Thursday, July 17, 2014

My petition to punish newspapers for their anti-video gaming lies is up, Sign it!

I just wrote my first petition at we the people.  This petition would petition the Obama Admin to make it illegal for newspapers and pro-censorship groups to make up nonsense surrounding violent games  The punishment would be licenses revoked and jail time.  I basically said, "the media lies to create a moral panic on violent video games, it's like yelling fire in a movie theater, why are they allowed to do this when we aren't?", and cited the most dastardly lie ever, the "doom will become reality hoax". It's up there, but won't be visible till I get 150 signatures.

I need gamers out there who agree with me to sign the petition. Here is the link:

Go there and sign the petition. It's important we do something about this nonsense the media has been spreading. This will help to cut back on crap like the spreadsheet article I've been writing about a lot lately. I hope this works. It probably won't work, but it's worth trying, isn't it? I need 150 signatures soon to make this visible on the We the people site. It's important, gamers.