Friday, October 16, 2015

Blogs and Newspapers Spread Viral Article Bashing Violent Games for Mass Shootings

Lo and behold, some stupid idiot ran an article bashing violent games after the ucc shooting. The article spreads tons of lies surrounding video games and video game violence. It's nonsense and I can't stand nonsense like this. I will debunk it's claims 1 by 1 to show how stupid it is...

Link to Initial Article:

Here is the bs, and I will debunk it below:

"Through research, reports often indicate many mass killers were addicted to violent video games. Chris Harper Mercer was no exception to this trend."

Not one trustworthy source tries to say Chris Harper Mercer played violent games or was addicted to them. The one person claiming he was was a person sending a letter to the editor of an Oregon Newspaper, and claimed Mercer played violent games all day, but the link she used to prove this didn't even say that at all. The idea he played all day was her invention. No other articles are saying he was a gamer. This one is clearly making it up too!

"Mercer was known as a recluse who obsessed with violent gaming and the digital world, even finding supporters on those sites. On an anonymous chat room website called 4chan, there are messages that talk about what he was planning to do. A comment stated, “Some of you guys are alright. Don’t go to school tomorrow if you are in the northwest. So long space robots.” The responses he got back to this were terrifying to say the least:
“DO IT” 
“You might want to target a girl’s school which is safer because there are no beta males throwing themselves for their rescue.”
“I am so excited for this. If this comes true then thank you for my late birthday gift anon.”
“I suggest you enter a classroom and tell people that you will take them as hostages. Make everyone get in one corner and then open fire. Make sure that there is no way that someone can disarm you as it possible. I suggest you carry a knife on your belt as last resort if someone is holding your gun,”
“Do not use a shotgun. I would suggest a powerful assault rifle and a pistol or 2x pistols. Possibly the type of pistols who have 15+ ammo”
Here are the responses after the shooting:
“That score, ouch. Not even double digits on current reports.”
These were the responses by other people SUPPORTING his decision to kill innocent people! People responded by calling the death toll a “score,” and how they were disappointed he had not killed more. One cannot turn a blind eye to the obvious link between violent video games and mass murders. For the 40th time this year, the 141st time since the Sandy Hook Massacre, a gunman has opened fire in a school. Hollywood, especially the gaming industry, should be taking some of the responsibility for these shootings."

What this idiot writer fails to tell you is that the board she is talking about is not a gaming board at all. It's a board for celebate men called /r9k/. It has nothing to do with gaming at all. So much for this chearing to be the work of the gaming community! What an idiot. This idiot is bashing gaming for the work of 4channers that aren't gamers?

"With video games becoming more and more realistic, we need to be extremely cautious as to what our youth and young people are being exposed to on a daily basis. Fantasy violence can leave a troubled mind craving more and more until they act out in reality.  There is a violent cultural script that too many children are influenced to live out. To dig further, here is a list of some of the most violent horrible killings in the past few years; all of these killers had an obsession with violent video games."

Hello. Games aren't getting more realistic, that's bullshit, debunked here... And "Fantasy violence" doesn't make people do real life violence at all, despite her bullshit claim that it does. The claim that violent games can make people addicted to them then commit the real life act's in them is a bullshit claim made up by the hack psychologists in the 90's on talk shows. It's complete bullshit. Her list of violent killers, has a lot who weren't obsessed with violent games either...

"Here’s a list of the mass murders linked with video Games:
1. Adam Lanza, Sandy Hook Elementary, was a frequent player of violent first-person shooter video games. It was said his existence largely involved playing violent computer video games in a bedroom."

What this idiot doesn't say is Lanza played more non-violent games than violent ones. 

"2. James Holmes, went on a rampage in a movie theater showing THE DARK KNIGHT RISES in Aurora, Colorado in July 2012, He was a frequent player of violent video games including “World of Warcraft,” an infamously addictive role-playing game."

HELLO! World of warcraft is a sword fighting game! How does that lead to GUN VIOLENCE? Also James Holmes played a lot of "Violent Games" Like Guitar Hero. Right. Like that's a violent game now...

 "4. Eric Harris, based on his journal, a panel of psychologists, psychiatrists, and FBI agents point to Harris’ contempt for others and his total lack of empathy and conscience as evidence of his psychopathic tendencies. He also enjoyed violent video games."

Another fucking idiot trying to blame Columbine on Doom. Fuck you!
Oh BTW, Columbine was a revenge crime designed to kill cops for raping Harris during a 1998 bomb making materials arrest where the Sherriff of CO Sexually abused him.

"5. Elliot Rodger, killed 7 young men and women including himself. He was hooked on violent video games from a young age from his own admission, hiding himself in “the World of Warcraft,” a place where he felt comfortable and secure."

Again, World of warcraft can't cause gun violence, It's a sword fighting game!

"8. Anders Behring Breivik, 68 shot dead at a youth camp of the Norwegian Labor party, another 8 in a bombing of government buildings According to the judgment rendered against him, he liked playing violent games."

What this piece of shit article doesn't say is that Anders was an anti-islamic terrorist who killed people for their religion. He admitted he trained on Call of Duty, but mostly he played World of Warcraft, again a sword fighting game! Also this idiot listed his name twice, once with his middle name once without to make it look like there were TWO Anders Breivik's, when there are really only one Anders.

"9. Michael Carneal, shot girls as they prayed in a prayer group. Carneal never moved his feet during his shootings, and never fired far to the left or right, but instead fired only once at each target that appeared, just as a player of video games maximizes his game score by shooting only once at each victim, in order to hit as many targets as possible."

More bullshit claims. This time this writer makes up a bullshit claim about Paducah. Video games do not train people to maximize their score this way. The game Carneal played was Doom, which HAD NO SCORE IN IT. In fact no games in 1997 had a system with a score that did what this pile of crap writer claims it did.

"Other killers have been hooked on violent video games too and have a warped sense of what’s real and what’s not, thinking that real life is just like a video game."

Where's the proof to prove this? Nowhere! In fact this idiot makes up so much shit she should be ashamed for herself, a fucking zealoty anti-gamer cockwad is what she is!

"Numerous studies have linked violent behavior to consumption of violence in video games."

No... NO Studies prove violent games cause violent behavior. Tons of Flawed studies prove they cause aggression. But Aggression =/= Violence. She is a liar to say it does.

"Recently, researchers at Ohio State University conducted a study and concluded that, “People who have a steady diet of playing these violent video games may come to see the world as a hostile and violent place.” Brad Bushman, professor of communication and psychology at OSU, continues, “These results suggest there could be a cumulative effect” in making video game players more aggressive and violent over the long term as well as over the short term.
This is just one of thousands of studies about depictions of violence in the mass media, including video games, that come to similar conclusions."

This study author, Brad Bushman, is one of the most flawed study authors out there. He is a fucking anti-gaming quack, and his studies are known to be false.  No trustworthy studies have been done that say violent games cause violence. They are all being funded by groups like  the "Center for Successful Parenting" who say in their mission statement that their goal is to get the health industry, the government and the media to get rid of media violence. These studies are NOT to be trusted.

"Of course, this doesn’t mean that ALL children, teenagers and young adults playing video games, even violent video games, will act out violently, but when will people realize that the most dangerous weapon a person yields is their mind? The more minds corrupted with violence, the more dangerous society becomes."

Bla-Blah-Blah Save the children, Blah-Blah-Blah FUCK YOU!

EDIT: Another fucking idiotic newspaper ran the SAME ARTICLE:
EDIT: 3 More sites running the same idiotic article:

EDIT 3: When trying to post a rebuttal, it got deleted twice at the sites... It's stupid... They are trying to censor me when I am trying to tell the viewers that the article is false...I had to censor this article to prevent Libel when I decided to post a link to this article in a comment, not knowing that risks libel, fucking crazy....

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

New youtube channel opened up for Censoring Life...

I have opened up a final companion youtube channel to this blog. Due to a censorship attempt on youtube and idiots seeing one of my videos and spamming me with insults in a response by a moron, I had to move my channel twice. Here is a link to the final channel. There I will post videos every afternoon. The videos will cover moral panics on video game violence, and similar topics. I will do videos regularly, and hopefully will get more views due to it being linked here.

Here are a few videos on the UCC Shooting video game moral panic:

                                                      UCC Shooting Blamed on Samuel Hyde by a Twitter Mob

                                                     UCC Shooting leads to anti-gaming propaganda on twitter.

                                                       Bobby Jindal Bashes Violent games after UCC Shooting

UCC Shooting Moral Panic Coverup?

Here are some other videos covering other topics:

                                      Quack Crime Writer fakes evidence to attack games:

EMA Vs brown Hijacked by Censorship Group using Hoaxes

Doom Moral Panic in 1999

Sandy Hook Moral Panic part 1

"Moms Against Gaming" Parody group attacks games


                                                         The Doom 4 Moral Panic Exposed

If you want to see more videos, head to my channel and watch them. There are a lot of playlists showing off videos that fit certain topics. I do more than just video game censorship and moral panic issues, although those 2 topics are mostly what I do. I also talk about Internet security, copyright maximalism, heavy metal related moral panics and other misc topics as well..

Oregon Newspaper spreads another moral panic on violent games.

Well it seems that the dead horse of the ucc shooting violent games moral panic has been resurrected by a greedy newspaper. They ran a fricking letter to the editor whining about violent games even though the shooter was proven to be a terrorist. The quotes by the person writing in are idiotic, they make up complete nonsense about violent games, that I will debunk. But it's leading to idiots spreading their nonsense in comments (more lies). And it's being spread ALL OVER twitter.

Lets get into debunking the nonsense that the letter says first:

"Friends, the real issue here, I believe, is the use of video games. Chris Harper-Mercer sat at home playing video games all day long. Video games are more and more realistic these days, and many of them are very violent. In many games, the participant is actively killing people."

ONE Article mentions he played video games. NOT VIOLENT ONES! It never specifies. Read the article she links. It doesn't even mention playing all day long. She made up that claim, because the article doesn't even specify how long he played.  She also tries to say video games today are "more realistic, very violent and involve actively killing people". This is BS...

Most games are NOT realistic these days. Realistic games that are so realistic they could be simulators are rare. She is pulling that out of her ass. Very violent is also nonsense. Most violent games are mildly violent, only a few are realistic.

I did a study on over 605 games based on a wikipedia article of all FPS games ever released. I found out just how many are are realistic and how many are uber violent. Not many games were realistic or uber violent.

"Claim 6 : Most FPS games are “Realistic”

Source : Same comment poster as Claim 3
The commenter who mentioned that games that reward “Deviant” Behavior, also said that most were “realistic”. Visually graphic maybe, but people think that just because FPS games are “Realistic”  LOOKING they are total realism simulators, with an 100% analogue to real life Military Combat. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Visual graphics have not been increased over the years at the same rate as combat realism, what people think when they read these claims. The truth is that combat realism is found only in 1 RARE kind of FPS games, “EXTREME” Tactical shooters. These games are NOT uber violent. They are Simulators of real life combat. And most aren’t even that popular because they are Insanely difficult. They should be. 1 hit kills you. No Health. Things like “marine Doom”.  Most Tactical shooters are at most 75% realistic. They do bullet damage fine, and health not around every corner, but things like mimicking real weapons, that almost always fail, with few exceptions. Number 1, in these games, gunshot sounds are quiet. Real gunshots are DEAFINGLY loud.  Number 2, real guns jam, break, and need to be repaired regularly. NO games do this accurately. Because that’s stuff that the military teaches. Number 3, as a gun degrades it fires worse. Accuracy and similar characteristics go down. No game mimics these 100% accurately. Some might have weapon degradation. Number 4. Armor in most FPS games, even some tactical shooters is 100% resistant to bullets. or Very resistant. In real life armor isn’t nearly that effective. There are armor piercing rounds that  go right through armor.  Number 5. In Realistic scenarios like Simulations, Getting shot anywhere can be deadly, not just the head and chest. Shot in the leg. You can’t walk. Shot in the knee or elbow, or fingers, you  might be in so much pain that you cannot even move. Shot in the neck, risk of paralysis. Very few, if no games simulate this. Some games TRY to emulate real combat but most fail. The total of these games that come close in some cases in certain areas (like weapon physics, STALKER is a great example, or damage to the player (Far Cry)) are a small % of the total 605 FPS games ever made. MOST Fps games realism level is ridiculously low. For the first 10+ years of FPS games getting shot would just do minor damage most of the time. Not till Far cry come out did this change. Guns had no recoil in most old FPS games. Total % of TRUE “Semi-Realistic” games is 6.61% of all 605 FPS games ever made. But very few of these are even popular. Only 4.94% of all 81 popular FPS games are like this. These “Popular Semi-Realistic FPS games” are only 0.66% of all 605 FPS games ever made!"

As for many games being very violent, that's complete hogwash:

"Claim 9 : Most FPS games are Ultra-Violent
Source : MANY, Many articles saying this in many ways, basically all saying most FPS games are uber violentbased on descriptions of one game (good example is all the articles describing games like Postal 2 to attack the Justices who voted against CA in EMA vs Brown)
Ok… This isn’t so much a claim but a pattern among articles “damning” Violent video games.  These articles use examples from 1 or 2 violent games that are what I call “Uber Violent” games as proof that “most games” are like them. Uber violent games are a rare thing. What’s the definition of “Uber violent games”? Games that are so violent that most people would find them tastlessly violent.  Out of all 605 FPS games ever made, only 4.46% are “Uber Violent” like this. Only 14.81% of all 81 Popular FPS games could be considered Uber Violent. These “Popular Uber Violent” Fps games only make 1.98% of all FPS games ever released! (605)"

As for many games allowing to kill people, that's the only true thing she even mentions...

 "When he entered the classroom to start shooting, Harper-Mercer said, "I've been waiting to do this for years." He obviously spent a lot of time imagining what it would be like to kill people. Where do thoughts like this come from? From watching violent, bloody TV shows and participating in the killing of virtual people through hours of video games. In these virtual worlds, there are no consequences or ramifications, and it only reinforces a feeling of powerfulness."

More bullshit.  She claims that that video games lead to this. Anything could lead to him wanting to kill for years. Terrorism could, being a sick person could. This is yet another baseless claim with no evidence.

"Please, let's turn the conversation toward the topic of the harmful effects of video games, and let's think about what we can do to bring about change for the better in our society."

No, Lets not, you idiot. Enough Scapegoating. GO AFTER THE REAL CAUSE of the UCC Shooting, Terrorism!

It's quite shoddy "journalism" for a newspaper to run this letter, filled with complete lies about violent games after a shooting that had nothing to do with violent games. They should be fined or sued, but no one will do that, because no one cares. Not even gamers or the gaming industry do! Which is pathetic.

But the stupidity doesn't end there. I found this commenter trying to say tons of studies prove violent games lead to aggression.  I quote:

"The research at this point is a slam dunk on violence in the media:  it's having a very negative impact on young minds.  There are now dozens of studies showing that violent video games impact a teenagers mood, level of aggression, shifts attitudes toward the more negative... etc"

This more BS. The studies that "prove" aggression are flawed on methodological grounds. REAL RESEARCH on them proves this.  My post here goes into more detail on this.

Only time will tell if this nonsense leads to yet another moral panic on video game violence. All of this is the fault of the fucking zealot who tried to claim that the shooter was a gamer before it was confirmed to be Chris-Harper Mercer. That idiot (Xui Xes) is to blame for this nonsense... If the country tries to legislate morality by banning violent games, I will throw a fit, you fuck!

Monday, October 12, 2015

New Flawed "Study" "Proves" Video games and porn are more addictive then Heroin.

While reading KIA today I ran into this study that was linked. It said that video games and porn are as addictive as Heroin. It's a really bad study and many people there pointed out how flawed it is. The study itself is no longer being loaded, so you can't view it, unfortunately. I don't know what happened to it. All I know is studies like this should not be trusted. Why?

The Following Paper disproves a lot the study says. It argues that recent "studies" on video game addiction are not based on facts but media hysteria.  It is revealed that people overplay video games due to ineffective time management skills, or for other reasons. It's not because they are addicted to them.

I can tell you that video games can be addictive. But as addictive as Heroin? People on the forum discussed how the word "addiction" has been redefined. It used to mean "a dependence on a substance". Now it can mean compulsion's as well. It seems it has been redefined to attack video games. Many people on the forum discussed how during times when they had no PC they had no withdrawal symptoms from a lack of video games in their life. To me that proves that they are not as addictive as heroin.

If someone says crap that games are this addictive, its to start a moral panic people. It should not be trusted. Games aren't that addictive.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

It's time to Fight the Trans-Pacific Partnership Again.

The news isn't good people. The TPP Treaty was passed. This will allow for tons of frivolous lawsuits targeting internet users. It would end 90% of what we know as the Internet due to it's draconian copyright provisions. These provisions would dramatically increase copyright terms, make the right to making copyrighted material online infringement, and might cause caching of "copyrighted" material to count as infringing. The last one is really bad folks. It allows the copyright moguls to sue anyone who watches a video they claim is copyrighted (they are already taking down copyrighted videos, videos they don't have the copyright for), and then the viewer would get their computer destroyed under the law, because the treaty makes the destruction of any device that was used in the infringement mandatory.

The section in the tpp text on DRM was really bad, according to this video.  According to the video, any kind of DRM Breaking or any kind of action to circumvent DRM is considered infringement in the TPP Now.  That includes modding. Since file formats used by the game developers can be thought of as DRM because they block people from getting access to resources in the game, under the tpp Modding such file formats could be considered infringement.    

This could cause all of the following sites to go down:

Blogging hosts
File Lockers like 4shared and rapidshare (although they do host a LOT of infringing material)
music hosting sites like soundcloud and reverbnation
Gaming Sites that host "copyrighted" mods.
Modding hosting sites like and

If you use any sites like these you must talk to your senator and/or representative to stop this nonsense...

We have to fight this.

Send this message to your senators an representatives using this particular site:

"I write today as a constituent to ask you to publicly state that you will vote “no” on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

The TPP Treaty includes draconian Copyright Provisions that would penalize "infringement" of copyrighted material online with destruction of the pc doing the "infringing" being destroyed as a punishment.

Over the years, the copyright holders have shown that they don't care that they do not own the copyright for the material they take down through copyright claims.  False copyright claims are all over and other places that allow user content to be uploaded. There are tons of groups that make a living on false copyright claims.

Even outside of youtube, copyright fraud is a huge problem. RIAA has made a habit of suing dead women, little children, all in an effort to get more money for their pathetic excuses for recording artists.

In previous drafts of the text, copyright infringement of temporary copies was placed in the copyright text. Watching a video on youtube creates temporary copies, which were going to be found by something called "deep packet inspection", a process the ISP's (Internet Service Providers) would have to do under the TPP Treaty's older versions. This would allow people to sue people who watch anything they say is copyrighted by them. Keep in mind that it doesn't require a real copyright offense for this to work. All it takes is one accusation of copyright infringement, and the content would be taken down, the person sued millions of dollars and their computer seized and destroyed by the government.

The section in the TPP that makes it infringement to circumvent any Copy Protection, could be abused to shut down modding sites. Modding for video games is a huge thing online. There are dozens of great mods for popular games. When modders mod games they often have to break into game files to do so. To the gaming companies this could be considered DRM breaking, because gaming files are often seen as a type of DRM to protect games from people trying to mod them. This will affect tons of modding sites.

If the TPP Passes, most of the internet would be taken down due to false copyright complaints. This includes sites like youtube, blogs, forums, gaming sites, an many more sites that don't naturally infringe on copyrights.

Is the extreme rise of fraudulent copyright lawsuits something you want to support?

If you support the TPP, you are supporting just that.

Thank you."

It's really important that we gamers act to prevent copyright legislation from passing in the US. That's critical to the future of the internet people. I can't stress that enough.

CBS Accuses League of Legends playing kid of murdering his parents...

So I was reading KIA when I ran into this really bad piece of "journalism".  Apparently a kid was suspected of shooting and killing his parents somewhere and CBS's 48 hours did an amazingly shoddy peice of journalism on how he played League of Legends all night was the reason he was a prime suspect. They hired a psychologist who discussed the "harmful" effects of the kid playing league of legends for hours a night before the theoretical killing  of his parents. Which is BS, because League of Legends is a Real time strategy/RPG hybrid, Not a shooter. All the BS they can bring up about League of Legends training kids to kill won't work here, because there are no guns in League of legends. But I bet CBS Tried bad to bring up that angle that said "violent games cause real life violence!"... And they did, according to the posters at KIA.

One poster in particular lamented the shitty treatment CBS gave League Of Legends, especially using images of much more violent games to try to say League of Legends was as violent as them when it really isn't... The host kept bring up how violent games cause real life violence over and over again, and the hired psychologist didn't want to say it did, but they did explore that angle.

One other poster brought up something that would be a much more likely apparent motive. He said that kids that kill their parents do it for a reason, for something their parents did to them. The parents in this case must have done something to the kid, something bad, such as abuse. You don't get murderous kids just from mildly-violent video games, because mildly-violent strategy games don't cause violence, no matter how much CBS tries to claim it does, it does NOT. League of Legends is not a shooter! It's a game where you have to upgrade your character through poweups to destroy your opponents nexus. That's not a super violent game like GTA, yet they are lumping it in with games that have more extreme combat like World of Warcraft now?

Another issue I have with this shitty piece of journalism is they seem to think a game that has  no guns can cause gun violence. And they also think that a game where your goal is to destroy your opponents nexus is somehow going to give the idea to murder your parents to you? What crack is CBS Smoking now?

But my big gripe is how low CBS had to go to attack "violent" games this time. League of Legends? WTF CBS?! That's stupid, beyond belief. Next thing they will be blaming starcraft or any other popular strategy game for a murder. It makes no fucking sense. First the censors blamed ultra violent games, now they are blaming midly violent ones?

What the fuck is wrong with you CBS! You're now saying non violent games cause murder. WTF?!

CBS should be ashamed of themselves... This is pathetic "journalism".  It's utterly stupid. I suggest all the league of legends gamers who read this contact CBS to say your 2 cents here... Time to make it obvious that you do not appreciate being labeled violent sociopaths by a new station with no integrity.

Friday, October 9, 2015

After UCC Shooting, Another Religious Zealot calls for the Banning of Violent Games!

So the shit has hit the fan in this Video Game Violence Moral Panic for a shooting that has NOTHING to do with violent games... A talk show was done two days ago and some brainwashed Zealot named Matthew Hagee whined about violent games that "train kids to kill".  Number 1, you idiot: Very few to no "Violent" Video Games involve training kids to kill and commit atrocities like the UCC Shooting. The idea that a game can train people to kill is nonsense..

Why is it nonsense? To train REAL People to kill requires more than a virtual reality simulation of killing things. Video games don't make a very good training tool for killing because they don't include very realistic simulations of real combat, real guns, etc. They get characteristics wrong constantly, important characteristics to mimicking a real gun. Very few have recoil simulation, at least accurate recoil simulation.

A second problem is that most violent games don't have you massacre innocent people.  That's rare even in violent games.  In a list of 100+ violent games ever made, only 8-9 had innocent people in them. That's less than 10%.  Hagee's claims are stupid and uniformed. He assumed violent games train people to fire a real gun well.  If that was true, the columbine shooters (who obsessed over doom) would have hit most of their targets. Why is it that they only had a 23% accuracy rating at columbine? Because the game Doom makes a Piss Poor training simulator!

Another problem is that most of the shooters who committed shootings like this were NOT gamers or played mostly nonviolent games, or were clearly motivated by another thing than a violent game, when they killed.

UCC Shooter - A Terrorist who was a friend with a Muslim Terrorist as well.
Charleston Church Shooting earlier this year - A Racist Fanatic did it, Not a gamer
Adam Lanza - A gamer but never played any game that allows you to gun down school children!
In fact he mostly played nonviolent games!
Norway Shooter - Played World of warcraft, a sword fighting game
James Holmes - Played a guitar hero game, a music game.
V-tech Shooter - Never played a game, some idiot anti-gaming activist said he played Counterstrike but he made up that claim, because he cited himself saying the shooter played counterstrike in an article, claiming the article was proof the shooter played Counterstrike
Columbine Shooters - Obsessed by doom, but the shooting was a botched terrorism act fueled by the fact Harris was raped by the Police in an arrest in 1998. The FBI is covering this up and writings that prove this are being withheld.

If these games WERE the cause of mass murders, you think all of these people were obsessed with violent games. Only Lanza and the Columbine Shooters were.. That's only 3 out of 7. That's less than 50%. The link between violent games and shootings is also a bullshit link. Only 3 gamers obsessed with violent games killed people out of 300,000,000 Million+ gamers! That's 0% of gamers! That's nonsense to say there is a link.

Why don't you fucking turdburglars go after Terrorism you fucks. That's a cause for 4 of these shooters actions!. Harris and Klebold = Terrorists!, UCC Shooter = Terrorist!,  Charleston Shooter = A racist Terrorist. Norway Shooter = A Terrorist! That has a bigger link to these shootings than video games!

Mathew Hagee is a brainwashed idiot People. He is trying to bring up the bullshit "murder simulator" angle again for a shooting that has nothing to do with violent games, and he won't be the last. He is a moron and a religious Zealot. Look at the titles of his videos!

"Matthew Hagee says the bloodmoon prophecy is coming True"
- Translation: we're all about to die
"Matthew Hagee says that the Obamacare policy is conditioning people to accept  the mark of the Beast"
 -Translation: Obama is Satan!
"Matthew Hagee says that there is a value in Spritual Violence"
 -Translation: We need to kill in the name of god!
"Matthew Hagee says that the fight against Gay Rights is a fight between good and evil"
 -Translation: Gay people are evil!
"Matthew Hagee says that christians will soon be designated "enemies of the State""
 -Translation: Hagee is a  paranoid loser
"Matthew Hagee Says that using Science to teach the deception of Evolution is Ungodly"
 -Translation: Science is the Devil!
"Matthew Hagee Ministries is creating a school to train up god's army and save america"
-Translation: It's ok to indoctrinate people using abuse and rape,

You can see that Matthew Hagee is a religious Brainwashing Nutjob!

People like him think it's ok to use sexual abuse, Harassment, Torture, Sleep Depredation, and Physical Abuse in their "schools" to brainwash people to become zealots like him. They are already doing this. Look at the Movie "Jesus Camp". It proves all you need to know about Scumbags like Hagee.  Using brainwashing tactics like those, kids are already becoming brainwashed idiots due to abuse. Religious Zealot Parents send their kids to camps like this. One in Alabama (a fat camp) was busted for Sexual Abuse and Rape. If one is doing that already, so are others. Hagee is a disgusting pig.  People like him breed killers, not video games.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Moral Panic on the UCC Shooting just got worse...

Well, the Video Game violence moral panic surrounding the UCC Shooting just got worse people. Bobby Jindal, the Governor of Louisiana (who by the way is running for president) just started running his mouth on violence in the media after the UCC shooting and said unless we get rid of all violence in the media the "problem" will not go away.

Some of his stupid quotes are just that, stupid. Let me show you how stupid the politicians are these days..

  • "Our movies and TV shows feature a continuous stream of grotesque killing of every kind imaginable. And this is true of virtually every genre, from horror to drama to comedy."
    • This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. He is every form of TV show shows a continuous stream of mass murder? WTF is this crackhead smoking. That's complete nonsense and it can be backed up by watching 5 minutes of tv and not finding his stupid "continuous stream of mass murder".
  •  "We celebrate and document every kind of deviant behavior and we give out awards to producers who can push the envelope as far as possible. Rape, torture, murder, mass murder, all are cinematic achievements."
    • This is more nonsense. Most producers who get awards don't push the envelope in the way he is describing. Sure a few movies featured such acts but very few..
  • "Our music does the same thing, we promote evil, we promote the degradation of women, we flaunt the laws of God and common decency and we promote it all and we flood our young people with it."
    • More bullshit from a bullshitter. Whining about "EVIL MUSIC" is something a religious zealot does. Most music DOES NOT do the things he describes. He is simply taking the worse kind of music (gangsta rap, etc) and saying ALL music is like that. That's bullshit. Most music does not do the things he describes. There are more kinds of music than Gangsta rap you idiot. Look at metal for instance. 90% of it's lyrics deal with personal things or fiction (look at Iron maiden, most of their lyrics are about fiction or history), or mythology. And "Flaunting the laws of GOD", that's more religious zealotry bullshit there. Only religious zealots complain about music that "Flaunts the laws of god".... I assume he is talking about Satanic Music, which is very rare so he should shut the fuck up.
  • "We have generations of young boys who were raised on video games where they compete with other young boys around the country and the world to see who can kill the most humans. We make it so fun, so realistic, so sensational."
    • "Fun, Realistic Sensational"... This is more bullshit from a religious zealot. Most games don't have you kill as many humans as possible. That's one Multiplayer mode out of many. Look at Unreal Tournament, most of it's modes don't have anything to do with killing as many humans as possible. The most popular mode, Onslaught, has to do with building and Defending power nodes and preventing the other team from capturing them so you can destroy their power generator. Another mode Invasion (which is my personal favorite) has you team up with other people to defend yourself against a horde of enemies that will overwhelm you, all of them being NON HUMAN.  90% of multi player modes have nothing to do with killing. Yes killing can be part of it but it's only one part. 
    • And Realism. 90% of games are NOT realistic. They don't simulate realistic combat at all. They get weapon spray wrong, they don't do enough damage, they make it so you can heal yourself, they don't even have realistic models of weapons or photo realistic graphics yet. So much for being realistic.
  • "Our families are a complete mess, and we have raised tens of millions of young boys who will never become real men because they have no values whatsoever, they have no truth in their lives, and they have no regard for common decency."
    • What "values" does this moron want? Immediate and Instant Obedience by force and abuse, complete with religious brainwashing done with child molestation. That's right. these kinds of people are now complaining that "millions of young boys" are not being brainwashed to be obedient, "decent" and a complete Religious Zealot. Fuck you Jindal.
    • And One more thing. Decency is bullshit. It's not a law last time a checked you fucking turdburglar, so fuck off jindal. I will never vote for your stupid bullshit.
  • "Oh, we make sure that we stop them from bullying at school, but we are completely fine with them watching people get murdered and raped on the internet after school, and we are willing to let them go to the basement and join a fantasy world where they pretend they are killing people for 2 hours after school."
    • So to him bullying is ok. That's the bullshit people like him spread. I was bullied heavily in school and he made it me a wreck, and he wants it to continue. Fuck you again Jindal..

I urge EVERYONE out there to NOT vote for the following people in next years Presidential Election, Bobby Jindal, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Chris Christie, Mitt Romney (if he runs), Joe Biden (if he runs), Barrack Obama, and Bernie Sanders. ALL of these presidential candidates support getting rid of violent games...

And to make things worse, another Presidential candidate apparently has lacky's going around to try to get Media to bash violent games again and to try to make the White house ban them. Look at this:

 Lynda Sanders?  You think it's a coincidence that a certain Candidate with the same last name spewed out nonsense attacking violent media after the shooting and now someone with the same last name is trying to get these people to act to get rid of our freedoms? It's getting worse people and I wonder how long before the government acts on "violent" media after the shooting, despite it's CLEAR and OBVIOUS Links to Terrorism... If they do directly attack violent games it will be more bullshit we've heard before, and this time there will be no reason for it. Chris Harper Mercer was NOT a gamer according to many sites, he was a terrorist. Why not go after his terrorist friends instead of the gaming industry like you do after EVERY shooting, regardless if the shooter was a gamer or not.


Saturday, October 3, 2015

After the UCC Shooting, the fucking disinformation spreaders attack violent games.

Looking over twitter the last few days has made me realize that we are in yet another violent games moral panic, after the UCC Shooting.  Even though the shooter has PROVEN connections to terrorism, and hatred, it doesn't matter to people like "Steve Asshole".

Steve asshole is an idiot who thinks all violent games involve murder, and train murder for real. He has no clue what problems his theory has. Number one, 90% of violent games have you attack and kill hostile enemies. That's NOT murder. Murder is a premeditated killing of an innocent person. Does killing mutant bugs count as murder? Apparently to Steve Asshole it does.

So Steve Asshole (real Name Steve Thomas - his slogan on twitter is "Steve Thomas Now"), decides to tweet messages to every major Democratic Presidential Candidate in 2016, AND the supreme court, saying... Well look at the tweets below..

You're an idiot steve. But idiots in power make Other Idiots like Bernie Shithole (real name Bernie Sanders) believe this nonsense, (if they didn't beleive it already, maybe they did). Now Sanders is directly attacking media violence after the UCC Shooting, a Shooting that has NO LINKS TO GAMING!

Here's a lesson of fact checking and integrity to Candidates/watchdog group members like Asshole and Shithole.  Search for "Chris Harper Mercer" + "gamer" on google. What do you get? One untrusted site that is clearly a parody site saying he was a gamer. In fact the main article that deals with more info on Mercer FAILS TO MENTION GAMING! This is proof that Shithole and Asshole are trying to strip our freedoms away, our freedoms to play violent games. HEY SHITHOLE AND ASSHOLE, I AM A FULL GROWN ADULT, I CAN PLAY WHAT I WANT, STOP TRYING TO TAKE MY FREEDOM AWAY!

EDIT : Look at this crap from a so-called "parody" anti-gaming group that has repeatedly tried to get politicans to ban violent games... It could be this stupid group that got the idea into the head of bernie sanders that violent games should be "dealt with" after the UCC shooting. This group is clearly NOT a parody if they actually communicate their ideas with politicians to try to make them a reality.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

People on twitter ALREADY trying to Fake Evidence "proving" UCC Shooter was a Gamer!

Another year, another tragic shooting, another scapegoating on violent games. This time, yet again, just like the last tragic shooting (the Charleston Shooting), complete jackasses on twitter are AGAIN saying it is "confirmed" that the shooter was a gamer. It doesn't help that the damn police killed the shooter (instead of knocking him unconscious with a stun gun or something) making it way easier for people to believe the scapegoating that violent games are the cause, because the Perp isn't alive to disprove the crazy idea violent games directly caused the shooting...

Here are two tweets that piss me off... Don't get me started on these media whores who keep making up crap to cause a moral panic. They disgust me:

Now if you do a google search for "UCC Shooter" + "Gamer" you get nothing. NO ONE IS CONFIRMING IT THROUGH OFFICIAL SOURCES THAT THE SHOOTER WAS A GAMER!
The faking of evidence continues!!!! They don't even try to hide who does it anymore like they used to. Back in the 1990's they were clever with their evidence faking (like the Doom Will Become Reality Hoax. No one even knows to this day who did that) Now they make it painfully obvious they are trying to fake evidence and they get away with it.

This crap has to stop people. Quit lying through your teeth, claiming a shooter was a gamer when there is no proof to back it up. CITE ACTUAL ARTICLES if what you are saying is true, instead of using your blabbermouth bullshit to try to blame games for something they did not cause, asshole!

EDIT : These idiots piss me off too!!!

The first idiot thinks that a shooting like this is caused by kids getting their hands on violent games. And tries to say people are simply letting kids get them. What about the highest enforced rating system (for the ESRB), you fucking monkey?

But the second idiot is a complete bullshitter. "Our Entertainment" (music/video games and movies) do NOT feed violence and sexual assault glorification to American kids. I've played 100's of games and not one that I have played has glorified sexual assault. That's bullshit. Same thing is true with music. Some music might do that, but a lot does not... I've listened to HUNDREDS of metal bands and only 1, ONLY ONE has ONE song out of hundreds that could be considered "glorifying sexual assault" and only if you interpret a certain way. More Bullshit by idiots online. It disgusts me. People like this need to have their internet taken away.  Their fucking fucktards.

EDIT : More idiots on twitter are now trying to link the shooter "Samuel Hyde" to gaming, using fake evidence of course! See the below tweets:

The first tweet is by a religious zealot who is trying to blame Gaming for the Massacre. His twitter profile (look at the second image) proves it. The third image shows a tweet that retweets the first tweet and adds "BAN VIDEO GAMES" to the bottom.  Now to prove that Samuel Hyde being a gamer was NOT the cause of the massacre:

Search for samuel hyde on twitter now. you will find this...

This is enough proof for me that it was Radical Islam and not Violent games that caused this tragedy.

Notice two things..

Search for the following search on google. You will find NO ONE saying he was a gamer.
The Images that the christian zealot idiot above used to "prove" Samuel Hyde was a gamer prove nothing... All they show is him using a camera and a cell phone. Nice proof you idiot!

B) The media is awfully quiet for a supposed murderer being a gamer... Something else must be the cause... If he was a  gamer, like Harris and Klebold, the media would be all over it as soon as possible. They are not..

Now it remains to be seen whether the shooter was a gamer, but I refuse to believe for ONE MOMENT that gaming addiction can cause a normal person to shoot and kill 15 people. That's just bullshit. The bullshit peddlers are winning on twitter... They make up crap and use false evidence, some if it crappily done, to "prove" a shooting perp was a gamer. Sometimes it doesn't work, like when a so-called "crime writer" quack used this tactic to say the snapchat murderer was a gamer, despite NO PROOF on other sites proving this. This crap is really nasty. It needs to stop. If you see someone on twitter claiming a shooter was a gamer without proof, Publicly shame them! They are trying to cause a moral panic because they hate games, plain and simple.

EDIT 3 : Samuel hyde is NOT the shooter!

Proof is here: His name was "Chris Harper Mercer" NOT the youtube gamer Samuel Hyde... These idiots above who are trying to link it to Samuel hyde are disgusting pricks! Apparently these idiots who are blaming Samuel Hyde for doing this (when he did NOT) are being believed!!! Just look at this...

EDIT 4 :

Today, we have even more morons on twitter who are trying to pin the murders on violent games. This one is particularly insidious.

This person is clearly "against entertainment" because she spews out nonsense saying violent games train people to be killers, when they don't. She is also calling for the regulation of violence in media. I hope people like this on twitter are minority, because we could be going into a full-fledged violence-in-games moral panic if they aren't. Imagine if people like this convince the government to regulate violent video games... It could be the Comic Code Authority all over again, this time for video games, and all because of a nutjob like this...

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Brainwashed moron blames games for Charleston Shooting.

I was on twitter when I saw this bullshit being spread. Apparently the moral panic surrounding the Charleston shooting, isn't limited to the o'reilly factor's BS. Now a zealot on facebook is calling for the ban of violent entertainment after the shooting, a shooting that had nothing to do with violent games. It's fucking pathetic.

This has gotten 293,644 brainwashed fucktards to share or like it. Which is pathetic. One of these fucktards could in theory try to get President Obama to legislate violent games... This is a big threat to our freedom. It's disgusting. People like this need to shut up and learn to stop blaming violent games for the crime, when we don't even know if the shooter even played them, and when we already fucking know the motive, racism!

It's a witch hunt waiting to happen people. This graham guy. Send him all the hate mail you want, bash him on facebook, I don't care. Let him know he's an idiot and the shooter did it not because of violent games, but because of a paranoid belief that black men were raping American women. It was that, NOT VIOLENT GAMES, that triggered the massacre, so this idiot needs to delete this shit now.

If this gets into the Obama admin and they attack violent games AGAIN, I will be pissed people, so pissed that I will have no choice but to attack Obama for his nonsense, IF he tries to legislate morality again... More on that later.

It's disgusting that a moral panic like this gets complete wackjobs fueling it with nonsense. People like this need to be punished for the crap they start, people...

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Complete Morons on twitter/the News blame Charleston Shooting on Games!

It only gets worse. Not even a week after the stupid censors bash Doom 4, we get this nonsense. Looking on twitter I saw several posters blaming the Charleston Shooting (which was PROVEN to be caused by Racism :  The shooter was demented and  blamed Blacks for Rape crimes and wanted to "protect women" by killing blacks), on video games!

It doesn't get any more disgusting then this...
These idiots are complete morons. Number 1 the complete idiot who said that portraying mass murder as "Fun" in video games and TV is the cause for the shooting, is a complete idiot. Most Video Games don't portray mass murder as "fun". That's a complete bullshit statement. The only kind of games that do this are extreme "ultra-violent" shooters like GTA. They make a very small % of games, unlike what he says.

And the idiot who sayed "the shooter probably thought he was playing video games" is another fucking idiot too. I already discussed the crime. The shooter didn't think he was in a video game, that's stupid. That excuse has to stop. It's idiotic.

Witchmobs like this annoy me. Whenever some group of idiots start immediately blaming a shooting on video games without even knowing if the shooter played them, it pisses me off. That's exactly what's happening here. It's pathetic. I wish people would stop doing crap like this. We already know why the shooting happened. It had nothing to do with video games, PERIOD.


It seems the idiocy has spread to the O'reilly factor. Bill O'reilly is claiming that video games are the problem, and even though violent games are not harmfull, "people shouldn't play them". HELLO, it's OUR choice whether we want to play violent games. Not yours, O'reilly. So stop using a tragedy to spread an agenda against violent games when the killer was a racist fanatic and games didn't have anything to do with it!

EDIT 2 :

Look at this moron:

Video games don't teach people how to kill. That's bullshit made up by the hack psychologists and disproven here.. You're an idiot. You don't lose a grip on what's real and not real by playing violent games. Anyone who says that is a propaganda source, plain and simple.

Edit 3:

Another idiotic person on twitter posting crap about violent games..

You're an idiot. "Navel gazing social media", "violent shooting video games".  No site even said WHAT KIND OF GAMES HE PLAYED, yet you want to blame FPS games. Video games didn't make him violent, the paranoid belief that blacks were raping American women did!


It looks like we have yet another fucking violent video games moral panic on our hands. Who knows what will happen because of this. Will Obama try to get them banned. They will certainly try something to attack "violent" games even though the motive has nothing to do with that. It's pathetic...

FYI : People in SJW circles are already using this to post fake bullcrap that says the shooter was a #gamergate member and are using this to blame Deus : EX Mankind : Divided (and maybe the next DOOM game too). It's complete bullshit. If you ever hear the claim that shooter wanted to play either of these games, it's not remotely trustworthy...

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Arrival of the stupidity that is anti-gaming violence Propaganda on twitter...

Just look at these twitter quotes from the censor who whined about the violence in the Doom 4 trailer at E3, and you will see how bad they are...

The first and second quote says that the removal of any forced violence (aka making it so violence is a choice) is not good enough to be considered innovation, and implies only removal of all violence is really innovation. Basically this censor is trying to change the industry to get rid of violence slowly. Him and his video producing lacky are constantly spewing out crap about sexism in violent games that is mostly cherry picked nonsense, but crap like this needs to be exposed too..

His second quote implies that he doesn't want the ability to NOT murder every one in sight to be a choice but something that is forced on people. It's complete hogwash. It just shows you that maybe the Hack Psychologists weren't the worst video game Bullshit spreaders out there and even though they are MIA, someone else like him has replaced them.

His third quote implies that "fun" in gaming leads to real life violence. It doesn't. Over 200,000,000 gamers were alive in 2012. And even more before that. Out of that 9 gamers have committed major killing spree murders. That's still 0%....

He also tries to say reality and fantasy are entwined but that's really stupid. There is no evidence to prove this claim, it's just a bullshit claim with no proof. Since most gamers don't commit the fantasy they see in a violent game in real life, his argument is invalid.

What's really sickening, is just how many complete idiots beleive what he says! There are a total of 38 likes and 18 retweets to these obvious bogus/radical claims.  It's rediculous. I guess there are a bunch of farmville addicts out there who hate violent games and want to "change the industry" to get rid of all violence". It's pathetic.

I wish someone would do something about people like this on twitter. We have a new breed of social media infesting censors now who have the video game industry media in their pocket, maybe the media too, based on the fake BS that the newspapers cited about his "outrage" over the Doom 4 trailer.  And they, the complete censorous idiots they are have tons of fans on twitter.. Here are quotes from a few...

It's pathetic really. These kids of people are Threatening the status quo of the gaming industry. They want violence gotten rid of completely, and the industry is embracing them? Look at all the attention they receive from industry, and tech companies. It's pathetic. Did the Hack Psychologists get such attention and praise from the Gaming Industry in the 90's and 2000's? HELL NO! These people are basically the same thing and the industry is accepting them. IT'S SICK!

Monday, June 15, 2015

The Latest Moral Panic on Doom 4 is now causing Media to spread Lies about Doom 1.

I was browsing twitter tonight, when I came across a screenshot of a Guardian article mentioning the outrage that the idiots on twitter found from the new Doom 4  trailer.  The article is quite stupid and brings up the claim that video games break down the inhibition to kill. It's complete nonsense, and thanks to idiots like those who bitched about Doom 4 today, we now have a FULL MORAL PANIC on our hands...

Here is the article screenshotted:

Just to clarify. NO GAME teaches kids to kill. That's bullshit brought up by the Hack Psychologists. One even wrote a book about this to sell over and over again, based on this lie. The following site debunks the claim. It's complete horseshit to think violent games "train kids to kill", but now thanks to morons like those who bitched and moaned about Doom 4 on twitter, It's being claimed that that is true...

I think it's incredibly shoddy "Journalism" by the guardian to even bring up a PROVEN LIE, to sell newspaper articles. That's what they are trying to do. They are greedy sacks of shit. And if those two idiots on twitter didn't keep their trap shut about a good game which ISN'T EVEN OUT YET, this would not be happening.

This lie needs to be in it's grave. People still spread it like it's the truth. It's not... And because of the anti's constant whining about violence levels in Doom 4, and their sharing their whining with newspapers, it's back and people will now hear it AGAIN.

Complete idiots on Twitter bash the upcoming Doom Game...

Lo and behold, the idiots attacking good games just because their violent have not learned to shut the hell up.

This all started during E3. The new Doom Game was shown off at E3. Now mind you, this is a pretty Violent Doom Game, much more violent than previous ones even, but still, all the violence in it was being done to Demons. NOT humans!  Just like all the Doom games before it. This didn't stop complete idiots like the stupid Video Game Critic below (that everyone should know about) from bashing doom because you Chainsaw Demons... DEMONS...

He is basically complaining that Doom Should be Banned. In a previous tweet he bitched and moaned about people at E3 cheering when the chainsaw in the next Doom game was being shown off. He has no credibility. He's a complete moron with an agenda and it shows. Within seconds, the entirety of gamers on twitter immediately attacked him (and rightfully so, he was whining about a game where you chainsaw demons?)

But the bullshit doesn't end there...

Lo and behold this wannabe gamer starts his own "activist campaign" to get rid of Doom. Just look at this...

 He starts bitching about the violence in the game, and comparies it incorrectly to the upcoming ultra violent game "Hatred". Which is bullshit, because at least doom has evil monsters you are fighting, not innocent people like in Hatred. But to him the demons were not demons because he cannot tell the difference between people and demons?

It's complete bullshit people. We'll see if this spirals out of control and gets more people to want to ban Doom. I hope not. The previous Doom Games have all become targets due to Bullshit Hoaxes being spread about them after Columbine. This is a bad trend if the new one also starts getting bullshit like this said about it..

I will update you people more to show how this moral panic in progress, progresses. As of now it hasn't spiraled out of control, but all it takes is one self proclaimed video game violence/sexism bashing video game critic to make that happen...

EDIT: He (the first poster whining about doom 4) also tweeted this but it got deleted apparently...

Sunday, June 14, 2015

More Censoring life youtube videos uploaded...

Ok People. Here are some more videos for my youtube channel censoring life. I showed off some videos from there in my previous post, but here are some more videos....

A video talking about supposed Media Violence "Experts" on TV and why the should not be

A video talking about conspiracy theories bashing heavy metal music:

A video talking about the supposed "Gamer Scoresheet" found in Adam Lanza's room and why it's a hoax.

A video talking about the mass effect facebook page being spammed after Sandy Hook

A video talking about how to stay safe online from Malware.

I will upload more videos later.... Maybe a few days from now.. Check out the videos and other ones I have posted on the channel. I plan to put up other videos of other topics as well, so stay tuned for them...

Sunday, May 10, 2015

If you are from MA you need to Oppose the TPP/Fast Track Bill now...

Senaotor Warren is fighting the TPP and the Fast Track Bill President Obama is trying to pass. The Trans Pacific Partnership is a very dangerous "treaty" between US and Asian Countries that would force US to adopt Draconian Copyright laws that would punish merely watching a copyrighted video or music...

The bill makes allows copyright infringement of temporary copies. That would allow the copyright holders or the government to find people guilty of criminal infringement if they merely watch youtube videos that the copyright holders claim are infringing. The copyright holders have a record of trying to shut down videos they don't have the copyright for, especially  youtube. UMG shut down many videos on youtube but they didn't own the copyright at all.

Due to the TPP the ISP's now have to use "Deep Pack Inspection", a technique to read packets, on people looking for "infringing" content. If they find the temporary copies of a youtube video (which get generated by merely watching it), they can say it's infringing and then shut the person down, pull the plug on the internet and arrest them.

This would illegalize merely watching youtube videos due to this...

I think it's about time that we (MA citizens) Contacted Senator Elizabeth Warren (who is fighting the fast  track bill) and tell her these concerns.  If you are from MA, Please do this. We can't let the TPP pass!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

New Facebook Page associated with this blog... Check it out and Like it!

I have put together a facebook page for this blog... I have posted videos there, and links to the blog posts for other people to find the blog online.  I want to get more people to like the page so that others read this blog more often and check out my videos. So check out the page and if you like it, well then like it...

Stay tuned for more...

Friday, May 8, 2015

Trans-Pacific Partnership Update, We need to stop it.

It seems the Trans-Pacific Partnership is being "Fast Tracked" Into the Congress without a debate. It's time to stop this nonsense gamers. The bill that is being used to get it in is the Fast Track Bill. This bill allows the Obama Admin to Force legislation through congress without a debate, without checks and balances, and worse.... Who knows what kind of other laws could be "fast" tracked through congress if they abuse this bill.. This needs to be opposed.

The trans-pacific partnership would allow the government to use deep packet filtering (a technique to read packets) to find if buffer copies distributed through watching youtube videos are "copyright infringing", and then shut down the site, destroy the computer doing the "infringing" and worse. Due to the way the law is set up, it would only take one accusation of infringement, without proof needed. This needs to be Opposed NOW.

This could be abused like no others. Any sites that are "accused" of copyright infringement would be shut down. This is not limited to pirate sites. Youtube has tons of pirated content on it, so do modding sites and many other sites including blogging sites. In an article I linked here before, I discovered that a music industries list of pirate sites had gaming file download sites on it ( and (A Host for many fan sites)... This is bad. We need to stop it ASAP.

Contact your REP and talk to them and send the message to them that this Fast Track nonsense is not needed!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Brown VS EMA Supreme Court Hijacking must be exposed....

People think US could never ban violent games to adults. Their Wrong. In Brown VS EMA, a chilling effect would have happened if the justices in the supreme court decided to vote for California and allow the bill. The bill would have used the Obscenity Clause to choose what games CA cannot sell to kids. The clause allows them to fine retailers that try to sell a game that "lacks serious scientific, educational, and literary value".  Since the Fines were absurdly high, the retailers, once fined, would not know what games they could sell ahead of time. The judges in CA, once offended by a game, would not say it has those above values. It's only a matter of time till they fine a store for selling a game they find offensive, and that would cause them to stop carrying violent games because they would not be able to afford the fines. The bill was spreading to other states too.

Why am I mentioning brown vs EMA?

Well back in 2009, an extreme pro-family group, the eagle forum put up an Amicus brief for the case, for the justices to read. This article shows that they did this, and it's filled with BS, but that bs is so old, I won't try to debunk it. What is really bad, is what was in that amicus brief.

It's long been taken down, they don't want people to know how much BS was in the Amicus Brief, and that they were trying to Hijack the Supreme court with Hoaxes and Lies. I read the thing a long time ago, and it contained the claim Eric Harris Said Doom Will Become Reality (A Hoax Disproven by the FBI : debunked here), the claim that doom made Micheal Carneal shoot better in real Life (Debunked Below), and the Claim that violent games are being used to break down the inhibition to kill in the Military (Debunked Here). There were other claims but I don't remember what they were...

Here is my debunking of the Micheal Carneal BS claim that he trained on doom and became a better shooter:

"This is one of the biggest BS claims going out there right now. That Micheal Carneal learned how to aim just from Playing Doom without training at a range. There are tons of problems with this. First of all, doom at the time lacked vertical aiming. A random number generator determined how high your bullet went. You have no control over how high you shoot at all. Explain how carneal hit 3 of his targets in the head then? He couldn’t have. He fired 8 individual shots with semiautomatic pistols that don’t fire multiple rounds when you hold the trigger down, and hit 8 kids in the head or chest. Doom trains you to hold down the mouse button down, your gun in the game will fire multiple times. All of the guns do. Unlike anything but full auto guns in real life. After killing all the enemies in the current room you let go and rinse and repeat in the next room, etc. If Carneal trained on Doom, he would fire one round while holding down the real guns trigger and no more shots would fire (because his gun was not full auto), and would not be able to hit all 8 targets at all. He MUST have trained at a range. "

You can see the bogus claims are a problem. They're being cited now in Supreme Court cases by Wackjobs. This is practically Perjury. Don't try to tell me Eagle Forum did not know these lies were lies. I don't buy that for a second. They have been running their mouth attacking games by saying they have "Decapitation of Prostitutes", "Pushing people into Running Saws" and "Sodomizing People with Broomsticks" for years. NO games have these features. NONE.  They just spew their nonsense, ad-infinitum.

People like this NEED to be punished... NO ONE but me knew their Amicus Brief had so much BS claims in it. Someone should have read the thing and attempted to contact the SCOTUS to try to get these fuckers punished for lying to them.  I just want the gaming industry to know these anti-gaming groups do more than whine about violent games. They try to sway supreme court cases with fake evidence like this. It needs to be stopped. Someone should be required to read amicus brief's by groups like this and punish them if they put lies and hoaxes into them. They are NOT trustworthy.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Quack "Crime Writer" Fakes Evidence to prove killer killed because of Violent Games!

Lo and Behold the fake bullshit surround violent video games has not died down. It's been years since a moral panic and still idiots are using fake evidence to start another violent games moral panic. The idiot in question is the same idiot I attacked for trying to claim all gamers are baby killers after sandy hook, and it seems he found a new site to attack violent games from, and the site is just plain disgusting.

This is the post in question:

First of all, he references a crime, some kid shot his friend after taking a "selfie". Then tries to claim they were both gamers. What evidence did he use to prove this? None. In fact, if you look at search results for the phrase maxwell morton "Gamer", you get NONE but his site that "prove" the killer was a gamer! None Period. He then runs his mouth, tries to claim several nonsense claims.

"Real time acts of game-inspired violence, like this latest one, are on the rise now, especially among young males who compulsively play realistic single-shooter programs."

Hello! Most "violent" games are not even that realistic. I did actual research on how many games out of all 605 FPS games ever released were realistic, and it's a really small amount...

"Claim 6 : Most FPS games are “Realistic”

Source : Same comment poster as Claim 3

The commenter who mentioned that games that reward “Deviant” Behavior, also said that most were “realistic”. Visually graphic maybe, but people think that just because FPS games are “Realistic”  LOOKING they are total realism simulators, with an 100% analogue to real life Military Combat. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Visual graphics have not been increased over the years at the same rate as combat realism, what people think when they read these claims. The truth is that combat realism is found only in 1 RARE kind of FPS games, “EXTREME” Tactical shooters. These games are NOT uber violent. They are Simulators of real life combat. And most aren’t even that popular because they are Insanely difficult. They should be. 1 hit kills you. No Health. Things like “marine Doom”.  Most Tactical shooters are at most 75% realistic. They do bullet damage fine, and health not around every corner, but things like mimicking real weapons, that almost always fail, with few exceptions. Number 1, in these games, gunshot sounds are quiet. Real gunshots are DEAFINGLY loud.  Number 2, real guns jam, break, and need to be repaired regularly. NO games do this accurately. Because that’s stuff that the military teaches. Number 3, as a gun degrades it fires worse. Accuracy and similar characteristics go down. No game mimics these 100% accurately. Some might have weapon degradation. Number 4. Armor in most FPS games, even some tactical shooters is 100% resistant to bullets. or Very resistant. In real life armor isn’t nearly that effective. There are armor piercing rounds that  go right through armor.  Number 5. In Realistic scenarios like Simulations, Getting shot anywhere can be deadly, not just the head and chest. Shot in the leg. You can’t walk. Shot in the knee or elbow, or fingers, you  might be in so much pain that you cannot even move. Shot in the neck, risk of paralysis. Very few, if no games simulate this. Some games TRY to emulate real combat but most fail. The total of these games that come close in some cases in certain areas (like weapon physics, STALKER is a great example, or damage to the player (Far Cry)) are a small % of the total 605 FPS games ever made. MOST Fps games realism level is ridiculously low. For the first 10+ years of FPS games getting shot would just do minor damage most of the time. Not till Far cry come out did this change. Guns had no recoil in most old FPS games. Total % of TRUE “Semi-Realistic” games is 6.61% of all 605 FPS games ever made. But very few of these are even popular. Only 4.94% of all 81 popular FPS games are like this. These “Popular Semi-Realistic FPS games” are only 0.66% of all 605 FPS games ever made!"

He claims that young kids play them, which is BS. The average age of a gamer is 34,  according to an actual study by the ESRB.

"Researchers worldwide have conducted dozens of studies over the years exposing a direct correlation between excessive gaming and violence, but, of late, the multibillion-dollar videogame industry and its powerful lobby has found a few of their own *experts* to insist on the opposite."

NO study ever has proven that violent games lead to real life violence. This is BS. There are tons of flawed studies that "prove" violent games lead to aggression, but aggression =/= violence! Repeat, there are NO studies that prove games cause Real Life Violence!

"Their current campaign is much akin to how the tobacco corporations used to propagandize that “9 out of 10 doctors smoke” their cigarette brands -- before being heavily penalized for hiding the truth about the dangerous product they’d been peddling for decades."

Again, some idiot trying to indirectly say the "link" between video games and real life violence is just as great as the link between cigarettes and smoking. Here is some REAL evidence that debunks this.
9 killers have been gamers in the past. Any others who supposedly were gamers have questionable evidence to prove this. That's 9 killers out of 211,000,000+ GAMERS! That's 0%! Compared to the actual PROVEN link between cigarettes and smoking, 41%! For 41% of gamers to kill people over an 18 year period (from the first school shooting to now) we would have to have 4806111.111 gamers killing people per year!

He claims the gaming industry is hiding the truth? Without proof of course. He even says says games are dangerous. More bullshit, bullshit without proof. He is claiming the gaming industry is sponsering studies that have an opposite result to the fake studies the idiots who don't like violent games have been doing. That's bullshit. The "Gaming Industry's" studies don't use Electroshock therapy to bias the results of their studies do they? Well the other sides do! I was reading a PDF on one study that ADMITTED previous studies did this, and only did this to violent game playing kids to bias the result! That PDF, DELETED later to cover it up!

This "Crime Researcher" is a fucking moron who makes up bullshit to cause moral panics. He tried to claim gamers = baby killers after sandy hook, and now he is using a crime that has NO Link to gaming to cause a moral panic by making up evidence that proves the killer is a gamer! NO other site proves the killer was a gamer! It's made up, and it's bullshit people!

I think idiots like this should be jailed! They are doing the equivalent of yelling fire in a movie theater by faking their own evidence that "proves" video games cause violence! These people disgust me. Why isn't anyone else attacking this one "writer" is beyond me.  What they are doing is totally disgusting, and it needs to stop.