Tuesday, April 30, 2013

More Anti-Gamer BS surrounding Sandy Hook and proof of a coverup?

So once again the media makes up utter stupid claims to try to link Sandy Hook to Call of Duty.... Here is the stupidest of them all, that Adam Lanza when he was killing kindergarteners in the school was mimicking a "mission" or "scenario" in one of the COD games... This lovely website is spewing this shit and these idiots need to be held accountable for their utter tripe and scapegoating:


Number 1, there is NO scenario or mission in ANY COD games where you BUTCHER kindergartners, these games are WAR time simulators where you fight soldiers...  Not one has a scene in a school. For an idiot to blame the COD games for this and say that the shooter was "mimicking" a mission in COD is utterly stupid!!! I've heard some bad claims but this one takes the cake...

The problem is that people who have never played the games will assume this asinine BS claim is true, when it is not... It is very dangerous during these times when PA (and many other states) have recently announced plans to study "violent video game consumption" as a "risk factor" (a nonexistent one) for school shootings.... Shit like this can and will cause moral panics.... These so-called "writers" need to be stripped of their writing degrees, and thrown in jail for life, because they are no better than the fucking religious zealots who threatened to picket the marathon victim funerals...

But to make things worse, according to the site below, the Department of Social services recorded Adam Lanza's death 1 day before the shooting, opening up tons of Conspiracy theories saying that Sandy Hook was a False Flag operation to "take away our guns".... More like to take away our damn Games!!! If he did not shoot up the school, then who did? The government isn't investigating this, the media didn't even mention this claim once, just "mental illnesses", "violent games", and "gun control"... Things the government wants to change/control... they want to use military discipline (aka Military Basic Training like "treatment" to "erase mental illnesses", just look at the BS commercials for the "Total transformation" package that uses MILITARY BRAINWASHING tactics to "supposedly" erase the ODD, and other disorders, by COMMANDS... Like in the military... They also want to take away guns and ban violent games... They need an excuse, so a "mentally deranged gamer gun nut" goes out and kills a bunch of toddlers.... So now we need to ban violent games and treat mental illnesses (being a "gamer" is one of these now!) with brutal military discipline and guns need to be banned...


But IF this claim above saying Lanza died one day before the Shooting IS true, this is PROOF the military and the government have been orchestrating "shootings" like this to pin it on guns, violent games, and mental illnesses.... When will the government "research" this? Never... it goes against their agenda.... It's idiocy at it's finest, and we are all scapegoats....

After the Marathon Bombings. More BS that we gamers are all terrorists started flying around attack sites just like BS that did the same exact thing after the sandy hook shooting on a facebook page for the Mass Effect games.... It's a shitty never-ending cycle that no one is trying to stop.... Then some crime writer goes out and purposely implies gamers are baby killers after a preacher implies gamers are child molesters.... So were terrorists too!!!! We don't need this shit all over again... It's disgusting...