It also targets NON Mass Murderers. They will be studying "Alleged" and "otherwise" mass murderers. Anyone can say someone "allegedly" killed people. Hell Adam Lanza's Brother and Youtube Comedian Samuel Hyde count for that because people blamed mass killings on them. The study will study people like this. Since these people never killed, the "alleged" mass murderer clause can be used to study anyone, because they can allegedly say someone killed people based on a rumor and claim they killed... I don't want the senate or the attorney general studying video game violence, especially committed by people who never killed anyone! That's stupid... So I suggest you write to your senators to stop this BS. I need you to. No one else is trying to stop it. Gamepolitics is gone. ESA doesn't care. #Gamergate doesn't give a shit (all they care about is sexism, not video game legislation!). I need you to fight this if you value your damn video games.
EDIT : It seems the bill has died in congress.. Thanks Gamers. Nice Work!
I am writing you with a concern about Chuck Grassley's Senate Ammendmant
(SA 4751)
I looked at the text of it and it includes a clause to make the Attorney
General Study Video Game Violence, including whether a "alleged" mass
killer (or deceased one, or convicted one) discussed, played, or "trained"
on violent video games. I feel that doing this underhanded action in a gun control centered
piece of legislation unfairly blames the gaming industry for mass killings.
We've been through this time and time again over the years. In the 1990's we were blamed for columbine. Since then, every mass
shooting was blamed on violent games. Studies were done that were
very flawed and seemed to prove violent games cause aggression. Anti
Video game activists claimed that this proved they caused violence,
not aggression. Later on better studies were done that proved violent
games do not cause real life violence. By Studying video game violence, Grassley hopes to deflect the
blame away from guns and terrorism in general and onto violent
video games. The "Discussion of Violent Games" by "alleged" mass
killers allows him to target non-violent people and worse. He also
wants to find out if games can be used as training tools. The
short answer is NO. Many people have gone on TV shows saying that they can,
but they are all charletons interested in making money
(by suing Video Game Companies or Selling a book that says the
military uses games to train soldiers) The Following Site however is
written by someone in the military and completely debunks the claim.
I trust it because it's from the military and not from someone
trying to sell a book.... Games are not realistic enough to train to kill with.
The Ones Adam Lanza and Klebold/Harris played with certainly
aren't. Call of Duty and Doom are as far away from a realistic
game (defined as one that mimics real life at least close
to perfectly) as you can get. The guns aren't realistic. They
don't fire like real guns, you can't even learn how to properly
load them with a game like this.
Doom Especially. Call of duty is a little better but
it's far from a Realistic
combat simulator. And all the other games that the other
mass killers played
that are violent are sword fighting games, and since they killed with
guns, they don't count. Please do note vote for SA 4751. The Gaming
Industry does not need to be punished in a witch hunt over mass
shootings (especially Orlando) Caused by Terrorism."
If you don't fight this, who knows how many senators
will even see these issues,
nevermind fight them.
If it passes they're could be Gaming Legislation next.
That's disgusting, after a
shooting caused by terrorism... Shit like this needs
to be stopped. FIGHT IT.