Friday, June 17, 2016

Latest Moral Panic on Video Game Violence Started by "Games Journalists"

Several Days ago a Terrorist with possible ISIS Connections committed the Worst Massacre in US History.  No one has tried to fake evidence to say he was a gamer.  That's the good news. (If that did happen, I would be all over it, as usual). But that didn't stop moronic fake "Games Journalists" like the ones in TheVerge and other sources bash video games violence after a massacre happened that had zero, zilch connections to video games.

At the Recent E3, Developers offered there condolences to the victims of the massacre. And that led to a ton of idiots bashing E3 for the "portrayal" of video game violence after a massacre, like there is some unwritten rule that you must never show video game violence, after a massacre. Fuck that rule. They can show what they want. And they shouldn't  feel like they have to offer their condolences. We've been through the shitstorm before. Actual SCIENTIFIC Evidence disproves the idea the video games cause "real life violence".  So these people, these developers should not show any guilt for something they didn't do. But that's exactly what they did, and that attracted idiots like Full Mcintosh, Jonathan BlowMe and others to "comment" on the "link" between video game violence and the massacre...

Then sites controlled by idiots like these pitch in... Like the Verge... I quote:

"First-person shooters have been one of gaming’s most popular genres since their inception in the 1990s, and EA has promoted many shooters at previous E3 conferences. But moving forward with games that find the fun in gun violence, felt, at the theater, strange to say the least. It’s not just the uncomfortable collision of fantasy and reality — the dream world of violence in the auditorium, and the real world of violence outside it — it’s the uncanny monotony they share.
This is the first major press event at E3, a conference that has a reputation for celebrating graphic violence with an adolescent zeal. Throughout the week, we may see publishers of first-person shooters, and other violent games, respond to recent events. But what we really expect every year, like we saw at E3’s conference today, is a familiar, over-rehearsed routine that regurgitates the same ideas in slightly different configurations"

Fuck off Verge. Hope you go out of business....

Here is another idiot spewing nonsense, from the daily beast:

"But no top gaming figures have yet publicly acknowledged the elephant in the convention hall: The unsettling parallels between horrific displays of real world violence like that in Orlando, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Isla Vista, Charleston, or San Bernardino and the fantasy violence that fuels their multi-billion dollar industry."

WHAT PARELLELS? There are NO parellels between these mass killings and the fantasy violence in the games mentioned.

Orlando = Terrorist attack
Columbine = Failed Terrorist attack by mentally ill bomb maker and his friend who wanted revenge for a police rape in 1998.
Virginia Tech = No Trustworthy connection to video games
Aurora = Shooter played Guitar Hero, that's it./
Sandy Hook = A lot of BS claims Lanza was influenced by games. But all of it is BS
Charlseton = Again, a TERRORIST attack
San Bernadino = Again another TERRORIST attack

Do you see a pattern? TERORRISM is the cause of many of these. NOT VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES. Fuck the Daily Beast, Fuck them.


But what is even worse is nonsense spread by "Digital Trends"....

www DOT

I quote:

"There is an important distinction to be drawn, however, between causation and normalization. Video games (like all forms of popular media) both reflect and inform cultural values, and it’s hard to argue against contemporary mainstream gaming’s loves of violence in general, and guns in particular. Daily bombardment with violent images in our media diet has a subtle, long-term effect of reducing the shock we feel when we encounter it. Even if we intellectually understand its horror, numbing the visceral and emotional reaction to violence makes it easier to write off as “just how the world is.”

This is more BS by idiots.  Number 1, this is indirectly claiming video game violence causes desensitization to real life violence. This point is wrong, stupid, Dumb, idiotic... Real life violence and fictitious violence are two DIFFERENT things. One cannot desensitize someone to the other. That makes no sense, whatsoever.... But again complete douche bags in "newspapers" like these are trying to bring up this flawed "point" again....

Then comes the Idiot I mentioned Above, Jonathan Blow. He is an Indie Game Developer who bashes violent video games by saying the following:

"The lesson of E3: Game studios are working very hard to build fantasies about how cool it is to be a mass murderer."

Blow is a moron.  A game where you gun down hordes of hostile aliens/soldiers/zombies/monsters is NOT the same as a game where you gun down innocent defensless people. He is saying they are the same. They are NOT. Hell.. I can't think of a single game where it REWARDS you for gunning down innocent civilians.  Sure there are games where you kill innocent civilians. But in all or almost all of them they punish that.

Game                                  How it punishes killing innocent people
----------                              ----------------------------------------------------
GTA Series                           Putting  cops on your back
Elder Scrolls Series              Making you guilty of a crime and punishes you severely
Postal  Series                        It doesn't. It's the ONLY Example of what blow is talking about
Duke3d                                 Killing Strippers Spawn Aliens to kill you.

 Fuck off Blow. You are an Idiot.

These people are disgusting. They are using a tragedy as a soapbox to push their stupid ideas, AGAIN. This is not the first time this has happened. But this time, they had help. All the industry execs who "apologized" for their video game violence after the massacre lead to this, this time.

They didn't need to do that. There is ZERO evidence to suggest Omar Mateen was a gamer. NO site claims he was. Just do a google search for "Omar Mateen" + "gamer" and you won't find a thing.  There is no need for this guilt trip by the industry, games didn't make this guy kill 50+ people. Because they can't, because video games don't cause violence. And Because of this stupid guilt trip by the industry, video game violence is back in the crosshairs, AGAIN.