And I thought this BS train of crappy articles making up stupid claims was done...
Enter THIS Article:
This article is about E3 and tries to claim that people aren't allowed to Criticize violent entertainment.
That's BS because these fuckwads have tons of tons of sites they infest to do just that, and when one of them, or all of them, makes up nonsense claims they get criticized in return by people who KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT.
Case and Point, the stupid constant BS surrounding the equally stupid quote by Jonathan Blow.
"The Lesson of E3, the Gaming Industry is trying really hard to make being a mass murderer fun"
The Author of this article tries to claim that this quote got silenced by "armies of violent gamers" but ignores the stupidity of the comment itself. The Comment tries to equate mass murder with a video game where you kill people who try to kill you. The two are NOT the same asshole!
Mass murder involves killing dozens of Innocent, Defenseless people. NOT people who try to kill you! The two are not the same at all. One is Combat, One is Murder. Is Combat Murder? No. Murder involves intentionally taking a life of someone who is defenseless. The characters in the game are NOT defenseless. They shoot, or stab you if they get the chance to. It's stupid to make a claim that a game like this is mass murder. That is the stupidest thing ever. If there was a game where you went around a pre-school and killed dozens of innocent 3 year olds, and it was shown at E3, that comment by Blowhard would be valid. But since a game like that doesn't exist, his comment is stupid and he deserves "vitriolic" comments and worse and return.
And so is this writer for saying that Blow got "Vitriolic" responses, for merely Criticizing. Sorry. Blow did more than Criticize. He Made up BS. Complete BS that says a game is the same as mass murder. It's stupid. And so is the writer.
People like blow shouldn't be allowed to spread shit like this. Things like his lies lead to actual moral panics and moral panics lead to censorship. What do you think an average, Bible Thumping/Gamer Hating Extremist is going to do if they hear that comment. They will contact their Rep asking them to do something about video game violence. Then we get a bunch of fucking idiotic politicians trying to censor an art form. It's happened Before.
A bunch of assholes tried to post a fake Eric Harris AOL Site saying Doom was his primary influence using a fake quote that said "Doom Will Become Reality on April 21". Well... The media spread this nonsense and soon the government got involved and they tried to ban violent games to ADULTS in many states. It failed but they Tried.
Sandy Hook:
A Bunch of Media sites say Adam Lanza Played Call of Duty. The watchers of the media then called their Rep. Soon the Government forced the industry to meet with them to ask them what they (the industry) could do to stop killings. Soon there was a CDC Study on video games to see if there was a correlation between mass killings and them,
UCC Shooting:
Some Fucking Idiot posted a tweet saying the shooter was falsely "confirmed" to be Samuel Hyde, a youtube gamer and Comedian. Soon a HUGE Witch Mob started to attack violent games. This was long before we knew who the real shooter was. Some of these people contacted their rep's and soon the Senators involved attacked violent games again.
See what happens when idiots who spread lies are believed. Those believers contact people who can actually stifle an art form.
Which is worse? Fucking Censorship Enabling Assholes like Blow getting death threats or their fucking wet dream of all video games that offend them getting censored or altered because the government is forcing the games to not be "offensive"/"Sexist"/"Violent"/"anything these mamby pambies don't like".
You tell me.