Saturday, June 18, 2016

Stupid Website tries to Blame Doom and Marilyn Manson (And Others) for the Orlando Shooting

Lo And Behold, the Witch Hunt Surrounding Video Games after the Orlando Shooting Got Worse... While Searching for Tweets on twitter, I found someone posting a tweet linking to an article that blames video game violence and Heavy Metal for the Orlando Shooting.

http://www DOT
(just chasnge the DOT to a .)

Here are Quotes from the article in question:

"As investigators work tirelessly to uncover more facts about the deadly shooting which took place in a packed Orlando nightclub, new evidence has come to light linking the deadly shooter and an obsession with troubling music and video games."

“At the moment we are looking into links between the types of music and video games the shooter was into,” said Director Michael McCollins. “We are still trying to paint as accurate a picture of this attacker as possible.”

"Since the shooting which occurred over a week ago, several high school friends of the shooter have offered their help in the investigation. Those interviewed mentioned the shooter being an “obsessive fan” of the shock rocker, Marilyn Manson and the controversial video game, Doom. The shooter was said to have a room plastered with dark metal acts like Korn, Limp Bizkit, and Eminem."

Only Problem, and it's a major one, is that this "proof" that Omar Mateen played Doom is complete BS, Made up by the article.  The Link mentioned in the article FAILS to mention these "facts". In Fact NO SITE found when searching for "Omar Mateen" + "Doom" Says he was into Doom At All..

Here is the site, that is linked by the site in question claiming to show "new evidence that has come to light"

Notice something on this site? NO MENTION OF DOOM!

Even the name "Director Micheal McCollins" is not mentioned in the linked article. That was made up too...

It's All BS.

And Thanks to the Idiot on Twitter who linked to this, people will now believe it and it will turn into the next gaming moral panic.

Sites like this need to be pulled from the internet, Seriously. I am sick and tired of sites using a tragedy to push an agenda like "Ban violent games" and worse... The site that did this is named  I don't know if the writers were the same Asshole ManFeminists/Feminists who tried to blame violent games for the shooting (like theVerge and others), but this is sick... These people are sick. Someone needs to throw these fucks in jail... They write an article Claiming that Doom and marilyn Manson/King Diamond are to Blame (More on that later), and then it gets shared and twitter. Know what will happen next? People will Believe this Shit.  Most people wouldn't try to verify whether this is true or not and just flat out believe it. That is a huge problem, because you will get tons of people blaming Doom for the shooting next. This site just did the stupidest thing ever. They tried to shift the blame away from the real cause (terrorism) and tried to blame video games with FAKE EVIDENCE.

And What the Fuck is up with the site's constant bashing of heavy metal bands. Some of the ones mentioned are complete crap (like Korn, Limp Bizkit and others), but the picture of Marilyn Manson is actually a Picture of King Diamond.  This is disgusting beyond belief. They are trying to Blame King Diamond's music for the massacre, aren't they? Well that is fucked up...

And to bring on the other point I want to bring up, I have to go into rant mode... OK...


I am sick and tired of Doom Being Fucking Blamed for Massacres. Everytime there is some shooting, someone fucking blames Doom. It's Disgusting... Fucking Disgusting... Why can't these fucking idiots stop doing this. I am publicly shaming these assholes now on twitter, both the idiot fucking asshole who shared the article (that wasn't needed you fucktard), and the site itself...


But Seriously, shit like this pisses me off to an extreme, because it's been done to death. Doom has been literally blamed countless times for massacres. And if it's the new Doom game, I will be pissed off more... Because that game is awesome...  Fuck these idiots...