Sunday, May 10, 2015

If you are from MA you need to Oppose the TPP/Fast Track Bill now...

Senaotor Warren is fighting the TPP and the Fast Track Bill President Obama is trying to pass. The Trans Pacific Partnership is a very dangerous "treaty" between US and Asian Countries that would force US to adopt Draconian Copyright laws that would punish merely watching a copyrighted video or music...

The bill makes allows copyright infringement of temporary copies. That would allow the copyright holders or the government to find people guilty of criminal infringement if they merely watch youtube videos that the copyright holders claim are infringing. The copyright holders have a record of trying to shut down videos they don't have the copyright for, especially  youtube. UMG shut down many videos on youtube but they didn't own the copyright at all.

Due to the TPP the ISP's now have to use "Deep Pack Inspection", a technique to read packets, on people looking for "infringing" content. If they find the temporary copies of a youtube video (which get generated by merely watching it), they can say it's infringing and then shut the person down, pull the plug on the internet and arrest them.

This would illegalize merely watching youtube videos due to this...

I think it's about time that we (MA citizens) Contacted Senator Elizabeth Warren (who is fighting the fast  track bill) and tell her these concerns.  If you are from MA, Please do this. We can't let the TPP pass!