998 bomb making materials arrest where the Sherriff of CO Sexually abused him.

"5. Elliot Rodger, killed 7 young men and women including himself. He was hooked on violent video games from a young age from his own admission, hiding himself in “the World of Warcraft,” a place where he felt comfortable and secure."

Again, World of warcraft can't cause gun violence, It's a sword fighting game!

"8. Anders Behring Breivik, 68 shot dead at a youth camp of the Norwegian Labor party, another 8 in a bombing of government buildings According to the judgment rendered against him, he liked playing violent games."

What this piece of shit article doesn't say is that Anders was an anti-islamic terrorist who killed people for their religion. He admitted he trained on Call of Duty, but mostly he played World of Warcraft, again a sword fighting game! Also this idiot listed his name twice, once with his middle name once without to make it look like there were TWO Anders Breivik's, when there are really only one Anders.

"9. Michael Carneal, shot girls as they prayed in a prayer group. Carneal never moved his feet during his shootings, and never fired far to the left or right, but instead fired only once at each target that appeared, just as a player of video games maximizes his game score by shooting only once at each victim, in order to hit as many targets as possible."

More bullshit claims. This time this writer makes up a bullshit claim about Paducah. Video games do not train people to maximize their score this way. The game Carneal played was Doom, which HAD NO SCORE IN IT. In fact no games in 1997 had a system with a score that did what this pile of crap writer claims it did.

"Other killers have been hooked on violent video games too and have a warped sense of what’s real and what’s not, thinking that real life is just like a video game."

Where's the proof to prove this? Nowhere! In fact this idiot makes up so much shit she should be ashamed for herself, a fucking zealoty anti-gamer cockwad is what she is!

"Numerous studies have linked violent behavior to consumption of violence in video games."

No... NO Studies prove violent games cause violent behavior. Tons of Flawed studies prove they cause aggression. But Aggression =/= Violence. She is a liar to say it does.

"Recently, researchers at Ohio State University conducted a study and concluded that, “People who have a steady diet of playing these violent video games may come to see the world as a hostile and violent place.” Brad Bushman, professor of communication and psychology at OSU, continues, “These results suggest there could be a cumulative effect” in making video game players more aggressive and violent over the long term as well as over the short term.
This is just one of thousands of studies about depictions of violence in the mass media, including video games, that come to similar conclusions."

This study author, Brad Bushman, is one of the most flawed study authors out there. He is a fucking anti-gaming quack, and his studies are known to be false.  No trustworthy studies have been done that say violent games cause violence. They are all being funded by groups like  the "Center for Successful Parenting" who say in their mission statement that their goal is to get the health industry, the government and the media to get rid of media violence. These studies are NOT to be trusted.

"Of course, this doesn’t mean that ALL children, teenagers and young adults playing video games, even violent video games, will act out violently, but when will people realize that the most dangerous weapon a person yields is their mind? The more minds corrupted with violence, the more dangerous society becomes."

Bla-Blah-Blah Save the children, Blah-Blah-Blah FUCK YOU!

EDIT: Another fucking idiotic newspaper ran the SAME ARTICLE:
EDIT: 3 More sites running the same idiotic article:

EDIT 3: When trying to post a rebuttal, it got deleted twice at the sites... It's stupid... They are trying to censor me when I am trying to tell the viewers that the article is false...I had to censor this article to prevent Libel when I decided to post a link to this article in a comment, not knowing that risks libel, fucking crazy....