Thursday, August 8, 2013
I am doing a weekly youtube radio show every week, on topics of video game controversy...
For today and the next 2 days, I am alone in my house, which is not something that usually happens. So I decided to write some new music, and do a lot of videos in a format of a youtube video radio show, talking about debunking nonsense about violent games, talking about any and all video game legislation, media spread nonsense, and any similar topics. It will air on youtube every weekend, on Sunday or the Next Monday (after being recorded the previous night). I will occasionally go into off topic topics here and there, but for the most part, it will be video game controversy related...
Monday, August 5, 2013
Adam Lanza's "Deranged Gamer Scoresheet" A Hoax used to Scapegoat Gamers as Murderers
Ok... This is OLD news,,, From February 2013, But after Mentioning the Hypothetical conspiracy to ban violent games in this country, an old story popped in my head. In the article below, it's said that a huge 7 foot by 4 foot spreadsheet, meticulously detailing tons of different school/mass shootings, going all the way down to what weapons were used, and other little tiny details... Then it goes on to say the following horrible quotes that all link Adam Lanza to Violent Games and "deranged gamers".
" "According to the veteran, Stebbins said the State Police believe Lanza saw the massacre in terms of a video game. It has previously been reported that investigators found "thousands of dollars worth" of violent games in his house.
"They don't believe this was just a spreadsheet," the longtime cop said. "They believe it was a score sheet," and that it was "the work of a video gamer." "
"It's why he didn't want to be killed by law enforcement," said the veteran to the Daily News. "In the code of a gamer, even a deranged gamer like this little bastard, if somebody else kills you, they get your points. They believe that's why he killed himself."
Well you can see where this is going....
Number 1, there is no "Code of the gamer" that says it's preferable to KILL yourself in a game to save your points.... Almost No violent games HAVE points anymore, some do, but NONE that I know of take your points away if you get killed by the opposition, in Multi player, which can only what this is describing, because the whole game ends if you die in single player 99% of the time, and in cases where it doesn't (rare), I can't remember ones where dying made you loose points and the opposition got yours.
Number 2, this whole score sheet thing sounds fake, like the hoaxes I have debunked that are publicized in the Media to make it look like the Shooter was influenced by violent games, things like the "Doom Will become reality Hoax" (debunked here), and the 3 news articles saying a modified version of doom was found on Eric Harris's site with Impossible to do features in 1999 (debunked here). To make things worse, this whole article mentioned above has been Refuted by the REAL police, making it obvious that the quote about the sick gamer and the score sheet are NOT VALID OR REAL, at all.... If the Police claim this score sheet isn't real, then....
Here is an interesting quote from a comments section of an article quoting the original New York Times Article.... Found Here..
"An article I read said this spreadsheet was printed 9 font, on print paper 9 feet long (one article) 7 feet long (another article) and 4 feet wide (both articles). Printers that can do that are usually used for blueprints and drawings. They are very very expensive...sometimes as much as a new sports car...which is why they are rented and usually not bought. The paper goes in the printer in huge rolls and the size is trimmed by the printer, based on document size. Hardly the kind of printer most folks have access to, and I don't see him asking Kinko's to print this out for him. My guess would be that as more people realize that, the size of the print paper will be omitted from future articles. Just sayin...."
Here's the problem. Using the 9 font thing, I found that for the 500 names mentioned in the article
to fit on the 7 foot by 4 foot spreadsheet, the font has to be smaller than 9. Since the font is not mentioned as anything but the 9 font (unlike the dimensions, which vary article to article, suspicious...), we can assume that with a 9 font, based on my monitor size, that 1 foot = 54
rows long, or 18 columns wide. If you multiply 54 by 7 to get the total names listed in this font
size the names come out to 378. So It's IMPOSSIBLE to fit 500 names on this spreadsheet
this way!!! Now try columns. It is even less, 126 or so. IMPOSSIBLE. Add the police refuting this and the variation of size in articles and you get a NEWSPAPER HOAX designed to make it look like gamers are the cause of the school shooting. If you use the 9 foot value, it STILL isn't enough for 500 names to fit on the spreadsheet!!!! Even if Lanza Doubled them up, it would make the data
bigger and the size would be off, so it doesn't matter. It's STILL A hoax... I can't believe no one in the gaming community attacked the Newspaper for this... Seriously!!!
Take Action! Tell your senator NOT to support S. 134!!!
After browsing GamePolitics.com today, I came across this Entertainment Consumers Association Alert regarding the new Video Game Research bill championed by Senator Rockefeller, another blind attempt to research the nonexistent connection between violent games and "harm to children" or "violence in children".... This Bill is a direct threat to our freedoms. I urge anyone who is a gamer to send your Senator a message through the "action alert" link at the bottom of the article to talk to your senator to tell them NOT to support this bill. You can find the Article Here
However, the message ECA is sending does not give the Senators the complete picture. Noticeably missing are the fact that the "link" between Call of Duty and Sandy Hook is a media fabrication, and that groups like the Brown VS EMA Hijackers are probably going to try to sway the CDC or whoever is doing this research into believing utter hoaxes to prove their claims. IF this research is as biased and fraudulent as previous research (a topic I will do a youtube video on soon), then this research is in Danger of being completely fabricated. I urge gamers to use the below message instead. It goes into this problem and the fact the Call of Duty thing is a bogus media fraud.
"Senator Rockefeller has introduced S. 134, the “Violent Content Research Act of 2013.” It calls for a study by the National Academy of Sciences into the connection between video games and violence. We know the answer to that question, because studies have already concluded, including federally funded studies, there is no connection.
• While video game sales have increased globally, violent crime has decreased according to the FBI’s own statistics,
• Countries whose video game spending per capita is more than the United States do not see the level of violence - especially gun violence - that we do.
Those two facts alone show there’s no connection between the two.
Here are more reasons this legislation will achieve little:
• Researchers on both sides of the subject agree that you can’t study violence, only aggression. So there is no way to really come up with answers to the questions posed.
• The charge already has the taint of bias, as the Senator has said he personally believes that there is a connection. Now, no study connected to his worldview will be free of this.
• The CDC has had questionable practices in the past when it comes to studies and their conclusions. They have ignored their own data in past studies and have done so regarding past video game studies.
* No Matter how Questionable the practices of the CDC are there are always groups trying to sway studies and laws relating to Violence in video games. In 2006, during EMA vs Brown, a group from the Midwest (The Eagle Forum) sent in an Amicus Brief that cites known hoaxes such as "Doom Will Become Reality", a phrase supposedly said on Eric Harris's AOL Site, as proof Harris was influenced by Doom only. Only problem is that the site was a fake site according to the FBI. I have severe concerns that a study like this will be hijacked by such groups presenting hoaxes as evidence to sway the CDC. It will tip the Balance forwards the CDC, Severely Biasing the Study.
• No matter the outcome, at least one side will not agree with the conclusions drawn by the study.
• HHS, the FTC and the FCC have been included in this legislation; they have no role in this study and will likely see this as a way to expand their authority, politicizing the issue even more.
• The recent shootings that have occurred have not been by children. More recent such incidents have been gentlemen in their 60s or older.
• An investigation showed there is little evidence recent shooters played video games, and that the claim that they were was a fabrication by the media, especially the sandy hook reports linking Adam Lanza
to the Game "Call of Duty". All of these reports are based on a Tabloid article that did NOT prove that Adam lanza Played Csll of duty, just said his families plumber thought he might have. The Media all cited this non-proof as proof that he did play call of duty, all at once, making up many ideas, that he lived in a basement, that he trained on the game, etc. The Media is known for making up such claims and many fraudulent statements from them about violence in video games go unchecked... The "Doom Will become Reality" hoax listed above was used by the media to demean Doom and similar Games after Columbine.
• This legislation squarely focuses on video games, not including other media children are exposed to.
• There are numerous positive outcomes created by video game play, all of which are ignored by Congress.
• This legislation was proposed without talking to leading experts in the field.
• The legislation ignores past studies, which show that there is no causation between video games and violence, as well as reports by the FBI and the Secret Service that conclude the same thing.
• Congress is ignoring the studies have already been done. Why are we to believe that any conclusion other than what Senator Rockefeller wants will end this subject once and for all?
This study is a waste of taxpayer dollars and will not solve the issue of mass shootings in our country. It is a distraction from finding out the real causes and solutions.
It is within your power to guide this conversation responsibly and not simply blame entertainment. I ask that you represent me, your constituent, by doing so. If you have any questions on this or other similar issues please contact Jennifer Mercurio, the Entertainment Consumers Association’s Vice President and General Counsel, at jenn@theeca.com.
Thank you for your time and consideration."
However, the message ECA is sending does not give the Senators the complete picture. Noticeably missing are the fact that the "link" between Call of Duty and Sandy Hook is a media fabrication, and that groups like the Brown VS EMA Hijackers are probably going to try to sway the CDC or whoever is doing this research into believing utter hoaxes to prove their claims. IF this research is as biased and fraudulent as previous research (a topic I will do a youtube video on soon), then this research is in Danger of being completely fabricated. I urge gamers to use the below message instead. It goes into this problem and the fact the Call of Duty thing is a bogus media fraud.
"Senator Rockefeller has introduced S. 134, the “Violent Content Research Act of 2013.” It calls for a study by the National Academy of Sciences into the connection between video games and violence. We know the answer to that question, because studies have already concluded, including federally funded studies, there is no connection.
• While video game sales have increased globally, violent crime has decreased according to the FBI’s own statistics,
• Countries whose video game spending per capita is more than the United States do not see the level of violence - especially gun violence - that we do.
Those two facts alone show there’s no connection between the two.
Here are more reasons this legislation will achieve little:
• Researchers on both sides of the subject agree that you can’t study violence, only aggression. So there is no way to really come up with answers to the questions posed.
• The charge already has the taint of bias, as the Senator has said he personally believes that there is a connection. Now, no study connected to his worldview will be free of this.
• The CDC has had questionable practices in the past when it comes to studies and their conclusions. They have ignored their own data in past studies and have done so regarding past video game studies.
* No Matter how Questionable the practices of the CDC are there are always groups trying to sway studies and laws relating to Violence in video games. In 2006, during EMA vs Brown, a group from the Midwest (The Eagle Forum) sent in an Amicus Brief that cites known hoaxes such as "Doom Will Become Reality", a phrase supposedly said on Eric Harris's AOL Site, as proof Harris was influenced by Doom only. Only problem is that the site was a fake site according to the FBI. I have severe concerns that a study like this will be hijacked by such groups presenting hoaxes as evidence to sway the CDC. It will tip the Balance forwards the CDC, Severely Biasing the Study.
• No matter the outcome, at least one side will not agree with the conclusions drawn by the study.
• HHS, the FTC and the FCC have been included in this legislation; they have no role in this study and will likely see this as a way to expand their authority, politicizing the issue even more.
• The recent shootings that have occurred have not been by children. More recent such incidents have been gentlemen in their 60s or older.
• An investigation showed there is little evidence recent shooters played video games, and that the claim that they were was a fabrication by the media, especially the sandy hook reports linking Adam Lanza
to the Game "Call of Duty". All of these reports are based on a Tabloid article that did NOT prove that Adam lanza Played Csll of duty, just said his families plumber thought he might have. The Media all cited this non-proof as proof that he did play call of duty, all at once, making up many ideas, that he lived in a basement, that he trained on the game, etc. The Media is known for making up such claims and many fraudulent statements from them about violence in video games go unchecked... The "Doom Will become Reality" hoax listed above was used by the media to demean Doom and similar Games after Columbine.
• This legislation squarely focuses on video games, not including other media children are exposed to.
• There are numerous positive outcomes created by video game play, all of which are ignored by Congress.
• This legislation was proposed without talking to leading experts in the field.
• The legislation ignores past studies, which show that there is no causation between video games and violence, as well as reports by the FBI and the Secret Service that conclude the same thing.
• Congress is ignoring the studies have already been done. Why are we to believe that any conclusion other than what Senator Rockefeller wants will end this subject once and for all?
This study is a waste of taxpayer dollars and will not solve the issue of mass shootings in our country. It is a distraction from finding out the real causes and solutions.
It is within your power to guide this conversation responsibly and not simply blame entertainment. I ask that you represent me, your constituent, by doing so. If you have any questions on this or other similar issues please contact Jennifer Mercurio, the Entertainment Consumers Association’s Vice President and General Counsel, at jenn@theeca.com.
Thank you for your time and consideration."
Sunday, August 4, 2013
I have set up a facebook group to broadcast this blogs messages and my youtube videos... Check it out!!!
Regularly, I do blog posts on this blog attacking nonsense spread about violent games. I do youtube videos once a Night during a time when I am thinking a lot about this stuff, or during a gaming related moral panic. I need a place to broadcast this stuff, hopefully to a bigger audience. That's why I created a facebook group to host this stuff, it's called "Gamers Against Moral Panics". Any and all news in this whole category will be broadcasted on this page... Check it out here... If you like what this blog posts, please like the page on facebook. Thank you...
Is The Government Covering up Lies the Media Spread about Doom after Columbine?
One of the ideas that I keep bringing up to back this up is that articles making up utter bullshit about Doom, and how these news pages linking this have been mysteriously taken down!!! Basically there are 3 articles that claim Harris modified doom to train for the school shooting on. But the modified version of doom was proven by me to be completely false... But since then the sites hosting the 3 articles online have been Mysteriously shutting down......
Here is a site that used to host an article, the second on of the 3 with the most faked features supposedly found in the article. Now the site is no longer there:
Now, here is what is left of a site that used to host the times news article that started this whole thing. It's now mysteriously shut down..... Is this evidence of a coverup?
Going into the features of the modified version of doom, I have proven it could not have possibly been real... Doom simply could NOT do the features the described in 1999. The weird thing is that the more you look into the claims you start seeing tons and tons of little inconsistencies that make it seem like a bunch of people were spreading anti-doom rhetoric (tm). According to the articles, the hate site tracking group found the fake doom on his Website. But the following article claims the person mentioned from the group found it on his computer..... What the hell... Are they in on the possible conspiracy to try to get games banned using fake evidence to cause an outcry and government intervention? I don't know but... It's very suspicious....
Notice how the top article's image says the the modified version of doom on was found on his PC. And it didn't even say it was a modified version, it wasn't even made clear. Below it says that the same group found it on his website. Which is true? Which is false? Are they both false like I suspect? I don't know... But it's very suspicious that nonsense like this, was cited in over 100 different "attack sites" all bringing it up as proof that doom either was a factor or a cause for the school shooting, even thought the version of doom mentioned is not real. Later on, these articles claims were used against violent games in Brown VS EMA in a right wing anti-violent games group's Amicus brief, filled with other major lies such as video games break down the inhibition to kill (debunked here), that Cornell learned how to shoot from doom, and doom only and other similar things (debunked here). and then later the sites hosting the articles, long after I started my debunking on them, started mysteriously going down. I think there is a coverup going on but I can't prove it. It's just very suspicious to me.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Massachussets Apparently trying to Ban Violent Games, to adults as well.....
So after going to gamepolitics.com last night, I looked in the
legislation tab to see if any state had drafted Anti-Violent Game
Legislation. Surprisingly, My own state of Massachusetts, was among
those states, that drafted draconian anti-video game bills within the
last 6 years. Back in 2007, HB 1423 was drafted, it would apparently
"restrict violent games to minors", but that's not all... No No...
That's not all..
The Bill is so ridiculously draconian that is scares me just as much as the Bill that California Drafted that got Defeated for Unconstitutionality in Brown VS EMA. Like that bill, this one uses the greatly subjective obscenity clause to determine what games would be restricted.... Basically, if the game is offensive to the public, and the judges of the content find it lacks scientific, educational, or literary value, it would be restricted. The problem is if a game is so offensive that it offends the Judges (it seems any violent game with gore would do this, hell even guns in a game offended a co-worker years ago, Doom none the less), they would be so offended that they would say it lacks those values anyway, and therefore would use it against the game and then restrict it to minors.
The real issue is not this but the fact that it uses the restrict word in the wrong way, or in an unclear way. Restrict means to " to confine or keep within certain often specified limits or selected bounds" according to an online dictionary, so if you use this definition, the bill makes it illegal to sell games to adults now.... Even worse, the bill fails to even mention the punishments, who will judge the games, punishment (if any) for false judgement based on faked evidence or incorrect evidence or abuse of the judging process. Even if these issues are my imagination, it still uses a subjective system to determine what games are restricted and what ones aren't. How would the stores know which ones not to sell.... Like Brown VS EMA, they might end up taking all games off the shelves to prevent losses or lawsuits coming from violations of the law. So therefore this bill would create an effective ban because since stores don't know what games get restricted till to late, they then end up having to take ALL violent games off the shelves to prevent damages, especially if the bill is abused..
Text of the Bill in question for people wanting to read it In case it gets deleted later for any reason. (a lot of the stuff like this gets deleted suddenly, as of late anyway, such as the Brown vs EMA Amicus Brief, etc)

As of now the Bill is in the House Committee being stalled, but who knows for how long? This could come to bite my state and my freedom of choices in the Ass later. I am an Adult! I have the right to choose WHAT GAMES I Buy. I don't want this bill to backfire and make retailers get rid of violent games in fear like it could. And since I use online retailers mostly now, who knows how it will effect online retailers in MA, or the gaming industry here. This could be, in theory, Disastrous for gaming in my state.....
This is MY STATE we are talking about here... We don't do shit like this, uber save the children conservative nonsense here. Not till one of the hack psychologists crazy unproven theories invaded the minds of people like our Mayor, did this nonsense start, with the Banning of GTA ads on subway systems that don't have kids in them anyway (from my experience, their too dangerous for kids)... IF our Mayor ends up allowing this to pass, I will fight it tooth and nail with regular emails to ALL the Representatives and Senators in my State.... I won't let this go quietly and with out opportunity. I will start a campaign to get people to write EVERYONE in office in MA to oppose this and hopefully it will flood their Mailboxes so bad that they find it unconstitutional.
As of now, the bill is in committee, and who knows if it will be taken out for a vote anytime soon. But still I urge ALL Gamers in Massachusetts to email the Rep's about this. This is danger waiting to happen for Gaming here... Don't let this pass, gamers, spread the message, email your Rep's, send the message below to them to make them see that this is WRONG!!!
Text to email (please us this, don't write your own)
"As your constituent and as an avid Video Game fan, and also as an anti-censorship person, I oppose HB 1423 due to it's vague use of the phrase "restricting" in it's text, and other issues. I know this is an old bill, but according to gamepolitics.com, it's still being worked on, and hasn't completely died, according to them.It claims to be a bill that will restrict Sales of certain violent video games to adults, but when I didgoogle searches for similar bills in other states, only a few were restrict to adults type bills. Many were ills to restrict violent games to children... Since I oppose any form of Censorship, I immediately looked at the Bill's text, and compared it to others in other states. When looking up the definition of Restrict online, It seems this bill is actually designed to Restrict sales of violent games to adults, as in a ban of violent games to adults only. Since the bill's text is so vague, there is no part that clearly states "stores must not sell games to minors", so which way is it? Banning games from being sold to minors, or to Adults.... Based on other bills, it looks like the writer of such a bill Purposely left it out to abuse it for such a purpose, to make it illegal for stores to even sell games to adults.... Thus killing the video game industry in this state.
Other issues I have with it, are how it uses an incredibly biased Obscenity clause that states that if thegame is lacks scientific, literary, or educational value for minors, it is harmful to minors and can't besold, but since the the people who are deciding this (which it does not state), could simply use theirstandards of what offends them, they can simply say that the game offends them, so therefore it lacks those standards, and ban it to adults or children.... I feel Indecency and obscenity clauses are to vague and subjective to use as a test of what should be restricted, banned or both... It's too easy for someone else to abuse this, and IMHO, that's why the author wrote this bill to get an "effective ban" in MA passed... I just wanted to share my concerns..."
The Bill is so ridiculously draconian that is scares me just as much as the Bill that California Drafted that got Defeated for Unconstitutionality in Brown VS EMA. Like that bill, this one uses the greatly subjective obscenity clause to determine what games would be restricted.... Basically, if the game is offensive to the public, and the judges of the content find it lacks scientific, educational, or literary value, it would be restricted. The problem is if a game is so offensive that it offends the Judges (it seems any violent game with gore would do this, hell even guns in a game offended a co-worker years ago, Doom none the less), they would be so offended that they would say it lacks those values anyway, and therefore would use it against the game and then restrict it to minors.
The real issue is not this but the fact that it uses the restrict word in the wrong way, or in an unclear way. Restrict means to " to confine or keep within certain often specified limits or selected bounds" according to an online dictionary, so if you use this definition, the bill makes it illegal to sell games to adults now.... Even worse, the bill fails to even mention the punishments, who will judge the games, punishment (if any) for false judgement based on faked evidence or incorrect evidence or abuse of the judging process. Even if these issues are my imagination, it still uses a subjective system to determine what games are restricted and what ones aren't. How would the stores know which ones not to sell.... Like Brown VS EMA, they might end up taking all games off the shelves to prevent losses or lawsuits coming from violations of the law. So therefore this bill would create an effective ban because since stores don't know what games get restricted till to late, they then end up having to take ALL violent games off the shelves to prevent damages, especially if the bill is abused..
Text of the Bill in question for people wanting to read it In case it gets deleted later for any reason. (a lot of the stuff like this gets deleted suddenly, as of late anyway, such as the Brown vs EMA Amicus Brief, etc)

As of now the Bill is in the House Committee being stalled, but who knows for how long? This could come to bite my state and my freedom of choices in the Ass later. I am an Adult! I have the right to choose WHAT GAMES I Buy. I don't want this bill to backfire and make retailers get rid of violent games in fear like it could. And since I use online retailers mostly now, who knows how it will effect online retailers in MA, or the gaming industry here. This could be, in theory, Disastrous for gaming in my state.....
This is MY STATE we are talking about here... We don't do shit like this, uber save the children conservative nonsense here. Not till one of the hack psychologists crazy unproven theories invaded the minds of people like our Mayor, did this nonsense start, with the Banning of GTA ads on subway systems that don't have kids in them anyway (from my experience, their too dangerous for kids)... IF our Mayor ends up allowing this to pass, I will fight it tooth and nail with regular emails to ALL the Representatives and Senators in my State.... I won't let this go quietly and with out opportunity. I will start a campaign to get people to write EVERYONE in office in MA to oppose this and hopefully it will flood their Mailboxes so bad that they find it unconstitutional.
As of now, the bill is in committee, and who knows if it will be taken out for a vote anytime soon. But still I urge ALL Gamers in Massachusetts to email the Rep's about this. This is danger waiting to happen for Gaming here... Don't let this pass, gamers, spread the message, email your Rep's, send the message below to them to make them see that this is WRONG!!!
Text to email (please us this, don't write your own)
"As your constituent and as an avid Video Game fan, and also as an anti-censorship person, I oppose HB 1423 due to it's vague use of the phrase "restricting" in it's text, and other issues. I know this is an old bill, but according to gamepolitics.com, it's still being worked on, and hasn't completely died, according to them.It claims to be a bill that will restrict Sales of certain violent video games to adults, but when I didgoogle searches for similar bills in other states, only a few were restrict to adults type bills. Many were ills to restrict violent games to children... Since I oppose any form of Censorship, I immediately looked at the Bill's text, and compared it to others in other states. When looking up the definition of Restrict online, It seems this bill is actually designed to Restrict sales of violent games to adults, as in a ban of violent games to adults only. Since the bill's text is so vague, there is no part that clearly states "stores must not sell games to minors", so which way is it? Banning games from being sold to minors, or to Adults.... Based on other bills, it looks like the writer of such a bill Purposely left it out to abuse it for such a purpose, to make it illegal for stores to even sell games to adults.... Thus killing the video game industry in this state.
Other issues I have with it, are how it uses an incredibly biased Obscenity clause that states that if thegame is lacks scientific, literary, or educational value for minors, it is harmful to minors and can't besold, but since the the people who are deciding this (which it does not state), could simply use theirstandards of what offends them, they can simply say that the game offends them, so therefore it lacks those standards, and ban it to adults or children.... I feel Indecency and obscenity clauses are to vague and subjective to use as a test of what should be restricted, banned or both... It's too easy for someone else to abuse this, and IMHO, that's why the author wrote this bill to get an "effective ban" in MA passed... I just wanted to share my concerns..."
Friday, August 2, 2013
Conspiracy to Ban violent games by our government is a REALITY!!!!!!
I am writing this article to express what I have been thinking behind the scenes of this war against violence in entertainment for years... I have been collecting evidence, looking at claims, even going deep inside conspiracy theory circles on Sandy Hook, Columbine, Marathon Bombing and more. Until Sandy Hook, I never believed one shred of the conspiracy nonsense, but now I don't know what I believe.... But I still believe one thing that is quite controversial and it's based on tons of backed up evidence... That there is a conspiracy in this government going on since 1997 to get violent games banned after a massacre happens using fake evidence, media yellow journalism, government intervention, dozens of not to be trusted studies, and other things as well. It's a reality to me and I want to explain why I believe this, and why you should to. Especially if you are a gamer.
Lets start at the crimes themselves that lead to moral panics surrounding youth violence and entertainment violence, columbine and sandy hook especially. Marathon bombing and aurora aren't so big in this but there have been one or two people spreading lies after them so they are in the background. If you look behind the scenes, ignoring ALL the media's claims about such crimes and go to conspiracy circles, you get tons of evidence to suggest such crimes are engineered. This helps to link this to a conspiracy but doesn't proof it's part of the conspiracy. In Sandy Hook's case, it's been proven by the Social security that Adam lanza died 1 day before the massacre. What would this mean for the idea of a conspiracy, well, for one thing, if what social security says IS true, it makes it IMPOSSIBLE for Lanza to be the killer, so someone else must be the killer instead... So since this someone else hasn't even been investigated AT ALL by the government after the killing (they REFUSE to investigate the possibility of the governments involvement), we have to assume they are in on it. In columbine's case, there are TONS of student evidence to suggest more than Harris and Klebold were involved, at least 6 other people where never caught in columbine... A white man throwing bombs, a man with acne that does not look like either of the reported shooters, and more. Who are these people? Since the government never once investigated this, and the FBI has been proven to withhold evidence on the crime, how do we know the government isn't involved in this at all. In sandy hooks case, there is also a claim of a second shooter, the police "investigated" but this guy was let go later. All of this leads to the possibility the government is involved in BOTH crimes....
But the real proof of the conspiracy lies somewhere else, in the investigation of nonsense spread after the school shootings themselves by both known and Unknown parties. This nonsense is almost always of an anti-gaming nature, making it look like the shooter was solely influenced by violent games. I did several articles discussing hoaxes perpetrated by unknown parties that seem to be used to cause an outcry against violent games and even in the Supreme court to hijack EMA vs Brown. Such hoaxes are quite devious and NO one has even investigated and punished the perpetrators of these, especially the "Doom will become Reality" hoax. Supposedly Harris Said Doom Will Become Reality on his website. But the page was not his site, it was uploaded on April 21, 1999, one day after the massacre and It was proven by the FBI to be Fake later. But the sheer amount of attack sites, sites ran by extremist groups, all hell bent on making violent games look bad after columbine, Especially Doom, have used this claim as proof that doom caused Columbine. Later on a news article on some website said this site was not Harris's Real AOL page but a fake page, but later on this site was simply taken off line!! A coverup?
Even more Sinister, the Conspiracy idea is brought further to light with the Newspaper articles of 1999 that claim Harris modified Doom to use in training for the massacre. Three articles all basically said the same basic premise, A Hate site tracking group found a modified version of Doom on harris's Site. But each article had different, contradictory features, some not even possible to even Do in Doom in 1999. One said that this modified version had 2 shooters, infinite ammo, and the first shooter who ran out of Ammo died first (An Impossibility to do with doom in 1999!), another article took this last part out and claimed the version had infinite weapons, ammo, 2 shooters, and begging students saying a quote. Then Denverpost ran a similar article without these modified features mentioned but the quote was Changed, and the way it was said was also changed, but all three articles mention the same hate site tracking group, even going so far to quote their members, but when I did searches for this groups corroboration of this version on their website, I could not find it!
My article on this goes into this in more detail for people who are more interested in this part. It's a long read but interesting anyway.. The real issue, is like the "Doom Will become Reality" Hoax, this has also been used on dozens of dozens of attack sites to demean the industry after the Industry, even though it's fake! It was also used in the EMA vs Brown Hijacking mentioned above as well.
Doing research into the nonsense studies that attempt to prove violent games cause real life violence, you get evidence of groups like the Center for Successful Parenting wanting to "change" culture to get rid of the violence (to ban it really), and earlier studies had .PDF files online that mentioned previous studies had used Electroshock therapy to bias their results, only on the kids who played violent games in the study to boot. But later on, searching for this .PDF file in the same exact search, showed that it was deleted! So was the Amicus Brief that cited the 2 hoaxes. It was taken down too, the link that worked during Brown VS EMA, all of the sudden was taken down and there was no way to back up the claim that they used fake evidence besides my own blog saying it was. I never even bothered screenshotting the Amicus brief in question, not knowing it would be taken down. Conspiracy?
In Sandy Hook's case the Media nonsense was almost as bad. Right after the massacre, Adam Lanza's brother Ryan was identified as the shooter. When he supposedly liked Mass Effect's Page on Facebook, a bunch of Religious Zealot trolls attacked the site to try to flood it in an attempt to take it down while harassing gamers with religious hate threats ("Burn in hell", etc). The thing is none of these trolls are even on Facebook, I checked, looking for any of these attackers, and ALL Their accounts were nonexistent. It's like a certain mid western religious zealot/pro family/anti freedom/gaming group used a bunch of fake accounts to take down Mass Effect's Site..... No investigation was done into this.... More Ammo to prove a Conspiracy.
Even after that, when the guardian, a tabloid from England ran an article that Attempted to prove that Adam Lanza Played Call of Duty , but Failed, despite this failure, dozens of dozens of newspapers quoted the article as Proof he played COD, all at once, like 50 in one day!!!!
Then you get into what I call the Tornado of Bullshit, a never ending cycle of nonsense that seems to be brought up over and over again by the media, the government and others, that always seems to fuel censorship or violent games legislation. Here is a diagram to show this off:
In this diagram the same thing seems to happen over and over again...
A) A school shooting happens, it is blamed on Violent games
B) Fake evidence such as the hoaxes, is used to "prove it", hack psychologists go on talk shows
and say violent games are used to break down the inhibition to kill, (a Lie)
C) Hoaxes get debunked but sites get mysteriously shut down later
D) Public Outcry Happens
E) The Government gets involved and demands changes
F) Unknown parties instigate "Evidence Gathering Campaigns" against gaming sites, to prove gamers get violent for the things to come. Tactics such as harassment, abuse, threatening their lives while using fake names happen. This leads to fake evidence being gathered using abusive tactics.
G) Senate Hearings happen.
H) Studies are done to link violent games to aggression
I) Hack psychologists claim these studies prove "Violence!" not aggression
J) More Public Outcry,
K) More Senate Outcry, this time legislation is brought up
L) Legislation fails and goes to the supreme court
M) The Hoaxes are used to sway the justices by pro family/anti-gaming groups
N) The justices find the law unconstitutional...
O) Now the hack psychologists call gamers druggies and sociopaths
P) Other fake "media violence experts" lie and say their life is being threatened
Q) More public outcry, more fake evidence, more Legislation!
In this conspiracy theory, who is involved? Good Question..... The government is part of this but they are far from the only people... Any news writer mentioning fake evidence is definitely in on this, that includes the writers of the 3 articles that claimed a fake version of doom was found on Harris's site. Any public outcry group that uses fake evidence against games, is possibly involved (depends on if they know it's fake or not, doesn't it?). Then the right wing zealot groups who tried to hijack Brown vs Ema, they are definitely part of this... Anyone who takes part in evidence gathering campaigns or Video game Slander attack campaigns like the Facebook Mass Effect BS trolling mentioned above is probably involved.... In the Denverpost.com forum debacle linked in the Evidence Gathering Campaign link above, the Email Services (justicemail), the Forum itself, the thread the forum took place on, the post the troll posted claiming he had found evidence that the gamers get violent (by our responses), all of this got mysteriously deleted no more than 3 years later... Conspiracy? I say YES!!!!
What does this mean for the future of gaming... It's not good, that's for sure.... Every time a school shooting happens and "proof" is found the shooter like violent games, be wary of it. Most of the time it's fabricated, made up proof, part of a much bigger scheme.... I don't trust any site claiming to show a link between a school shooter, and a motive involving video games making him commit the crime, such evidence such as the hoaxes are just that, Nonsense hoaxes perpetrated by the people involved in this conspiracy to fuck with our freedoms... Who knows if the real perpetrators of Sandy Hook, Columbine (?), Marathon Bombings, etc, are in on it too. Those are brought up to make people think before I went into the meat of the article, proof of a coverup, the first step to prove a conspiracy... I'm not sure myself if Columbine was a false flag, or if Sandy Hook Was, but if the evidence Social Security has given was NOT a mistake on their part, then it MUST BE.... And people must act... How they must act is dependant of the future events attacking violent games in the Media, the Government etc.... Don't let the Administration fake evidence to make violent games look like a Culprit if PROOF has been found Lanza died 1 day before... IMHO, Taking away violent games is part of a much bigger conspiracy to control our minds. Also part of this is constant boot camp style brainwashing done at a lower but not friendly intensity to make people perfectly loyal, controlled subjects during the Education process from 2nd grade till the graduate college. Gaming, Sexuality, Music, Entertainment, Our right to get third party music (what RIAA is fighting), Our right to bear arms, our right to privacy, our right to fair and legal justice (their is none anymore, murderers get off and innocents like Aaron Swartz are put to death every day for crimes they did not commit), all of this goes against control. All of it. So it's a no brainier, that if they are conspiring to control us all, why would they NOT conspire to get rid of stuff that makes it harder for them to do that in the first place?
Lets start at the crimes themselves that lead to moral panics surrounding youth violence and entertainment violence, columbine and sandy hook especially. Marathon bombing and aurora aren't so big in this but there have been one or two people spreading lies after them so they are in the background. If you look behind the scenes, ignoring ALL the media's claims about such crimes and go to conspiracy circles, you get tons of evidence to suggest such crimes are engineered. This helps to link this to a conspiracy but doesn't proof it's part of the conspiracy. In Sandy Hook's case, it's been proven by the Social security that Adam lanza died 1 day before the massacre. What would this mean for the idea of a conspiracy, well, for one thing, if what social security says IS true, it makes it IMPOSSIBLE for Lanza to be the killer, so someone else must be the killer instead... So since this someone else hasn't even been investigated AT ALL by the government after the killing (they REFUSE to investigate the possibility of the governments involvement), we have to assume they are in on it. In columbine's case, there are TONS of student evidence to suggest more than Harris and Klebold were involved, at least 6 other people where never caught in columbine... A white man throwing bombs, a man with acne that does not look like either of the reported shooters, and more. Who are these people? Since the government never once investigated this, and the FBI has been proven to withhold evidence on the crime, how do we know the government isn't involved in this at all. In sandy hooks case, there is also a claim of a second shooter, the police "investigated" but this guy was let go later. All of this leads to the possibility the government is involved in BOTH crimes....
But the real proof of the conspiracy lies somewhere else, in the investigation of nonsense spread after the school shootings themselves by both known and Unknown parties. This nonsense is almost always of an anti-gaming nature, making it look like the shooter was solely influenced by violent games. I did several articles discussing hoaxes perpetrated by unknown parties that seem to be used to cause an outcry against violent games and even in the Supreme court to hijack EMA vs Brown. Such hoaxes are quite devious and NO one has even investigated and punished the perpetrators of these, especially the "Doom will become Reality" hoax. Supposedly Harris Said Doom Will Become Reality on his website. But the page was not his site, it was uploaded on April 21, 1999, one day after the massacre and It was proven by the FBI to be Fake later. But the sheer amount of attack sites, sites ran by extremist groups, all hell bent on making violent games look bad after columbine, Especially Doom, have used this claim as proof that doom caused Columbine. Later on a news article on some website said this site was not Harris's Real AOL page but a fake page, but later on this site was simply taken off line!! A coverup?
Even more Sinister, the Conspiracy idea is brought further to light with the Newspaper articles of 1999 that claim Harris modified Doom to use in training for the massacre. Three articles all basically said the same basic premise, A Hate site tracking group found a modified version of Doom on harris's Site. But each article had different, contradictory features, some not even possible to even Do in Doom in 1999. One said that this modified version had 2 shooters, infinite ammo, and the first shooter who ran out of Ammo died first (An Impossibility to do with doom in 1999!), another article took this last part out and claimed the version had infinite weapons, ammo, 2 shooters, and begging students saying a quote. Then Denverpost ran a similar article without these modified features mentioned but the quote was Changed, and the way it was said was also changed, but all three articles mention the same hate site tracking group, even going so far to quote their members, but when I did searches for this groups corroboration of this version on their website, I could not find it!
My article on this goes into this in more detail for people who are more interested in this part. It's a long read but interesting anyway.. The real issue, is like the "Doom Will become Reality" Hoax, this has also been used on dozens of dozens of attack sites to demean the industry after the Industry, even though it's fake! It was also used in the EMA vs Brown Hijacking mentioned above as well.
Doing research into the nonsense studies that attempt to prove violent games cause real life violence, you get evidence of groups like the Center for Successful Parenting wanting to "change" culture to get rid of the violence (to ban it really), and earlier studies had .PDF files online that mentioned previous studies had used Electroshock therapy to bias their results, only on the kids who played violent games in the study to boot. But later on, searching for this .PDF file in the same exact search, showed that it was deleted! So was the Amicus Brief that cited the 2 hoaxes. It was taken down too, the link that worked during Brown VS EMA, all of the sudden was taken down and there was no way to back up the claim that they used fake evidence besides my own blog saying it was. I never even bothered screenshotting the Amicus brief in question, not knowing it would be taken down. Conspiracy?
In Sandy Hook's case the Media nonsense was almost as bad. Right after the massacre, Adam Lanza's brother Ryan was identified as the shooter. When he supposedly liked Mass Effect's Page on Facebook, a bunch of Religious Zealot trolls attacked the site to try to flood it in an attempt to take it down while harassing gamers with religious hate threats ("Burn in hell", etc). The thing is none of these trolls are even on Facebook, I checked, looking for any of these attackers, and ALL Their accounts were nonexistent. It's like a certain mid western religious zealot/pro family/anti freedom/gaming group used a bunch of fake accounts to take down Mass Effect's Site..... No investigation was done into this.... More Ammo to prove a Conspiracy.
Even after that, when the guardian, a tabloid from England ran an article that Attempted to prove that Adam Lanza Played Call of Duty , but Failed, despite this failure, dozens of dozens of newspapers quoted the article as Proof he played COD, all at once, like 50 in one day!!!!
Then you get into what I call the Tornado of Bullshit, a never ending cycle of nonsense that seems to be brought up over and over again by the media, the government and others, that always seems to fuel censorship or violent games legislation. Here is a diagram to show this off:
In this diagram the same thing seems to happen over and over again...
A) A school shooting happens, it is blamed on Violent games
B) Fake evidence such as the hoaxes, is used to "prove it", hack psychologists go on talk shows
and say violent games are used to break down the inhibition to kill, (a Lie)
C) Hoaxes get debunked but sites get mysteriously shut down later
D) Public Outcry Happens
E) The Government gets involved and demands changes
F) Unknown parties instigate "Evidence Gathering Campaigns" against gaming sites, to prove gamers get violent for the things to come. Tactics such as harassment, abuse, threatening their lives while using fake names happen. This leads to fake evidence being gathered using abusive tactics.
G) Senate Hearings happen.
H) Studies are done to link violent games to aggression
I) Hack psychologists claim these studies prove "Violence!" not aggression
J) More Public Outcry,
K) More Senate Outcry, this time legislation is brought up
L) Legislation fails and goes to the supreme court
M) The Hoaxes are used to sway the justices by pro family/anti-gaming groups
N) The justices find the law unconstitutional...
O) Now the hack psychologists call gamers druggies and sociopaths
P) Other fake "media violence experts" lie and say their life is being threatened
Q) More public outcry, more fake evidence, more Legislation!
In this conspiracy theory, who is involved? Good Question..... The government is part of this but they are far from the only people... Any news writer mentioning fake evidence is definitely in on this, that includes the writers of the 3 articles that claimed a fake version of doom was found on Harris's site. Any public outcry group that uses fake evidence against games, is possibly involved (depends on if they know it's fake or not, doesn't it?). Then the right wing zealot groups who tried to hijack Brown vs Ema, they are definitely part of this... Anyone who takes part in evidence gathering campaigns or Video game Slander attack campaigns like the Facebook Mass Effect BS trolling mentioned above is probably involved.... In the Denverpost.com forum debacle linked in the Evidence Gathering Campaign link above, the Email Services (justicemail), the Forum itself, the thread the forum took place on, the post the troll posted claiming he had found evidence that the gamers get violent (by our responses), all of this got mysteriously deleted no more than 3 years later... Conspiracy? I say YES!!!!
What does this mean for the future of gaming... It's not good, that's for sure.... Every time a school shooting happens and "proof" is found the shooter like violent games, be wary of it. Most of the time it's fabricated, made up proof, part of a much bigger scheme.... I don't trust any site claiming to show a link between a school shooter, and a motive involving video games making him commit the crime, such evidence such as the hoaxes are just that, Nonsense hoaxes perpetrated by the people involved in this conspiracy to fuck with our freedoms... Who knows if the real perpetrators of Sandy Hook, Columbine (?), Marathon Bombings, etc, are in on it too. Those are brought up to make people think before I went into the meat of the article, proof of a coverup, the first step to prove a conspiracy... I'm not sure myself if Columbine was a false flag, or if Sandy Hook Was, but if the evidence Social Security has given was NOT a mistake on their part, then it MUST BE.... And people must act... How they must act is dependant of the future events attacking violent games in the Media, the Government etc.... Don't let the Administration fake evidence to make violent games look like a Culprit if PROOF has been found Lanza died 1 day before... IMHO, Taking away violent games is part of a much bigger conspiracy to control our minds. Also part of this is constant boot camp style brainwashing done at a lower but not friendly intensity to make people perfectly loyal, controlled subjects during the Education process from 2nd grade till the graduate college. Gaming, Sexuality, Music, Entertainment, Our right to get third party music (what RIAA is fighting), Our right to bear arms, our right to privacy, our right to fair and legal justice (their is none anymore, murderers get off and innocents like Aaron Swartz are put to death every day for crimes they did not commit), all of this goes against control. All of it. So it's a no brainier, that if they are conspiring to control us all, why would they NOT conspire to get rid of stuff that makes it harder for them to do that in the first place?
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