Monday, June 15, 2015

Complete idiots on Twitter bash the upcoming Doom Game...

Lo and behold, the idiots attacking good games just because their violent have not learned to shut the hell up.

This all started during E3. The new Doom Game was shown off at E3. Now mind you, this is a pretty Violent Doom Game, much more violent than previous ones even, but still, all the violence in it was being done to Demons. NOT humans!  Just like all the Doom games before it. This didn't stop complete idiots like the stupid Video Game Critic below (that everyone should know about) from bashing doom because you Chainsaw Demons... DEMONS...

He is basically complaining that Doom Should be Banned. In a previous tweet he bitched and moaned about people at E3 cheering when the chainsaw in the next Doom game was being shown off. He has no credibility. He's a complete moron with an agenda and it shows. Within seconds, the entirety of gamers on twitter immediately attacked him (and rightfully so, he was whining about a game where you chainsaw demons?)

But the bullshit doesn't end there...

Lo and behold this wannabe gamer starts his own "activist campaign" to get rid of Doom. Just look at this...

 He starts bitching about the violence in the game, and comparies it incorrectly to the upcoming ultra violent game "Hatred". Which is bullshit, because at least doom has evil monsters you are fighting, not innocent people like in Hatred. But to him the demons were not demons because he cannot tell the difference between people and demons?

It's complete bullshit people. We'll see if this spirals out of control and gets more people to want to ban Doom. I hope not. The previous Doom Games have all become targets due to Bullshit Hoaxes being spread about them after Columbine. This is a bad trend if the new one also starts getting bullshit like this said about it..

I will update you people more to show how this moral panic in progress, progresses. As of now it hasn't spiraled out of control, but all it takes is one self proclaimed video game violence/sexism bashing video game critic to make that happen...

EDIT: He (the first poster whining about doom 4) also tweeted this but it got deleted apparently...