Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Gamers are Violent Sickos? DPO Pro-Censorship Trolls are violent sickos too!!!!

Incidentally, the Denverpost article I mentioned in my last post, wasn't something I first read when I found it. It was the first article I read in the group way back in 1999.  This was way before I became a Pro-Debunking-Nonsense Blogger and was a member of the Doom Community on Doom Central the big doom fan site then.  I was hearing every single claim every news paper was making about Doom after the School shooting and how bogus a lot were, like Doom had "Pipebombs" (Harris made several), Doom "allowed people to kill kids", and how Harris and klebold were playing "Doom in God Mode" when they committed the Massacre in 99.   I then read the Denverpost article and got immediately disgusted because I knew how false the other articles were, I was convinced this was false too, I couldn't prove it though..

So I signed up to their "your voice" forum and made a big complaint on the columbine massacre section saying basically "Doom is being scapegoated by the media, and I can't stand it, they are making utter BS to demonize it, nor can I stand how  people in schools are being put in detention for merely Playing Doom, It did not cause Columbine!". However what would transpire next, would reveal to me how idiotic the populace of this small forum in Colorado were. It became apparent that these people on the forum Blindly beleived that Doom caused Columbine. I was insulted and attacked by an Anonymous Internet troll for 3 months along with 5-6 other gamers all trying to defend the game on the forum.  This troll worked by a very specific and obnoxious formula. He would single out posts he didn't like and quoted them sentence by sentence replying to each quoted sentence with insults, death threats, constant curses and sexual innuendo, and worse... This kept on happening for hours each day from may to august 1999.  The person threatened to "Crack my Skull Open" for merely Stating that "kids being killed should not lead to the rights of adults to buy and play violent games". This was a rude response to the quote said by the troll "All of you value your video games over the lives of the victims". But since the troll called us "Gamer Shitheads" this response of mine was necessary, because this person was insulting any gamers right and left on the forum. And when he called all of us "Gamer Shitheads" he personally insulted me too.  The troll also told me to:

"Crawl up your mothers fly infested Cunt",  "your mother should have aborted you with a coat hangar!!!" and much worse... The moderator of the forum did nothing. Didn't even care. Fucking asshole! The only post that was deleted was the trolls last one, which I will get into later. The fact I was being insulted, threatened, meant nothing to these fucking idiots on the forum and the newspaper. They didn't care. To them we were all like Eric Harris or worse...

By this point the death threats and worse made me want to get revenge. And that's what I did. I got the Doom Community I was in to fight for me on their forum. We were gonna make that forum go insane for 3 months.  I got my best friend from High School, a guy I will only call "Hitman213". to sign up to fight as well. He came first and said that video games do not cause real violence, and something similar. Soon the troll demanded he change to his real name because the name "Hitman213" offended the memories of the victims. So he went back to his real name and mercilessly fought this troll but it took 3 months to get this fucking moron to shut up.  Soon a whole bunch of idiotic posters from the forum kept attacking us for "not saying our respects". To them merely defending Doom was saying "Rachel Scott deserved to Die!" or something equally heinous.  When A Guy named Gokuma from the Doom Central or Doom Nation Forums immediately followed Hitman213 in claiming "Video games don't cause violence, it's BS". But the Troll immediately said "WTF! You're all the same person with different accounts! You are the same person as Hitman213!!" It's like this person believed there were no gamers outside Hitman213 and me and we were all signing up with different accounts  to defend doom. It was hilarious then and in a way it still is, but the person was clearly a complete paranoid wackjob..  

They were literally zealots who believed everything they heard at face value, including the "Hack Psychologists Claims". The troll cited these claims. Then one of the Doom Forum guys "Gokuma" stated that psychologists are Charlatans and that Psychiatrists are a lot more credible.  This did not debunk the claim though so the troll said "That's nonsense you Gamer Shitheads are trying to pan to defend your game!!!" 
Right around then another Doom Forum Guy formed a new Account "Dr. Mingels", and said "Video Games actually have positive effects on kids". Immediately people made fun of him and called him "Dr. Mengelle" (Like in the Nazi War Criminal Sicko Butcherer). These people were likening Gamers to Fucking Nazi butchers? WTF! The Whole forum laughed at this. Seriously...

We had a total of 6 guys on the forum, who weren't assholes, Me (who had backed out due to emotional damage, not kidding), Hitman213, Gokuma, the guy that posted as "Dr. Mingels" who kept on trying to reason, uselessly with the idiots,  Lets just call him Dan. With us we had a video gamer from the Forum "Mostly Harmless", and another guy in the Doom Community. Versus us were the troll, his actress friend, and some other posters. One was always there but was on the First Troll's side and actually "filled in for him" when he was gone. One showed up later complaining on how all gamers on the forum were idiots and we spent "all day twittling with our joysticks", insulting us more. The thing kept on going on. At One Point the Troll said "all the violence in the articles on DPO (showing off the massacre) is proof violent games were involved".  The troll then said "you all made fun of the columbine shooting victims", blah blah blah, for defending doom.  Then the final post by the troll went up "I have enough evidence to prove gamers get violent", or something quite "lawyerly" like that.  Around then my friend is like "we need to know who this idiot is!" and started telling me about reverse email lookups. We decided to try a few. None told us any personal info. The troll then eventually shut up and disappeared, 6 months after it began.  

But that last post was deleted no more than 5 minutes after it was posted. I found that very suspicious. It sounded like the person was a lawyer gathering evidence against gamers. The troll did  have a lawyers email address,, "email for the law community". Some lawyer looking for clients did post on the forum. Forget his name. Could they be the same person? I don't know.  For years I tried 100's of different reverse email lookups. None of the returned any results. In 2006 however, I found a similar poster on, a moronic anti-video games activist attacking gamers, calling them "druggies". This person was more like the person who said "All gamers twittle with their joysticks all long" then the initial "lawyer" troll on the forum back in 1999. But this whole experience of the idiocy surrounding the school Massacre on the Forums and in Colorado is what inspired me to write blog posts debunking nonsense spread about violent games. The troll cited 2 nonsense claims, the "video games break down the inhibition to kill" one and the "Doom Will become Reality" one. I debunked both on my Debunking Other Nonsense blog, which debunked many many claims since 2011 almost on a daily basis.  The whole stereotype of "Gamers" being violent psychos pisses me off, and so do all the bogus "Death Threat" claims anti-violent games activists keep saying (how gamers keep threatening their lives), because pro-video game violence trolls do the same thing. The nonsense this troll was saying, threatening to kill me, crack my skull open, threatening to "kick gokuma's ass" and more is proof. I really don't like looking back at this. We were ALL assholes on this forum. I'm not really proud of it.  The kind of people who were attacking Games in colorado were like this, apparently. These people refused to believe anything but the "trustworthy" sources that made up crap. We were all being insulted for merely being Video Game players, by almost everyone on the forum for months on end. Being Compared to Nazi Butcherer? It doesn't get any lower than that.

Bogus Modified Doom caused Doom Moral Panic in Colorado.

A long time ago a time magazine article about columbine claimed a modified version of doom was found on Eric Harris's Aol Site, with several dubious features, all which have been debunked by me. The features include a "second shooter", "infinite ammo and extra weapons for both shooters" and the ability for the shooter who ran out of ammo first, to be killed upon this happening. I debunked these claims many, many times, because frankly, I am disgusted by news articles making up bogus crap to cause moral panics like this.  But I will again...  

The "second shooter" would require friendly AI, and in 1999 only one sourceport could even do this, MBF (Marine's best friend). But here is the issue, the ability to make any enemy in a modified dehacked patch (what Harris would need to do for this to work) requires documentation that didn't come out till 2000. Now to debunk the "infinite ammo and extra weapons for both shooters".  Number 1, infinite ammo is possible, but the extra weapons for both shooters is a complete nonsense claim. In 1999 adding new weapons without replacing existing ones was not possible, period. Dehacked was the only way to mod back then and it simply wouldn't allow you to do this because it was a simple EXE editor to change simple variables. The extra weapons for the second shooter, is the second worst claim in this article, it requires the ability to script an entity to do this, to create a completely new enemy that has the ability to use all weapons the player does, plus the impossible "Extra" weapons, this would require Zdoom, which didn't have the decorate language built into it necessary to do this till the mid 2000's.

Now you get the most impossible feature of them all, the ability for the "shooter who ran out ammo first" to die. This is frankly, not even doable without both Hexen format levels that allow you to "tag" any entity to keep track of it so the next part the scripting language to kill them apon running out ammo (also scripted), and the scripted language itself (ACS). This wasn't even possible till 2001 or later. The article is a bunch of bogus nonsense claims and inflammatory claims such as "They were playing their game in God Mode" and similar. But none of this stopped the writers to spread this nonsense to new articles featuring even more fake claims!!!! The Real stupid thing is that this claim of running out of ammo kills you is IMPOSSIBLE with the "unlimited" mentioned before in the same article!!! This writer got away with this nonsense and almost no one complained? WTF!

Lo and behold, an article by the Rocky Mountain News, mentioned how the same hate site tracking group that supposedly found this impossible to make in 1999 version of doom. But they only mentioned the infinite ammo, extra weapons, and second shooter claim, not the shooter who runs out of ammo dying first. They added their own dubious claim, Begging students that cried a phrase "`Lord, why is this happening to me?''.   This  article would be eventually mirrored on super columbine Massacre RPG's Site (a sick RPG based on the School Shooting) but eventually was deleted...  But here comes the weird thing. APA (The American Psychological Association started citing the false articles (one of them) in a paper proving "video game aggression" (misquoted as proving video games cause real life violence by many "Experts" on Talk shows or news station reports from 1997 to 2006).  This made it's way to an essay about the "effects" of violent video games and this is how I traced everything in reverse from the essay, to the APA paper, to the Rocky mountain news, and back to the Times article that made it up, and without me finding the Times and Rocky Mountain News Article I would never be able to debunk this... 

Later on A Denverpost Article mentioned the begging students that cried the phrase but the phrase was now "shouted" and changed to "" 'My Lord, why did you do this to me?' ".  So which is it? This or the older quote. Neither. It's fudged, made up, fabricated because they couldn't even get  the way it was said or the quote right! The Denverpost article also fails to even mention any of the modified doom features besides this so no one would know it's fake, and mentions that Harris made a Columbine High School Doom level, a known hoax, debunked by Snopes, and supposedly "proven" not to be a hoax by a pro-columbine-conspiracy journalist with no sense of the truth, quoting a report from a student saying Harris Did make the level, but the report in question he mentions most likely was based on the fake news article from the Conneticut Journalist who said the same exact same thing, "A Student friend of Harris said he made the School in Doom" but later own admitted he made the whole claim up. Lovely example of spinning the truth by idiots in Colorado, Isn't it?

But it's more than that... The 2 articles for Colorado Newspapers (the Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News ones) are the only ones to mention the very Dubious "begging students" claims that can't even get the quote screamed by these begging students right, or how the quote was even said... Right after Columbine you got a ridiculously paranoid witch hunt for Video games and their players that was worst in Colorado. People started fanatically believing that violent games and Doom Caused the Massacre, and that there was no other factor, whatsoever. It was a 20'th century Witch Mob! They also thought that  players of such games were sicko sociopaths with no heart, like Eric Harris. This was happening all over Colorado and it lead to ban violent games legislation, and lawsuits. But what triggered it? I have a theory, these articles, indirectly or intentionally triggered it using the people' preconceptions of violent games as a base.

The "hack Psychologists" who went on talk shows during the 1997 school shooting in Paducah came back in force in 1999 with claims of nonsense, such as how the Military uses games like this to break down the Inhibition to killl, even though a blogger from the Military disproved this here. But the claims that violent games desensitize people to real life violence were starting to be believed and these hack psychologists kept repeating this and the break down the inhibition to kill quote ad-nauseum.  One even wrote a completely fabricated book claiming it was true and hires internet trolls to cite this book in comments attacking violent games in articles in newspaper sites attacking violent games. So what would a person who refuses to question anything they hear and believes it all, and has no gaming and doom modding experience think when they read the denverpost article?, they would assume Harris could easily, in 5 seconds, with a menu in the game, make the supposed mod, and this leads them to believe that "Doom Caused Columbine". Why? They already believe that violent games make kids desensitized to real violence, which is just another way of saying that the kids playing such games, who before they played the games could tell the difference between reality and fantasy, loose that ability after obsessively playing them. Now combine that with the belief from the article that Harris was able with a click of a button turn doom into a school shooting sim, and you get people who think that this modified version of doom is responsible. Now comes the people wanting to sue id for allowing the game to be easily modified through a menu to make it a school shooting simulator. More backlash happens. Then you get paranoid people who are still trying to mourn the victims of the massacre, and not thinking straight as a result, assume that Doom had the school shooting simulator somewhere in it and it would have to if only "one click of a button" was needed to mod it like that. So in that case "doom" made harris want to kill the kids now, technically. Some people don't understand games at all, and don't even know what a Mod is, and they assume the original game is also a school shooting simulator. No where in any of these articles is it even made clear that the modded version required a lot of work with "third party" software and ID has nothing to do with this at all. That didn't help any... None of the people are non-gamers who read that article understand how doom. They just assume it's a violent game and they "assume" Doom is a school shooting Simulator. This lead to the BS claim "Doom Caused Columbine" after millions read and misinterpreted this article.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Gamers! Mail your Rep's about the video game nonsense. They are trying to regulate them again...

Checking Gamepolitics today I learned the truth about Obama's Violent game's conference between the ECA and the Senators, hosted by Joe Biden. According to the ECA, the whole thing didn't go down well and the senators still blindly believe "Video games cause violence". I quote:

"Senators are convinced that there’s a connection between video games and violence. One has even said that a proposed study is simply “laying the groundwork for new regulations on video games.” We know that’s not true - so write to them today.

Yes, even when presented with the facts that violent crimes have decreased since 1980, while video game sales have increased, and that other nations that consume more video games than the United States don’t see the same level of violence, those we talked to pressed forward with the need to legislate video games and waste money to find a connection between games and violence we know doesn’t exist. These Senators believe that playing games leads to real world violence. They have even gone so far to say in private discussions they disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision that video games are free speech.

We’re not going to take these insults and lies. Video games don’t lead to violence and are protected free speech. That’s reality. We need gamers to speak up and tell Congress this.Write to your elected officials and then spread this action everywhere you can.

This year is going to be a rough one. No matter how many facts we present, folks seem to want to stick to their fantasy that we gamers are time bombs waiting to go off. It’s insulting to me, it’s insulting to you, it’s insulting to us and just not true. Take action now.

Keep on gaming,"

 This is, Frankly Disgusting... Number 1) None of these senators even care that people don't want video games regulated,  As gamers we have to stop this mess NOW. We can do it. We need to mail our Rep's and Our Senators, but their message refuses to show the real issues, the media fabrications, the nonsense, the real reason behind school shootings.  The Representatives will assume the default message is  just Industry Rhetoric. Why would they listen to it? You must send them a much more detailed message like the one I have put below. One that shows the scapegoating by the media and how violent games have nothing to do with real crime. This is really important.  My message is a lot longer than theirs but covers a lot of stuff that very few people know about but is all true and people simply are not talking about it. If people want to use this message, go ahead. Edit it and choose the parts you agree or disagree with if you want, but make sure to tell them that A) Violent media studies never have proven violent crime is a result, and that B) Special interest groups in the CDC Study will try to hijack it with hoaxes, for extremist groups did that before at the Supreme Court, quoting the "Doom will Become Reality Hoax", which was actually not on Harris's real site but a fake site made after Columbine.
This is really important. This could be like the columbine moral panic on "Doom" times 5 if you don't act... Seriously.

Title : "Regulating Violent games solves nothing!"

"As your Constituent, I would like you to know that I am not happy about all the scapegoating happening surrounding violent games by the Government, and if you don't know this already, the scapegoating has been going on for over 10 years (since Paducah!), and it continues without anything to legally stop it.

Most comes from the media who are fueled by right wing extremist groups who are pro censorship such as the The Eagle Forum, the Parents Television Councel and others. For years they have been sending people on to talk shows especially right after school shootings, to make up utter lies about violent games such as the "fact" violent games make kids violent, the "fact" violent games break down the inhibition to kill, and the "fact" that violent games are military training tools. None of these are true.

The truth is that, video games don't make anyone violent, no study has ever been done even linking video games to violence, the aggression studies have been misquoted by people with anti-video game agendas on talk shows as proof they cause violence, without proving which studies they are talking about. One was a guy who was trying to sell a book. The other guy is a Defense Attorney for Murderers who gets them all to say "Video games made me do it" and is trying to get people to believe it, so he can win as much cases as possible. In fact no study has ever linked video games to Violence at all. Why do we need a study to link them now?

The Link between Adam Lanza and the Video game "Call of Duty" was based on 1 UK Tabloid basically saying "This kid lived in the basement (a video gamer stereotype), and had a computer. He had posters of lots of tanks and old fashioned Military Weapons. Since Call of Duty Players can name a lot of old fashioned weapons, he must be a Call of Duty Fan!".  This all came from a "plumber" who visited the house. This article doesn't prove he played call of duty, but then 25 newspapers all Quoted this plumbers words as proof he was obsessed with Call of Duty and some even said Call of Duty made him commit the Massacre. See the nonsense the Media Spreads? Millions of people now believe, that Call of Duty caused Sandy Hook. But it's not true.

The same thing Happened after Columbine. Some unknown party made a fake Eric Harris Aol Site with a page that said "The fires will go off in the 21'st, Eric harris Hates you all, Doom will become reality!".  This spread around to people and then the media quoted the "Doom will Become Reality" part and immediately everyone thought Doom Triggered the Massacre. Only Problem is that Harris never wrote these words, the site was made on April 21'st. It was proven by he FBI. But no one listened. One News article verifying that it was a fake Aol Site was taken down to cover it up by someone.... The media makes up bogus claims right and left about violent games. FOX News hired a fake hack psychologist to say "Bulletstorm causes rape because Rape is a violent crime, and since Bulletstorm is a violent game, it has caused rape!". Millions Believed this.  A preacher recently said at a public function of some sort, that "Pornography releases Endorphins, it's like a cocaine High, the more you view pornography the more you need that high, till Heterosexual Porn doesn't satisfy you anymore, you then jump to Homosexual Porn, then to Bestiality or then to Pedophilia. Look at all the Rapists and Child Molesters who said they were addicted to Porn. These Violent Video games are the same way". He basically said it in a way to make some people think Violent games lead to child molestation.   In the Columbine case, the Hoaxed page was used as evidence in the Supreme court case EMA Vs Brown. It was submitted by a Right wing pro-family Group who is anti-violent games. I fear some similar group will use this or other bogus claims (imagine if they use the Child Molestation one.....), in the upcoming CDC study as evidence... This must not happen. It's not true and things like this could lead to Regulation when no evidence of a problem exists...

  Legislating violent games will not cause Tragic School Shootings to stop. Doom didn't have anything to even do with Columbine. The CHS Massacre was a revenge crime against the police in Colorado, and according to a freedom of information act request for documents the FBI was keeping secret,
Eric Harris was Raped by the Police in an arrest in 1998. This triggered the revenge crime, Not Doom.

We still don't know why Adam Lanza killed 26 people. Why jump to conclusions till a real investigation gets done?

Thank you for your time and consideration."

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Facebook Mass Effect page gets trolled by Religious Right Gamer Hating Shitholes!!!!

                            I know a lot of people in the gaming community have already known this... But I have to report it even though it's old, because it's idiotic. Back when CNN and other news outlets all went after violent games when they thought Ryan Lanza was the shooter, they singled out a "like" to facebook's Mass Effect Page that was "supposedly" made by him... And look at all the bullshit that happened on the page it self: Idiocy at it's finest:

Here is another even more fucking ridiculous image of what happened later!!!!

More in the second image later....

The thing is that people like this piss me off. Especially those who jump to a conclusion that later on was REFUTED. Ryan lanza did not kill the "18 5 year olds", and Mass Effect had nothing to do with it. But things get way more sinister... When you realize that these facebook accounts are not even on facebook anymore!!
I was planning this article to give out links to these facebook accounts so that people who wanted to could give these idiots a piece of their mind but apparently they all became little cowards, for none of them are even ON facebook..... I checked for each one of them and couldn't find a single one... If the posts were deleted and then the accounts got deleted later then I understand that but.... To me it sounds more like someone from an extremist right wing pro-censorship group that thinks violent games cause school shootings and that gamers are all psychopaths that are inherently violent,  made a bunch of fake facebook accounts
and started posting a bunch of fucking stupid anti-gaming comments to try to screw with Bioware's facebook account in an attempt to get them to go out of business or something along those lines. The first comment even attacks fans of the game, the one by "Mary Hughes Bach" saying "you must be proud of yourself, Sick trash!" after a gamer said "you must be all proud of yourselves" after all this began... Apparently these idiots don't just think the gaming companies are sickos so are all the gamers too! That fucking moron "Mary Hughes Back" immediately and without remorse likened "Willard Santos" who posted the top comment (half-cut off at the top), to Eric Harris and then called him "Sick Trash!". Then you got the morons saying the stupid crap like:

"Congrats... Your game may be now responsible for the death of 18 5 year olds.. Get off
your fat butts and add a disclaimer to these games that say "THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE",
Cha-Ching, It's the money isn't i(t)? Well now real blood has been shed"

This person is Calling gamers "Fat Butts", demanding they put a disclaimer that says "THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE" then accuses the the Gaming companies AND Gamers of Being greedy assholes that must "sell violent games to kids". Apparently to them any one who Liked this game is somehow in the mind of the assholes here, a contributing factor to the school shootings, or even a cause. Then you get the religious nonsense from asshole zealots that "Satan is in control of your minds" Bullshit.

Now to address the fuckers who posted religious anti-gaming shit in the second image:

1) Their all fucking religious assholes who hate violent games AND gamers.
2) 90% of the ones doing attacking against the game don't exist on Facebook anymore.
3) This sounds a lot like an attempt by someone with a bunch of fake names to attack the game...

But some of these are utterly idiotic. I quote: "Burn in Hell", "May he rot in hell" (attacking gamers),
"A Guy who loves this game just shot and killed 25 people based on this game, and we think these games have no effect on people, he KILLED 18 KINDERGARTEN kids in cold blood", and the worst (and must funny..) " 'Anonymous' Take out this page and their website!!!! They are probably Millionaires!!!".

First of all the fucking idiots telling fans of the game on THEIR OWN FUCKING Fan Page to "Burn in Hell" or "Rott in Hell" is ridiculously idiotic. Why are they exposing the fans to this? Bioware didn't actually make the page, they don't run it. They run Take your protest there, but it seems they wanted to try to attack the gamers who like mass effect instead. Fucking stupid. It's like they think the Gamers are responsible for the shooting, so they want the fans to burn in hell. What paranoid delusional crap is being forced on these people?

Then you get the idiot who said "A Guy who loves this game just shot and killed 25 people based on this game, and we think these games have no effect on people, he KILLED 18 KINDERGARTEN kids in cold blood", which is insanely stupid. Number 1, he was a Suspect, not the conformed killer, but in this persons mind it does not matter, does it? Then the moron says that because the person that the media misidentified as the killer "liked" the mass effect page, the game made him Kill 18 Kindergartners. So the game must have done it, not some psycho who looked just like a psycho in all of the pictures I saw of him. And these people can't see it? Are they that brainwashed and stupid?

The "Antonymous comment" is just plain funny, because Anonymous is anti-censorship, not pro-censorship, pro-insulting gamers, pro-religion. They fought the Westborough Batpist church and hacked their site, some people must be really stupid to think Anonymous gives a Rabid Rats ass about morons like this, these people were so stupid that they confused the facebook fan page with the real site... WTF? Either really computer illiterate or something.  Then to insult the gamers. Then you get the comments saying Ryan Lanza Shot up the school because the CNN articles (and others) claimed he was a suspect, and then to attack the game based on a "supposed" like Ryan Lanza had. Which brings me to another point. The "Likes" on a page are all private, so how did the networks even know who liked the page or not? They didn't, it was fabricated just like the Call of Duty angle.  But do these morons even care? Hell Now. These scumbags didn't even offer ONE GODDAMNED Apology to Ryan Lanza for this, or for the Mass Effect fans on the page, NOT ONE. They don't even give a flying fuck that they told a bunch of gamers to "Burn In Hell" over a not so proven link to a school shooter that turned out to be FALSE....

I think some religious right wing group organized this though, because I smell a coverup.  Almost none of these posters are even on facebook. Why would they all suddenly leave? It sounds like someone decided to set up 100 or so fake accounts to be used in this attack against Bioware then deleted them later.... Sounds a lot like something some familiar midwest pro-family, anti-gaming, anti-gamer group that tried to Hijack the Supeme Court during EMA vs Brown would Do.... More on that later... Either way this is the stupidest thing I have heard in years, a bunch of Trolls on a Game Site on Facebook all religious right zealots insulting gamers and no one is being thrown in jail for this crap. No legal repercussions at ALL. It's ridiculous. At least give them 6 years. They are above the law, they don't have to serve time... It's Stupid..

EDIT - 6/21/2016 : When I did the Facebook Search back in 2012,  I swear I couldn't find those posters. They were not on facebook. But apparently they were punished on facebook and  didn't show up on the search for facebook accounts then. I searched for them and found them this time... So I can say My angle of it being a religious fanatic group using fake accounts is untrue...

I was going to share their accounts of these losers initially so gamers can give them a piece of their own mind. That being said, Don't do anything stupid and threaten their lives or harass them. Just say they are idiots and such..

Here goes...
(as always - change the DOT to a . - Don't want facebook people tracing this...)

Mary Hughes Bach (quote "sick trash!" - to a gamer)
https://www DOT
Becky Lopey Mcdaniel (quote "Congrats... Your game may be now responsible for the death of 18 5 year olds.. Get off your fat butts and add a disclaimer to these games that say "THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE", Cha-Ching, It's the money isn't i(t)? Well now real blood has been shed")
https://www DOT
Karen Leatha Squires (quote : "Burn in Hell" - to a gamer)
https://www DOT

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Obama's plan to study video game violence ready to be Hijacked just like the EMA vs Brown Decion could have been...

Apparently the Obama Admin. is setting up even more  (possibly) biased studies to be done by the Centers for Disease Control, to see if there is a link between Gun Violence and Violent Media. The problem I have with it is that to, my knowledge, there has not been a single non-biased study done about the subject, and evidence surrounding the funding of brain-scan studies by the "Center for Successful Parenting", shows that they are nothing but a group trying to force the government and others to try to get rid of violent entertainment, really biased... Read their mission statement with my interpretations in the image below:

The first thing I think about this whole plan that Obama is setting up is that the CDC is hardly an unbiased source, and no matter who does these studies, they still have idiots trying to sway them. In 2010 during  the Brown VS EMA Supreme court, an extremist Right wing Pro-family, anti-violent games group sent an Amicus Brief to the court that cited known lies and hoaxes such as the "Doom Will Become reality Hoax" (debunked here), the Claim Eric Carneal got better at firing a real gun just by playing Doom (debunked here), and that the Military uses FPS games to break down the inhibition to kill (debunked here, by someone in the military). There is always someone trying to get their agenda through, and this attempt by this group from the midwest was clearly an attempt to Hijack the Supreme Court with bogus crap to try to make them vote the other way, which would have lead to an effective ban of violent games not just to minors, but to adults too. (Read up on articles I wrote about Brown Vs EMA to understand why).

The CDC are hardly in a qualified position to know what is true and what is faked in the "evidence" department. They handle "infectious diseases" not fact checking about violent games.  In fact 99% of the nonsense spread about violent games is fake. There are literally hundreds of news article making up crap about violent games that very few people have looked through them to see that they are false. And after School shootings, especially Columbine, Fabricated Evidence was used to demonize games, in the form of hoaxes including the doom will become reality hoax, but there was a far more sinister hoax in place involving 3 articles, one from, one from Rocky Mountain News, and another from Times Magazine all claiming Harris customized doom to be used to simulate the Massacre with (with begging students). This version supposedly had features doom could not do at that time, including a second shooter (friendly AI, Impossible to create for Doom mods in 1999). It also supposedly had  begging students that scream quotes, but the quotes said varied from article to article, and so did how they begging students said the quote (one said screaming, the other said begging). And it also supposedly had the ability for either student to die when running out of bullets (impossible to program in doom then, no source code to actually do this, it would be needed to do it right), and no other way of doing it as well, no editing program then allowed you to do this, dehacked didn't, editing tools did't, etc. The thing is that each article mentioned some of these but only one mentioned the last, the first printed one, the one from Times Magazine. The next mentions the begging students and the second shooter, and then the third mentions the begging students only. It's like 3 different newspapers all conspired to fake evidence to make doom like it contributed to the shooting, using ideas that would be in a school shooting simulator, as the supposed modified versions features,  when the game couldn't have allowed the modder to make such a mod in the first place...

Now it's possible, but only because of the source code (released after columbine), allowed source ports that support extensive scripting languages to code this thing into mods. Back then no source port even had scripting language support. How do I know all of this? I have edited doom since 1994. I am an ACS wiz, I know how to program, I have spend my free time since 1996 learning how to mod the game and make levels for it as well. My Point is that someone will try to slip bogus information to the CDC. Who is  there to see through it? Something needs to be done... I just don't know what yet...

If they allow people to persuade them that all of this info I have debunked is true (and there are hundreds of websites saying it is), we would have a situation where special interest groups who are biased against violent games decide the outcome of a study using false data, leading to more legislation... This could be disastrous. If you think they will only use this stuff, then you are wrong. What nonsense will they make up for this? These falsifications are very deceiving, there is very little data to prove that they are engineered, and none of the people looking at them in the CDC are Video game players, who know that the Doom hoax with the three articles can't be true. Who is there to balance this out? No one... That's why it's scary.

All this takes is some false data being brought to the attention of the CDC, something they cannot debunk, and it spirals out of control. Enough false data that is set up to make it look like School Shooters train on violent games or are influenced by them would lead to the CDC saying that there is a link between gun crimes and violent games. Then comes the legislation of morality causing violent games to be in the cross hairs of the groups who aren't satisfied with a mere restriction to adults, they want the industry GONE by any means necessary. So that means bans of violent games to adults as well... Then comes the idiots who think that gamers are the cause of school shootings and they would be targeted next. It's already happening, Leland Yee said some crappy remarks about gamers recently, like we only care about "our lust for violence", and we need to "shut up". This is a nightmare waiting to happen...

Just in case the people who have been shutting down sites (like the second one that proved the doom will become reality hoax was just that, a hoax) that debunk this nonsense here are screenshots proving the debunking still exists once they get shut down:

First the Post on the Design Synthesis blog debunking the claim that the military uses Violent FPS games to break down the inhibition to kill.

Now the image of the supposed "Eric Harris" Aol Site that says "On April 21'st Doom Will Become Reality" (not April 20'th....)

And now a screenshot ofthe site dedicated to all things related to the Columbine Massacre that Debunks this hoax (

Just incase the video gets taken down or people want a quick explanation. According to Reports, Micheal Carneal fired 8 individual but quick shots with a semi automatic pistol. He shot 8 students, all in the head or the chest, and People in the extremist right wing groups quoting the nonsense that he learned this from Doom are idiots, for Doom has the thing where you fire the guns in the game, holding down  the fire button makes every gun, even a single fire gun like a shotgun fire multiple shots as the fire button on the mouse is held down... This is how doom "trains" fans to react..... (Trains is a bad word, but just go with me on this one)...

Carneal did not do this, because it said he brought 2 rifles, a shotgun, and a semiautomatic pistol into the school. None of those weapons are Full Auto the kind needed to replicate the way doom makes it so when you hold down the fire button more shots keep on firing. Semi automatic merely means that the clip for the gun holds more than one shot and the weapon can fire multiple shots before reloading... Nothing to do with this behavior, that only a full auto weapon can do, like a military grade assault rifle. Also Doom cannot simulate recoil, which all weapons had, so if he tried the "methods" doom "train" you to do in real life he would be aiming at the wrong place and would miss over and over again in the best case, or the gun would spiral out of control at the worst case, depending if he used a pistol (best case) or a full auto rifle (worst case).

Obscure, now nonexistant Flash Game to blame for Sandy Hook? NRA are idiots!!!!

I know this is old news to many gamers, But when I read this, I immediately laughed but then got angry at how serious nonsense like this is... Behold, Wayne Lapierre and the NRA have got a vendetta against violent games, because in their mind, they have to scapegoat violent entertainment like all these gun nuts do all the time. In a lot of cases, I have seen, Gun Nuts tend to be anti-gamers. Which is worse, violent games or people Selling tools of REAL violence, that only a nutcase like Lanza or Harris would want to use to harm real people in a school shooting... Where are the other Millions of gamers committing school shootings once per week in the country, caused by their constant "exposure to violent games".  They don't exist. That's right, because Gamers for the most part Are not violent... The Few shooters that committed mass school shootings like Harris had Other Issues, like being raped by the police (!!! The real cause for columbine !!! not violent games!!! ), we don't even know Lanza's issue yet... Yet the scapegoating from the Nationalist Rhetoric ASSociation continues...   hmm...   So the NRA has to stifle the blame for something they may have caused. If they had nothing to do with this, why all the publicity on attacking a violent flash game that Doesn't exist anymore (Kindergarten Killers)   ?

It's not the first time some random 10 year old super violent game like Postal 2 has been used as an excuse to attack the gaming industry (in the media after Brown VS EMA dozens of articles kept on spewing nonsense about 99% of violent games having features like "peeing on kids", that were, Surprise(!) only found in Postal 2, One Damn game!!! )  But in this case the game was a random flash game hosted on a website that deleted it later,, and the gaming industry, has Nothing to do with it... It's like Lapoopierre decided to look around for ONE game, flash or not that had murdering little kids part of it. He couldn't find a single one marketed by  the Industry as a real ESRB rated title (because it doesn't exist, DUH! - Despite how many idiots after columbine in newspapers tried to call Doom a School Shooting Simulator... More on that later).

To make things worse, this game wasn't even POPULAR on It was taken down in 2008! It hardly was a Big Smash hit all the 2 year olds are playing behind their mothers back because the "ESRB rated it teen like they do to all uber violent games because the industry is selling filth to our toddlers!".  Bullshit. This game wasn't even a real Boxed game. But you know what? Do the NRA really care? Of course they dont!  Because it's the scapegoat for the industry they have chosen and it will be used as proof that all violent ESRB rated games are like that in millions of biased, stupid, payed for by the NRA, news articles next. Mark my words. Just like Postal 2, which also wasn't even remotely popular, and crappy too...

The worst thing, is this game is the LAST you want to use as a scapegoat. It is so Amateurly made... It is gory, but it has super hand drawn graphics that make it look so cheap, that trying to call it a "realistic depiction of real school violence" (they will try this...) is utterly stupid. You can't even move around in the game, it's all aiming and killing. If you kill the kids in each of the scenes, who all fight back(! - WTF! Yes they are all armed!!! Highly realistic... ) you go to the next scene. If you don't you die. It's strictly a flash shooting gallery game, sick, yes, disgusting, yes, but Realistic and bound to make kids shoot up a real school? NO WAY IN Hell. Too cartoony. Even a 10 year old can tell it's not real life....

That's besides the point here. The point is the NRA scapegoating is using something (on purpose) to demean 99% of the violent games that aren't even that violent, and don't have this kind of disgusting purpose (shooting up a school).  A previous article of mine debunked 5 extra violent game myths using a spreadsheet documenting all 605 PC FPS game releases. One was the idea that all violent games are uber violent... I quote:

"Ok… This isn’t so much a claim but a pattern among articles “damning”
Violent video games.  These articles use examples from 1 or 2 violent
games that are what I call “Uber Violent” games as proof that
“most games” are like them. Uber violent games are a rare thing.
What’s the definition of “Uber violent games”? Games that are so
violent that most people would find them tastlessly violent.
Out of all 605 FPS games ever made, only 4.46% are “Uber Violent”
like this. Only 14.81% of all 81 Popular FPS games could be
considered Uber Violent. These “Popular Uber Violent” Fps games
only make 1.98% of all FPS games ever released! (605)"

That's right, this 1 Example of a game that isn't a real Game marketed by the industry is being used
to demean Thousands of games that don't even come close, simulated combat with aliens/demons/zombies/etc is being scapegoated for causing the shooting,  by using an example from a poorly done FAN MADE CRAPPY ARCADE GAME.... Yeah... NRA is really pushing it.... The nonsense continues.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Video Game BS Youtube video Blog Series...

Recently, I have been re watching by Video Game Violence BS video's, that I did back last year in the summer to debunk nonsense spread about violent games I have heard over the year.  A lot of points I brought up were unique in that Me and my blogging of them have been the only people online to discuss them. So I decided to do a post with links to these videos, in light of the scapegoating that is going on right now because of the Sandy Hook School Shooting the media is scapegoating the Industry for causing and worse... (Child Molestation? WTF!?), yes violent games have been linked to that now, seriously...

A lot of points are brought up, including debunking the following myths:

-Video games cause real life violence
-Video games are used to break down the inhibition to kill in the Military
-Video games train school shooters
-School shooters became better shooters because of Doom (WTF!)

Also a lot of fake nonsense spread about the Columbine massacre by the media are brought up and debunked such as:

- Eric Harris said "On april 20'th, Doom will become reality" on his webpage
- Eric Harris modified to train the massacre with begging students, infinite ammo/weapons, a second shooter programmed in.

A lot about EMA vs Brown is brought up about how nonsense above was used in Amicus Brief by a right wing pro-censorship, pro-family, anti-freedom group from the midwest, in an attempt to Hijack the Supreme court in the Ema Vs Brown decision with Bogus info.

Anyway, here are the videos, enjoy...

Brand New:

Video Game Violence BS II: Part 1
Sandy Hook Nonsense:
I: Adam Lanza did not play Violent Games
II: Violent Gaming Companies and the players of such games being "Child Molestors"
III: The Rediculous Missouri Tax on Buying, Playing, Using, And Storing Violent games.

Recorded last year:

Part I:  Video Game Myths debunked...

Part II:  Faked News Articles after Columbine and their Debunking

Part III: Panic over Video Game Ads and the "fact" that violent games are marketed to kids Debunked.

Part IV: Religious Right wing groups and their attempt to Hijack the Supreme Court during EMA vs Brown

Part V: My personal experiences with anti-violence-in games trolls and the "Tornado of Bullshit" that fuels censorship

Part VI: New Nonsense about violent games debunked from a new attack site I found...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

BEHOLD! More Anti-gaming nonsense (and media Lies!!!!) From CCFC.

Lo and behold, The nonsense surrounding violent games causing violence, has not ended!!!! After the newtown shooting which EVERYONE in the media seemed to blame on violent games. Enter the newest peice of nonsense by the Campaign for a Commercial free Childhood, or what I think they are really trying to be, campaign for censoring for kids...  This article written by a moron from this group on spreads complete nonsense about violent games, without shame, without any recourse, shocking!!!!

So these idiots want a "dialogue" about the "effects" of violent games on kids (to them "effects" are making kids directly want to shoot up a school, nothing less... They want that result, that's why the mentioned the link as being "almost as great" as the link from smoking cigarrates to cancer. A bullshit excuse everyone uses). Lets begin the debunking of this nonsense:

"Research repeatedly demonstrates that, for children, exposure to violent video games, movies and television programs is a risk factor for becoming desensitized to violence, lack of sympathy for victims and aggressive behavior. Proponents for allowing purveyors of violent media unfettered access to children dismiss the research because it is correlational and not causal."

I went through such research in another post on wordpress and many of the studies are so flawed that it becomes doubtful that they were done for any other purpose to fraudulently find a link between violent games and aggression so the hack psychologists could use them to claim "violent games cause kids to become violent", which they repeatedly did, misinterpreting the studies. I saw evidence that the study creators purposely hid certain facts from the public, like the fact that they use Electroshock therapy to increase aggression in the violent game playing kids, only to find that the PDF that proved this "disappeared" off the internet a few days after I exposed their nonsense.  Brainscan studies done by certain groups were all funded by one group, the "center" for successful parenting" who's goal is to  get the medical community, the government and others "change culture" to get rid of violence in entertainment, aka ban violent games and worse, with many of these studies which are all quite fraudulent.  Now the stakes are higher because morons like Nader and Boykin are saying indirectly that they lead to child molestation, or urges of paedophilia, to cause a moral panic.  With such studies linking one thing (violent games) to another (aggression) and dozens of groups saying that it proves something completely different (violent games make kids violent), and then the bombshell that these studies are fraudulent and were funded by groups who want to get rid of all violence in entertainment, It's hard to even say this claim from the article is even true, it's just rhetoric designed to "change" culture. The discussion will be about banning violent games, it will come up, and so will paedophilia and child molestation as the next "crime" associated with games and gamers. We gamers are already lowlifes, morons, "gamer shitheads" , people who "should have been aborted", druggies and even school shooters in the minds of the wackjob anti-gamers out there, what's to stop them from adding child molestation, rape, and worse to the "effects" of violent games we "exhibit".

"But public health policy is often based on correlation between behavior and harm, and the correlation between media violence and aggression is almost as strong as the link between smoking cigarettes and lung cancer — and stronger than other acknowledged public health threats such as the links between not using a condom and sexually transmitted H.I.V., and early exposure to lead and lower I.Q. scores."

The claim that the "correlation"  between violent games and harm (notice they said "harm" like in violence here, not aggression (like becoming angry here). is as strong as the link between smoking and cancer, is complete nonsense not even proven by a single study, it's something anti-gamers like this writer have said over and over again in articles attacking games, but not once has any one else even said it's true. The proof that the studies are all fraudulent and funded by people who want to "change" culture to get rid of violent entertainment, makes them all flawed and not trustworthy in my mind. Any negative bias in the study makes it flawed.  Bias = BAD.

"Regardless of the role violent media played or didn’t play in the tragic Newtown shootings, children are harmed by frequent exposure to movies, video games, music and TV programs that glorify violence. We shouldn’t let the National Rifle Association’s smoke and mirrors, or the urgent need for gun control and effective, readily available mental health services, distract from the problem of media violence."

A little contradictory. Isn't it. this group CCFC is clearly using the tragedy to push their agenda of "stopping" media violence, and this paragraph proves it.  If the the Newtown Shooting did NOT have any contributing  factors from violent games, there is no way that this witch hunt over the violence in games being "examined" by more studies is even needed. But according to them they are still not sure that games caused Newtown. But do they care?

Returning to the quotes from the article on the New York times:

"We need to stop allowing children to be targets for marketing violent media,"

"Violent Media" targets kids? A peice on my other blog debunking 5 big anti-violent games myths completely debunks this claim, which is claim 4 in the peice. Quoting my explaination of how this is a myth:

"This myth is less drastic than the first one, but is still constantly spread around. The truth is this one has been used in many different ways, all claiming violent games are marketed to kids for different reasons. There isn’t one common reason why this is true… But My article on this (here) basically says that the ESRB ratings are often misconstrued as GOVT enforced by people who do the same thing with MPAA ratings.. They are both voluntary ratings and if a store doesn’t enforce them they don’t get in Legal trouble, unlike what the common belief is.  So when you get a biased study like the PTC ‘secret shopper survey’ that says stores sell M rated games to kids 80% of the time, you get people thinking that the industry is marketing games to kids.
The truth is that a recent FTC study says ESRB ratings are even better than MPAA ratings and enforcement in stores… but that doesn’t really disprove the myth…. What does, however is the target demographic of the industry is 18-35 year olds, according to this page. I have heard this on many articles in gaming sites, so I trust it….  If it were 5-9 year olds like all the anti-gamers keep saying then I wouldn’t even try to debunk this… But I have never heard any kind of evidence to support the biased claim that violent games are marketed to kids that isn’t something ridiculous like “violent game ads in our subway”, or “kids in a game store that sells violent  games that could be seen by a kid”, or recently someone on a forum said this great claim “Look at all the Lego games, proof violent games are marketed to kids” after saying that since there were violent game ads ‘everywhere’ the claim must be true. Basically it’s a lie."

Complete idiocy and fearmongering and fake evidence/media lie spreading won't help to fix the issues that caused Newtown. In fact no one has even done any actual medical testing to see what issues Adam Lanza even had (mental illnesses ,etc). It's all scapegoating and nonsense spreading.... It's sick and it needs to stop. The country does NOT need to have an Open Discussion on how violent games "Corrupt" kids by making them violent or want to rape babies. We DONT need more scapegoating!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ralph nader calls gaming companies "Electronic Child Molestors". We're child molestors now. SIGH....

Reading I came across this lovely little article. Apparently Ralph Nader is jumping on the fucking stupid bandwagon started by that preacher I mentioned before in a previous article,  that violent games cause real life child molestation to cause a huge panic that will lead to them getting banned and gamers possibly put on sexual offender's registries...... I quote...

"We are in the peak of [violence in entertainment]. Television program violence? Unbelievable. Video game violence? Unprecedented, I think he should sensitize people that they should protect their children family by family from these kinds of electronic child molesters."

Electronic Child Molesters? I thought that preacher was the only moron saying this... Apparently there ARE other idiots trying to claim that Violent games actually cause child molestation. This is disgusting... There is not one shread of credible evidence, NOT ONE, to prove that violent games have caused child molestation... NOT one child molestation case with a link to violent games, not one school shooter with links to pedophilia, NOT ONE!!!! These claims are complete fabrications being pulled out of people's asses for the sole purpose to cause a moral panic. The preacher before posted his crap on youtube and millions heard. Now Nader echos this statement, a nonsense claim with no proof, whatsoever... I don't have to keep saying the industry does NOT market violent games to fucking 2 year olds, but again I will, ESA did a study that proves that the average age of gamers is 34. Thirty-fucking four..

There is absolutely no proof that video gaming companies are taking advantage of "innocent little children", who are far from innocent, breaking computers, torturing cats, throwing fits, biting random people, you name it!!!  So fucking be it... No one even cares.... But once someone even dares to claim that violent gaming industry is perpetrating pedophilia and child molestation, the nonsense will begin again.

The Oklahoma Legislation and the recent claim by Obama that he will get the CDC to investigate video game violence, will no doubt spiral out of control to mention this Bullshit claim that violent games cause child molestation. There is absolutely no excuse for this. No proof whatsoever. Then billions of anti-gaming groups will do falsified studies to "prove" that violent games cause child molestation, leading to another attempted ban on violent games and more drastic action, like putting all gamers in "brainwashing" camps to get rid of "paedophile" urges that don't exist by cruel treatment, harassment, exhaustion, electroshock therapy and even beating the "urges" out of people. Sounds like a nightmare to me... But it's what these people want!!! Mark my words!!!

I personally know 15 people who have played violent games. NONE of us have ever had the urge to molest children. NONE. Where is this crap coming from? it has to end.... I plan to oppose this by starting at least one petition on This bullshit has gone far enough!!!

Friday, January 18, 2013 petition on media violence... Make sure to sign!!!

There has been a "we the people" petition petitioning the Obama Admin to admit Violent games do not cause violent crimes. It's really important that people who are against this media violence scapegoating bs (gamers,etc) sign this... The petition against SOPA caused the government to get involved to block it. We also need to be vigilant here.... I would suggest all gamers and people who are against bans of violent games and the endless nonsense BS scapegoating, media lies and crappy legislation against video games like the above mentioned video game tax, to sign this.... I can't state the importance of this any more... The petition is linked here...

Thursday, January 17, 2013

More on this rediculous tax on violent games...

So I've been reading up on the really badly written violent games tax bill coming from Missouri. My previous Post goes into it more. It basically levies a 1% tax on all violent games sold in the entire country, giving the proceeds away to "treat" non existant mental illnesses associated with the "exposure to violent games". But much more sinister is it's tax related "personal property" used, consumed or bought in  "this state" (without saying what "this state" is, Missouri or USA). Basically it taxing anyone who is "purchasing",  "using", "storing", or "otherwise" consuming violent games in "this state", to a tune of 1% of all the "personal property" that the person owns. I quote:

"144.1024.  1.  In addition to any other tax provided for by law, there is hereby levied
 upon persons storing, using, or otherwise consuming within this state, tangible personal
 property purchased or brought into this state, an excise tax on the storage, use, or other
 consumption in this state of all violent video games, based on the gross receipts or purchase
 price of such property at a rate of one percent."

Here is the real issue. If someone lives in whatever the blue hell "this state" is, any property in this state would  be have their value added into to the tax on any violent games they buy, use or otherwise consume... Everytime someone buys a violent game they could have to pay up to 100 dollars tax for this. I am not kidding. Here is a spreadsheet which I used to count what I own and it's price according to

The total value is around 5000 dollars. If I tried to buy, play, or store a violent game in "this state", I would have to pay an EXTRA 50 dollars tax each time!!!! That's ridiculous. What this could effect is insane.. Number 1, "this state" is not defined, so it is theoretically possible that It could be abused to prosecute  anyone in the US. Even worse, every time I tried to even play a violent game, I would be required to play 50 dollars again! For people playing games a lot of the day, that could be a 500 dollar charge per run of a violent game. 

Now you could say "this is not enforceable". Not true. All they need to do is stick a keylogger in anyone buying Internet access in "this state" that is designed to look for program names of games run, by screenshotting the desktop so that they can see what "violent" games are being played. Then apply the tax to the person who owns the computer.... It's not as "un-enforceable" as it seems.

Basically this is designed to punish people for merely owning violent games by, A) forcing them to pay obscene amount of money per game bought or played, and B) mandating "Treatment" for people who play violent games... Notice in the law it does not say treatment is only for children playing violent games, it is for anyone "exposed" to them.  The tornado of bullshit is touching down. Contact your senators, it is really important!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Again with the legislation of Morality, the Missouri Game Tax Plan...

So I was looking through and Came up with this lovely article... Basically some Senator or something from Missouri wants to put a 1% tax on violent games that will fund treatment for "mental illnesses associated with exposure to  violent games". Blah. If the whole idea that violent games lead to child molestation brought up "indirectly" by Mr. Holier than Thou  isn't bad enough,  it now turns out that this 1% tax may also tax people who "use" or "consume" violent games in "this state". Read this.. (Section 1024 second page). Whether "this state" means Missouri or USA I don't know... because state can also mean country not one of the states of the US.

Now I need to do the following. I am posting a screenshot of the pdf in case they try to change or delete it which the anti-gamers have done in many cases (hide their evidence, or shut down sites debunking it).

The troubling part is the quoted part of section 1024 but I want to go first into the whole "mental illnesses associated with exposure to violent video games". To put it bluntly.... THERE ARE NONE.. The whole idea that violent video game exposure causes mental illnesses is based solely on a mutated version of 2 claims, the claim that Violent Games cause violence and that school shootings are caused by mental illnesses. The claimer just claimed that violent games cause mental illnesses for an excuse for whatever unethical "treatment" the "state" has for gamers. Now what do I mean by "treatment"...... Brainwashing.

Already mental illnesses are already being treated through military discipline, AKA Drill Instructors screaming, threatening, and abusing people to make them follow orders. This is the kind of "treatment" people like this want!!!  To fund this kind of "treatment" they want to steal tax payer dollars? Number 1, any kind of "military discipline" on any civilian should be outlawed. It involves verbally abusing people, intimidating people, working them till they are exhausted, depriving them of sleep, giving them no rights, then finally beating and/or raping them into submission. In a christian fat camp run with military discipline in Alabama or some other Southern state, several cases of instructors sexually abusing children occurred and it was shut down. Stuff like this doesn't happen in military boot camps but this law was drafted in Missouri. There already is a generation of (mostly) Military Vets that think we "aren't disciplined" enough and want mandatory boot camp for all 10 year olds, even if they aren't in the military, because we are all out of control. These people run their houses just like Military Boot camps complete with the abuse to beat and (maybe, I don't know) rape their children into submission. They want this to happen to everyone? You really want people to be beaten into submission to treat an Illness that doesn't exist. Already in the country electroshock therapy is happening in cases where "mental illness" is diagnosed in people the Bush administration did not like. You want the "next step" to happen to anyone exposed to violent games?
I sure do not. Half of my whole school was and we showed NO sign of violent behavior or mental illnesses. The idea that violent games cause mental illnesses is BS.

Now to get into the Tax Plan in section 1024 once this brainwashing BS is off my chest.  I quote:

"In addition to any other tax provided for by law, there is hereby levied
upon persons storing, using, or otherwise consuming within this state, tangible personal
property purchased or brought into this state, an excise tax on the storage, use, or other
consumption in this state of all violent video games, based on the gross receipts or purchase
price of such property at a rate of one percent."

This seems to enact a tax for merely playing a game in "this state", while being ambiguous on what "this state" actually means, Missouri, Or all of the country. "tangible personal property" means anything someone owns in "this state". Now the real problem is that anyone who brings this "property" into "this state" now has to pay an additional 1% "excise" tax just to "store, use or consume" any or all violent games. 1) How will this be enforced. Will they barge into people's homes and demand daily payment for all the "violent games" used or stored or consumed in any people's homes in Missouri or the USA, which? There is no way in hell that taxing people for doing any of these things is even needed. These people clearly want to get big funds quick and don't care if the entire gaming hobby just dissapears overnight due to  the million of people selling their video games because they can't afford the OBSCENE tax for simply PLAYING a violent game! I wonder if this was drafted to kill off gaming, because I think it would.

What goal do these taxes have? To make the gaming industry die, that's what. What tax would be effective enough for this goal? A) making games so expensive that no one can afford them cutting into the gaming industries? B) taxing all the companies so much that they cannot function without going out of business? or C) Taxing the fans of violent games so much that having them is not worth it so why buy them or even own them? A) won't work unless a 50% tax of violent games at stores is levied. For b) you need a 90% tax or so to affect all gaming companies, but C) which what this bill proposes "indirectly" (make no mistake, this could be abused like crazy to do this), only requires a 1% tax on people who own violent games in "this state".

"This state" (meaning Missouri), is DISGUSTING. Trying to extort money from owners of violent video games to the point where they are bankrupt themselves to "treat" victims of "mental illnesses caused by violent games" which don't exist, is a huge corruption of normal politics that must end.... If you are in Missouri or even in other states I highly recommend talking to your REP's about this. This COULD spiral out of control. DO you really want to owe millions for OWNING a violent game, or be sent to a "correctional facility" for being a gamer?