Sunday, May 10, 2015

If you are from MA you need to Oppose the TPP/Fast Track Bill now...

Senaotor Warren is fighting the TPP and the Fast Track Bill President Obama is trying to pass. The Trans Pacific Partnership is a very dangerous "treaty" between US and Asian Countries that would force US to adopt Draconian Copyright laws that would punish merely watching a copyrighted video or music...

The bill makes allows copyright infringement of temporary copies. That would allow the copyright holders or the government to find people guilty of criminal infringement if they merely watch youtube videos that the copyright holders claim are infringing. The copyright holders have a record of trying to shut down videos they don't have the copyright for, especially  youtube. UMG shut down many videos on youtube but they didn't own the copyright at all.

Due to the TPP the ISP's now have to use "Deep Pack Inspection", a technique to read packets, on people looking for "infringing" content. If they find the temporary copies of a youtube video (which get generated by merely watching it), they can say it's infringing and then shut the person down, pull the plug on the internet and arrest them.

This would illegalize merely watching youtube videos due to this...

I think it's about time that we (MA citizens) Contacted Senator Elizabeth Warren (who is fighting the fast  track bill) and tell her these concerns.  If you are from MA, Please do this. We can't let the TPP pass!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

New Facebook Page associated with this blog... Check it out and Like it!

I have put together a facebook page for this blog... I have posted videos there, and links to the blog posts for other people to find the blog online.  I want to get more people to like the page so that others read this blog more often and check out my videos. So check out the page and if you like it, well then like it...

Stay tuned for more...

Friday, May 8, 2015

Trans-Pacific Partnership Update, We need to stop it.

It seems the Trans-Pacific Partnership is being "Fast Tracked" Into the Congress without a debate. It's time to stop this nonsense gamers. The bill that is being used to get it in is the Fast Track Bill. This bill allows the Obama Admin to Force legislation through congress without a debate, without checks and balances, and worse.... Who knows what kind of other laws could be "fast" tracked through congress if they abuse this bill.. This needs to be opposed.

The trans-pacific partnership would allow the government to use deep packet filtering (a technique to read packets) to find if buffer copies distributed through watching youtube videos are "copyright infringing", and then shut down the site, destroy the computer doing the "infringing" and worse. Due to the way the law is set up, it would only take one accusation of infringement, without proof needed. This needs to be Opposed NOW.

This could be abused like no others. Any sites that are "accused" of copyright infringement would be shut down. This is not limited to pirate sites. Youtube has tons of pirated content on it, so do modding sites and many other sites including blogging sites. In an article I linked here before, I discovered that a music industries list of pirate sites had gaming file download sites on it ( and (A Host for many fan sites)... This is bad. We need to stop it ASAP.

Contact your REP and talk to them and send the message to them that this Fast Track nonsense is not needed!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Brown VS EMA Supreme Court Hijacking must be exposed....

People think US could never ban violent games to adults. Their Wrong. In Brown VS EMA, a chilling effect would have happened if the justices in the supreme court decided to vote for California and allow the bill. The bill would have used the Obscenity Clause to choose what games CA cannot sell to kids. The clause allows them to fine retailers that try to sell a game that "lacks serious scientific, educational, and literary value".  Since the Fines were absurdly high, the retailers, once fined, would not know what games they could sell ahead of time. The judges in CA, once offended by a game, would not say it has those above values. It's only a matter of time till they fine a store for selling a game they find offensive, and that would cause them to stop carrying violent games because they would not be able to afford the fines. The bill was spreading to other states too.

Why am I mentioning brown vs EMA?

Well back in 2009, an extreme pro-family group, the eagle forum put up an Amicus brief for the case, for the justices to read. This article shows that they did this, and it's filled with BS, but that bs is so old, I won't try to debunk it. What is really bad, is what was in that amicus brief.

It's long been taken down, they don't want people to know how much BS was in the Amicus Brief, and that they were trying to Hijack the Supreme court with Hoaxes and Lies. I read the thing a long time ago, and it contained the claim Eric Harris Said Doom Will Become Reality (A Hoax Disproven by the FBI : debunked here), the claim that doom made Micheal Carneal shoot better in real Life (Debunked Below), and the Claim that violent games are being used to break down the inhibition to kill in the Military (Debunked Here). There were other claims but I don't remember what they were...

Here is my debunking of the Micheal Carneal BS claim that he trained on doom and became a better shooter:

"This is one of the biggest BS claims going out there right now. That Micheal Carneal learned how to aim just from Playing Doom without training at a range. There are tons of problems with this. First of all, doom at the time lacked vertical aiming. A random number generator determined how high your bullet went. You have no control over how high you shoot at all. Explain how carneal hit 3 of his targets in the head then? He couldn’t have. He fired 8 individual shots with semiautomatic pistols that don’t fire multiple rounds when you hold the trigger down, and hit 8 kids in the head or chest. Doom trains you to hold down the mouse button down, your gun in the game will fire multiple times. All of the guns do. Unlike anything but full auto guns in real life. After killing all the enemies in the current room you let go and rinse and repeat in the next room, etc. If Carneal trained on Doom, he would fire one round while holding down the real guns trigger and no more shots would fire (because his gun was not full auto), and would not be able to hit all 8 targets at all. He MUST have trained at a range. "

You can see the bogus claims are a problem. They're being cited now in Supreme Court cases by Wackjobs. This is practically Perjury. Don't try to tell me Eagle Forum did not know these lies were lies. I don't buy that for a second. They have been running their mouth attacking games by saying they have "Decapitation of Prostitutes", "Pushing people into Running Saws" and "Sodomizing People with Broomsticks" for years. NO games have these features. NONE.  They just spew their nonsense, ad-infinitum.

People like this NEED to be punished... NO ONE but me knew their Amicus Brief had so much BS claims in it. Someone should have read the thing and attempted to contact the SCOTUS to try to get these fuckers punished for lying to them.  I just want the gaming industry to know these anti-gaming groups do more than whine about violent games. They try to sway supreme court cases with fake evidence like this. It needs to be stopped. Someone should be required to read amicus brief's by groups like this and punish them if they put lies and hoaxes into them. They are NOT trustworthy.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Quack "Crime Writer" Fakes Evidence to prove killer killed because of Violent Games!

Lo and Behold the fake bullshit surround violent video games has not died down. It's been years since a moral panic and still idiots are using fake evidence to start another violent games moral panic. The idiot in question is the same idiot I attacked for trying to claim all gamers are baby killers after sandy hook, and it seems he found a new site to attack violent games from, and the site is just plain disgusting.

This is the post in question:

First of all, he references a crime, some kid shot his friend after taking a "selfie". Then tries to claim they were both gamers. What evidence did he use to prove this? None. In fact, if you look at search results for the phrase maxwell morton "Gamer", you get NONE but his site that "prove" the killer was a gamer! None Period. He then runs his mouth, tries to claim several nonsense claims.

"Real time acts of game-inspired violence, like this latest one, are on the rise now, especially among young males who compulsively play realistic single-shooter programs."

Hello! Most "violent" games are not even that realistic. I did actual research on how many games out of all 605 FPS games ever released were realistic, and it's a really small amount...

"Claim 6 : Most FPS games are “Realistic”

Source : Same comment poster as Claim 3

The commenter who mentioned that games that reward “Deviant” Behavior, also said that most were “realistic”. Visually graphic maybe, but people think that just because FPS games are “Realistic”  LOOKING they are total realism simulators, with an 100% analogue to real life Military Combat. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Visual graphics have not been increased over the years at the same rate as combat realism, what people think when they read these claims. The truth is that combat realism is found only in 1 RARE kind of FPS games, “EXTREME” Tactical shooters. These games are NOT uber violent. They are Simulators of real life combat. And most aren’t even that popular because they are Insanely difficult. They should be. 1 hit kills you. No Health. Things like “marine Doom”.  Most Tactical shooters are at most 75% realistic. They do bullet damage fine, and health not around every corner, but things like mimicking real weapons, that almost always fail, with few exceptions. Number 1, in these games, gunshot sounds are quiet. Real gunshots are DEAFINGLY loud.  Number 2, real guns jam, break, and need to be repaired regularly. NO games do this accurately. Because that’s stuff that the military teaches. Number 3, as a gun degrades it fires worse. Accuracy and similar characteristics go down. No game mimics these 100% accurately. Some might have weapon degradation. Number 4. Armor in most FPS games, even some tactical shooters is 100% resistant to bullets. or Very resistant. In real life armor isn’t nearly that effective. There are armor piercing rounds that  go right through armor.  Number 5. In Realistic scenarios like Simulations, Getting shot anywhere can be deadly, not just the head and chest. Shot in the leg. You can’t walk. Shot in the knee or elbow, or fingers, you  might be in so much pain that you cannot even move. Shot in the neck, risk of paralysis. Very few, if no games simulate this. Some games TRY to emulate real combat but most fail. The total of these games that come close in some cases in certain areas (like weapon physics, STALKER is a great example, or damage to the player (Far Cry)) are a small % of the total 605 FPS games ever made. MOST Fps games realism level is ridiculously low. For the first 10+ years of FPS games getting shot would just do minor damage most of the time. Not till Far cry come out did this change. Guns had no recoil in most old FPS games. Total % of TRUE “Semi-Realistic” games is 6.61% of all 605 FPS games ever made. But very few of these are even popular. Only 4.94% of all 81 popular FPS games are like this. These “Popular Semi-Realistic FPS games” are only 0.66% of all 605 FPS games ever made!"

He claims that young kids play them, which is BS. The average age of a gamer is 34,  according to an actual study by the ESRB.

"Researchers worldwide have conducted dozens of studies over the years exposing a direct correlation between excessive gaming and violence, but, of late, the multibillion-dollar videogame industry and its powerful lobby has found a few of their own *experts* to insist on the opposite."

NO study ever has proven that violent games lead to real life violence. This is BS. There are tons of flawed studies that "prove" violent games lead to aggression, but aggression =/= violence! Repeat, there are NO studies that prove games cause Real Life Violence!

"Their current campaign is much akin to how the tobacco corporations used to propagandize that “9 out of 10 doctors smoke” their cigarette brands -- before being heavily penalized for hiding the truth about the dangerous product they’d been peddling for decades."

Again, some idiot trying to indirectly say the "link" between video games and real life violence is just as great as the link between cigarettes and smoking. Here is some REAL evidence that debunks this.
9 killers have been gamers in the past. Any others who supposedly were gamers have questionable evidence to prove this. That's 9 killers out of 211,000,000+ GAMERS! That's 0%! Compared to the actual PROVEN link between cigarettes and smoking, 41%! For 41% of gamers to kill people over an 18 year period (from the first school shooting to now) we would have to have 4806111.111 gamers killing people per year!

He claims the gaming industry is hiding the truth? Without proof of course. He even says says games are dangerous. More bullshit, bullshit without proof. He is claiming the gaming industry is sponsering studies that have an opposite result to the fake studies the idiots who don't like violent games have been doing. That's bullshit. The "Gaming Industry's" studies don't use Electroshock therapy to bias the results of their studies do they? Well the other sides do! I was reading a PDF on one study that ADMITTED previous studies did this, and only did this to violent game playing kids to bias the result! That PDF, DELETED later to cover it up!

This "Crime Researcher" is a fucking moron who makes up bullshit to cause moral panics. He tried to claim gamers = baby killers after sandy hook, and now he is using a crime that has NO Link to gaming to cause a moral panic by making up evidence that proves the killer is a gamer! NO other site proves the killer was a gamer! It's made up, and it's bullshit people!

I think idiots like this should be jailed! They are doing the equivalent of yelling fire in a movie theater by faking their own evidence that "proves" video games cause violence! These people disgust me. Why isn't anyone else attacking this one "writer" is beyond me.  What they are doing is totally disgusting, and it needs to stop.

Monday, May 4, 2015

How to stop the next Video Games Moral Panic

These are ideas I thought up to end the next video games moral panic that comes up after a shooting spree or school shooting that has "connections" to video games. I thought these up during the Sandy Hook Moral Panic and think this is a great time to bring these up again and I think someone needs to get at least one of these into the Obama Admin. ASAP. I won't do it. I cannot get signatures no matter how hard I try. But someone else in the Gaming Industry should really consider this, because it will limit the possibility of legislation of video games in the future to a very slim chance.

During the last few video game related moral panics (Columbine, Sandy Hook, etc), hoaxes were spread that seemed to show that school shooters were influenced by video games. Hoaxes such as the "Doom Will Become Reality" Hoax after columbine.  These Hoaxes contributed to legislation and were used to attempt sway the supreme court in  Brown vs EMA by the Eagle Form Watchdog  group.  Media then went out and attacked violent games, often times using lies to attack them. Lies such as "Video Games make people violent!" are often cited by people in the media. Both of these contribute to the moral panic and make it spiral out of control. Moral panics can be Proven to cause anti-video games legislation and studies. The industry MUST take steps to prevent the the spread of such lies and hoaxes and the government AND media must be punished for spreading them.

A) Government Limitations

-Government cannot use the Obscenity Clause to judge Violence!
(Obscenity clause has a part that says if the game lacks serious literary, scientific, and educational values, it gets fined. No one in a panel deciding this will say it has these values if they get offended by the violent content!)
-Government forbidden from drafting any bill that by accident or purposely causes the lack of sales of violent games to adults.
(No More laws like the CA bill that started Brown VS EMA. No more crap like this)
-Government forbidden from taxing the "Use", "Storage", or "Consumption" of Violent Games.
(No More making everyone who plays a violent game have to pay a ridiculous tax)
-Government forbidden from Taxing Violent games by a percentage higher than 20%
-Government Video Game Studies are Illegalized

-Government officials should be jailed for making up lies about violent games.
-Government forbidden with tampering with the ESRB and cannot make a new rating system IF it gets abused to rate all games so they cannot be sold in stores at all.

Examples of Lies: (proof it's a lie)
"Studies prove Violent games cause real life violence!"
(No study has ever been done that proves this, EVER! Many prove "Aggression" though)
"Violent games are used to break down the inhibition to kill in the military!"
(A person in the military debunked this. Go here for a debunking. Too long to post here)
"Violent games are training tools!"
(Most violent games are not. Only 1 series "America's Army" is)
"Violent games allow you to rape a woman!"
(Not a single violent game since Custers revenge has this feature. That was released in 1989!)
"Violent Games are marketed to kids"
(The Average age of a gamer is 34 according to a ESRB study)
"Violent Games make kids turn into Child Molesters!"
(Brought up by two different people after sandy hook with NO proof!)
"Violent Game Fans are Terrorists!"
(Posted on a site online attacking a marathon bombing game, no proof whatsoever that this is true)

Example of Hoaxes used to attack games after School Shootings
"Eric Harris said Doom Will Become Reality"
(A fake Harris Site popped up on April 21 1999 that said this. FBI Proved this was a hoax site)
"A Hate Site Tracking Group found a modified version of doom on Harris's Website that allowed him to train for the massacre"
(The version of doom that was modified in the article had features doom could not do in 1999 "Infinite Weapons/New Weapons/A second Shooter with New AI/Running out of ammo killed both the second shooter and the player", therefore the modified version of doom is a hoax)
"Adam Lanza's PC, contained a "gamer Scoresheet" with specifics on 500 murders"
(His PC's HDD was Destroyed WITH A HAMMER, how could they even find the fake spreadsheet?)

-Amicus Briefs that use the above lies to sway a supreme court case about a violent game related legislation must be fact checked by a panel of game industry members who know these are lies, and the person who drafted the amicus brief gets heavily fined and barred from future amicus briefs. (Eagle Forum already tried this tactic with some of the above hoaxes during Brown vs EMA)

B) Media Limitations

This covers Media groups (Tv Stations, Newspapers, Websites of those two, ) and Watchdog Groups (PTC, Eagle Forum, National Institute of the Media and the Family, Common Sense Media, etc.) and Police (Police Stations (They often attack games))

-Any newspaper caught writing an article that makes up facts to "prove" a game caused a school shooting and it can be proven by an industry panel, license revoked, fined 2 million dollars, writer thrown in jail for 10 years.
-Any newspaper trying to stretch the truth on violent games, fined 2 million dollars, thrown in jail for 2 years
-Any Newstation making up nonsense about violent games and it can be proven by the above panel,
the tv station shut down, they get fined million dollars, and they get tried for inciting the populace in a dangerous way, and license revoked of anyone involved.

Media now has to be 100% FACTUAL when talking about  violent games

-Any Watchdog group that submits an Amicus Brief that contains the above lies and/or hoaxes, gets jailed for 20 years, their property taken by the government and their website shut down forever) 
-Any Watchdog group that makes up nonsense about video games on their site, or elsewhere, gets fined 500,000 dollars, their website shut down for 6 years, and gets jailed for 2 years.
-Anyone who goes on talk shows mentioning the above lies and/or hoaxes gets jailed for 10 years, and the talk show gets fined 500,000 dollars.

C) Frivolous lawsuit protection..

- A panel of video game industry members will filter through any lawsuits filed against a gaming company, and if the plaintiff and/or lawyers use above lies to sway the jury, the plaintiff fined 2 million dollars, the lawyer disbarred, etc.

D) Lawsuits
The Gaming industry is now recommended to sue anyone in the media making up anything about a game, anyone in the government, and anyone legislating video game violence in a way that will make video game not sell able to stores to adults.

E) Stopping the spread of the above lies

- Any forum that is found by the panel of the industry that has above lies being spread, the people get fined 2000 dollars and put in jail for 2 years.
- Anyone who calls video games trash, fined 50 dollars
- Anyone who threatens gamers, or insults gamers online, fined 12000 dollars, and thrown in jail for 5 years.
- Anyone doing the above should have their IP addresses made public to help this
- Anyone caught building a website that contains a new video game violence related hoax that proves a school shooter committed the shooting due to the violent game's influence, gets jailed for 5 years and find 2500 dollars.

Ok... This is my plan. I want someone to send this to "We the People" to petition the Obama Administration to do at least Some of these. I cannot do it. Last time I tried, I could not get enough signatures at all. But someone else can. I think it's time we acted to Prevent the next moral panic rather then attacking it when it happens. Because it will happen someday and the quicker we do these actions the better.