Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Faux News is at it again! (More Anti-Gaming Trash!!)

It seems this country has to keep spewing nonsense over and over again about a non-existent link between video games and real life violence...  They wait till everyone is not thinking about it and use crap like this to attempt to start another video games moral panic. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.... But it's fucking stupid and it must stop...

A murder in Australia,  has been associated with violent games.. The police have supposedly searched the killers twitter posts to find out he played call of duty...  Like call of duty may have impacted the killers decision to shoot 3 people for the sheer fun factor of it...  Well.. When you go to the shoutbox on gamepolitics.com (where I found the article), you get an article linked in it which links to another article by an Australian News site mentioning gangs... Gangs aren't even mentioned in the fox article linked in the shoutbox. It seems Faux news has no problem with leaving out information that proves games had nothing to do with the killings when they want to pin games as the SOLE REASON... For moral panic reasons!!!!

To make things worse, there is a video in the article which part of the Faux news "medical team" rambles on about his completely bogus theory that every big mass killer since 1999 is addicted to violent games... That's mentioned in the first article I linked... This idea is preposterous, there is no proof to back it up, whatsoever. Sure Klebold and Harris among others played violent games. But the proof for V-TECH, and others is a media Fabrication coming from newspapers like this. Lanza's call of duty articles all cited one article by an english tabloid which failed to even prove he played call of duty and used that as proof that he did!  The one person linking V-TECH to Counterstrike said an article which used HIS evidence was the proof. He basically cited himself saying that there was a link when there wasn't.  In fact there is NO evidence to suggest the following people besides Harris and Klebold and Lanza were addicted to violent games...

(Eric Harris, Dylan Khebold, Seung Hui Cho, Jared Loughner, Anders Brevik, James Holmes, the eight-year-old who accidently shot his grandmother recently and the three teens who murdered an Australian tourist too)

Anders brejik was a TERRORIST who mentioned video games make great training tools. There has been no evidence to suggest he was addicted, same for James Holmes, or the rest of the list as well. None but Harris and Klebold have ANY link to video game addiction, it's bullshit.Anders played World of Warcraft, far from your average Violent Game.  James Holmes played Guitar Hero. Is that their latest "Violent" game to attack now? Really... This is stupid....

To make things worse, the medical "Expert" claims that the medical industry has found "proof" that there is a link between real life violence and video games, and has gone out to say that link exists, even though NO study has found a causation link between violent video game exposure and real life violence. The ones that attempt to find a link between violent games and aggression are extremely flawed and biased... My YouTube censoring life radio show goes into the studies a lot more... This "trusted source" then went on claiming that violent games were drugs and we need warning labels put on them, like that's gonna do anything...

This pisses me off. The last thing we need is a "trusted source" (who isn't) starting a moral panic on video game violence after it has cooled off!!! This kind of stuff is what was rampant on news stations after columbine and  the moral panic skyrocketed after that... It's frankly, disgusting....